Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:Treatment to Orphan in Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist and in Islamic Teaching

1.1 Background of the Study What people normally understand about
literature is the appealing to the imagination
and to the emotion of the readers. It means that it gives the reader a certain pleasure and certain satisfaction.
Zubair (2005: 2) states that literature is a reflection of cultural environment and
dialectical text between author and social condition where it is made, or an explanation
of a dialectical history developed in literary
work. Literary work is a unique phenomenon, inside of it is full of meanings and functions. The meaning and the
function are often in obscure thing.
Therefore, literary work seems
the reflection of imagination. Concerning with it, the researcher of literary work has duty to
reveal that obscure thing to the brief one.
They should appear basic elements of the literary formation and interprets base on the theory used (Endraswara, 2003: 7).
By the reflection of those statements
the researcher tries to appeal the obscure thing in literary work based on the theory which used by the researcher.
Concerning with this literary work, the
researcher focused in analyzing the novel Oliver Twistby Charles Dickens in which the researcher will explain about the
novel Oliver Twistby Charles Dickens and
the method of the analysis used by the researcher, the reason of the researcher
choose the novel Oliver Twistby Charles
Dickens, and the factor that motivates the
researcher in doing this analysis.
xiv Oliver Twistby Charles
Dickens is a novel that tells about the orphan’s life, it is the reflection of Oliver Twist’s life;
he is born into a life of poverty and misfortune
in the workhouse in an unnamed town within a 75 mile radius of London.
Connor states in Oliver Twistby Charles Dickens that Oliver Twistis a book that you can never be quite certain of
never having read. So well known are its characters, and so much a part of the
collective imagination of English speaking
cultures are many of its scenes; Oliver in the workhouse asking for more, the thieves in Fagin group, Sikes
murdering Nancy, and Fagin in the condemned
cell, that the readers now must always come to the text prepared and predisposed by the mythology which the text
has generated over the century and a half
since its first appearance.
Considering this, the researcher
is interested in analyzing Oliver Twistby Charles Dickens focused to the main character
Oliver Twist as the orphan boy, in which
the researcher wants to compare the treatment of the society to the orphan at that time and the treatment to orphan’s
life in Islamic teaching of Ibnu Katsir interpretation
overview. To show an optimal result the researcher uses comparative literature as the method of
analyzing the comparison between the treatment
to orphan in Oliver Twistby Charles Dickens and the treatment to orphan in Islamic teaching of Ibnu
Katsirinterpretation. According to Guillen (1993:2) comparative approach is the awareness
of certain tensions existing between the
local and the universal or between the particular and general, it is worthwhile to emphasize these conceptual to
different situation: between the specific
circumstances and the world, between present and absent, what I and xv whatever is alien to it, what is and what
should be, and what exist today and what is eternal. It shows that: comparative
literature is try to find the influence of literary work to another literary work or
another study, to determine literary work weather original or not in literature study,
to loose the impressive that national literary
work is more competent than others (whereas every community of society has literature tradition which contains
different values), and also to find the similarity
of culture which is reflected in the literary work to another literary work. The orphan’s life in Oliver Twistby
Charles Dickens and in Islamic teaching
of Ibnu Katsir’sinterpretation is in different situation and also different culture. Therefore, the researcher purposes to
find out the similarities and differences
culture which is reflected in each works.
The interesting aspect of the
novel Oliver Twistby Charles Dickens which makes the researcher analyze this research is
because most of previous researchers which
research the novel Oliver Twistby Charles Dickens are tend to the social condition in his life. Therefore, the
researcher needs to investigate more about Oliver Twist as the orphan boy in how he gets
a treatment from the society, then the
researcher distinguish it with the treatment to orphan in Islamic teaching according to Ibnu Katsirinterpretation
overview. Dealing with this case, the researcher
aims to show a discourse about the similarities and differences on the treatment to orphan in Oliver Twistby Charles
Dickens and treatment to orphan in Islamic
teaching of Ibnu Katsirinterpretation. It concerns with orphan’s life reflected by Oliver Twist in Charles Dickens’s
novel and orphan’s life in Islamic teaching
according to Ibnu Katsirinterpretation. Charles Dickens (1812-1870) is xvi the
greatest novelist in an age rich in novelist, his first success in the year
before Victoria’s accession, and his
career period almost exactly the first half of her reign. Pickwick Papers, probably the most
successful fictional debut. As if in reaction
against Pickwick’s high spirit, his next great success, Oliver
Twist(1837-1838), he is not just the representative of childhood, but a symbol
of all suffering humanity. When he
escapes, it is to the criminal slums of London, into a thieves’ and prostitutes’ gang run by the Jew Fagin: a
terrible world, but one with an energy
and warmth about it that makes us wonder if it is not preferable to the workhouse
(Bernard, 1984: 107).
Ibnu Katsir is a scientist and
Muslim intellectual. He is born in Busra 1301 and passes away in Damaskus 1372. His first
teacher is Burhanuddin al-Fazari (an
intellectual muslim of Mazhab syafi’I’s follower). He learned many sciences from Ibnu Taymiyyah in Damaskus and Ibnu
al-Qayyim. Ibnu Katsir writes the popular
interpretation of Al Qur’an namely Ibnu Katsirinterpretation. Now days, this interpretation is so popular and often
used in the world of Islam. In interpretation studies, his expert is admired
by many people. In 1366, Ibnu Katsir is become the professor by Governor Mankali
Bugho in Umayyah Mosque Damaskus. He has
method of clarifying in this study, the correct interpretation are; Al Qur’an interpretation with Al Qur’an
itself; if Al Qur’an interpretation with
Al Qur’an is not found, then Al Qur’an must be interpreted with Haditsof Prophet Muhammad SAW, he is ordered to convey
the contents of Al Qur’an; if both of
them are not found, then Al Qur’an must be interpreted by the opinion of Muhammad’s disciples because they are the
people who understands of the social xvii
contexts in delivering Al Qur’an; if the third does not found, then the opinion
of disciples of Muhammad follower is
being taken.
Based on the discourse above, the
researcher investigate more deeply by using
comparative approach in order to give great contribution to field of literary work, in which the researcher is motivated by
the other researchers such as: A Study
on Social Condition in Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens analyzed by Wahab (1997), he explained about the
advantages and disadvantages of individual revolution and depicts the effects of it, and
about the Poor’s suffering and how they
can defend their sustain life; Widya Nirmalawati’s analysis (1997) Children’s Suffering as Reflected in Charles
Dickens’s Oliver Twist, she explained
the physical and mental suffering and some figure of speech employed by Charles Dickens; and in Liza Yossana Lucas
(2000) Comparative Analysis on the
Psychological Aspects of the Main Character in “Othello” and “Sri Tanjung Banyuwangi”, she wants to know the jealousy in
the main character in Othello and Sri Tanjung Banyuwangiand also exploring the
differences of the story in Othelloand
Sri Tanjung Banyuwangiwhich draws love in different situation both Othelloand Sri Tanjung Banyuwangi.

m� t p c �^ >discourse
analysis, interpretive discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis. To examine the discourse practice related to
power relation, by focusing on the role of
discourse in the (re)production and challenge ofdominance, Teun A. van Dijk (1993: 249-250) offers a critical approach in
discourse analysis—well-known as Critical
Discourse Analysis (abridged CDA)—to critically analyze the discourse practice where unequal power relations are
(re)produced and naturalized. More specifically,
CDA analyzes the discursive formationwhich is generated from other properties of text, talk, verbal
interaction or communicative events that plays a role in these modes of reproduction,
where the role of discourse which is shaped
and (re)produced in social power by elites, institutions or groups, that results in social inequality, including
political, cultural, class, ethnic, racial and gender inequality.

-space� ) y s �^ an>fought
between the Democratic
Republic of Vietnam
(North Vietnam) and the
United States-supported Republic
of Vietnam (South
Vietnam). The war ended
with American withdrawal,
the defeat of
the South Vietnamese
forces, and unification of
Vietnam under the
communist government of
the North (http/www.wikipediaVietnamWar.com).In this
study, the researcher
is interested in
analyzing Robert Bly’s
four poems because of
several reasons. The
first, Robert Bly’s
poems have good dictions
that can make
the readers more
interested in reading
and analyzing his poems
such as the
using of the
word “crystal, particles”
in “Driving through Minnesota during
the Hanoi Bombing”.
The second, those
poems have many [1]

idiomatic words
that have a deep meaning
and make the
poems more beautiful such as
“’ black dog’,
‘dark fir’,” in
“Melancholia” and “’black
starfighters’, ‘great pain’” in
“Driving Through Minnesota
during the Hanoi
Bombing“. The third, the meaning of those poems can make a great
changing in this world for the people
who know its meaning. And the last reason is that Robert Bly’s poems are talking about the
sufferng at Veetnam at that time.There are
some objectives wants
to be reached
by the researcher
in conducting this research.
In this study,
the writer wants
to expose the
suffering of the victims of
Vietnam War and something related to the Vietnam War such as the actors of
this war and
the general truth
about this war
based on Robert
Bly’s four poems. The
writer wants to
know deeply about
Vietnam War based
on those poems.
This is
the fact that
every war has
an impact, both
bad and good
But in
this study, the
writer only wants
to analyze bad
impacts caused Vietnam War especially the suffering of the
victims of this war in their real condition based on Robert
Bly’s four poems.
Robert Bly’s four
poems that will
be analyzed are the
poems which have
title “Counting Small-Boned
Bodies”, “Driving through Minnesota during
the Hanoi Bombing”,
“Waking from Sleep”,
and “Melancholia”.
The researcher uses genetic
structuralism approach in order to make easier in analyzing those poems and
make easier in answering several problems
that will be conducted. The
reason of using
this literary theory
is because genetic structuralism sees
the literary work
from two points
of views: Intrinsic
and [1] Extrinsic. In
this research, the
study begins from
intrinsic element studies
as the base data.
Then, the research
will connect the
content of external
to the real societies. Genetic
structuralism looks the
literary as a period reflection
that gives expression to
the social aspect,
culture, politic, economic,
and so on.
The important events from
that period will
be connected directly
to the intrinsic elements of the literary work. In this
study, the writer,
uses two kind
of previous study,
those are; “The Study of the Intrinsic Aspect of Robert
Bly’s selected poems” that written by
Indah Nurmala. She focused
on the intrinsic
aspect of the
poem. The second
is the study written
by Agus Suprianto
“The psychology of
Robert Bly when
the occurring of Vietnam
War“ about Robert
Bly’s Counting Small
– Boned Bodies that focused on the psychology
condition of the poet when he wrote the poem.
Indah Nurmala
concluded that Vietnam
War should not
be occurred because it
has several bad
impacts. Those are
the suffering, the
much of victims, the
sadness, etc. While
Agus Suprianto concluded
that Robert Bly
was very sad looking
the Vietnam War.
Robert Bly confuses why
the war should
be happened although the bad
impact is more than a good.
After knowing
the explanation the
previous study above,
this study is different
from them. Here,
the writer focuses
on the suffering
of the victims
of Vietnam War in the
real society of Vietnam
during the war. This study
tells about the real condition
of the victims
of Vietnam War
during the war
that reflected on Robert Bly’s four poems.
[1] 1.2 Statements
of the problems The fact that
the study uses
genetic structuralism approach
that sees the literary
work from two
points of views:
intrinsic and extrinsic,
the researcher wants to conduct
the question as a problem as follows: 1.
how are the
sufferings of the
victims of Vietnam
War portrayed in Robert Bly’s poems? 2. what
are the effects of Vietnam War in Robert Bly’s poems? 3. how do the poems relate to the real society? 1.3
Objectives of the Study In relation to
previous statements of
the problems, the
objectives of this study are formulated as follows: 1. to
describe the suffering
of the victims
of Vietnam War
that portrayed in Robert Bly’s four poems.

English Literature:Treatment to Orphan in Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist and in Islamic Teaching

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