Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:A Transformational Grammar Analysis on Sentences Used In the Text of Indonesian Folklore

This chapter presents background
of the study as the base reason that is taken for the study, research problem,
objective of the study, significant of the study, scope and limitation, and
definition of the key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study Language
is a tool of communication or interaction tool which only owned by human being
(Chaer, Agustina; 1995:14). Language is actually the realization of what is a
thought, we cannot think without the language, since we actually use language
in our mind when we are thinking, with language people can develop their
knowledge and know about something that they have not know.
Allah said in surah Al-Baqarah
(4), “And we sent not a Messenger except with the language of his people, in
order that he might make (the Message) clear for them”.
Chaika states (1982: 2) that
every social institution is maintained by language. Law, religion, government,
education, the family, all are carried on with language. Individually, we use
language to “carry on” love and to “Carry out” hate. We use language to reveal
or conceal our personality identity, our character, and our background, often
wholly unconscious that we are doing so.
Indonesian language as a form of national
culture has an important role for unity and integrity, can not be separated by
social life. A relationship between language and societal norm arrange
behaviors. It is a reaction of challenges as a result of social interaction. As
a verbal respond toward some stimulus that come.
Indonesian has a certain
functions and be an important component in human life, as a tools to express
ourselves, communication, integration, adaptation and social control. Without
language, there will not be social changes.
As in holly Qur’an says; And the Word of your
Lord has been fulfilled in truth and in justice. None can change His Words. And
He is the All Hearer, the All Knower” (Q.S Al-An’am.115) The verse above
explains the truth of Al-Qur’an, It has a beautiful word and nobody could
change it. As the word of al-Qur’an, language that is used by human being has
structured. The differentiate here, it could be changed as the condition, but
it is according to the formula.
In studying language, it is not
released by words, phrase, clauses and sentences. Different sentences are able
to have the same form in structure, between written and spoken language.
Syntax is the study of the
principle and processes by which sentences are constructed in particular language
(Chomsky, 1966:1) Gleason (1961:1)
defines “syntax as principles of arrangement of the constructions formed by the
process of derivation and inflection words into larger construction of various
In his book, aspects of the
theory of syntax (1965), the American professor of linguistics Noam Chomsky
states that for each sentence, the syntactic component must specify a deep
structure that determines its semantic interpretation and a surface structure
that determines its phonetic interpretation.
The rewriting or phrase structure
rules define the grammatical relations in deep structure, which are illustrated
by a phrase marker, also called a tree diagram. The sentence is represented by
category symbols (S,NP,VP,Aux), and formatives; the formatives are further
divided into lexical and grammatical items. At least some category symbols
(such as NP and V) probably appear in all languages (Bornstein (1977:24-25).
Bornstein (1977:19) says that
“there are two different assumption of linguistic in determining the proper
object of linguistic study” the first is descriptivist believe that the proper
object linguistics study is the spoken language. And the next is
transformationalists believe that proper object of linguistics study is the
knowledge that native speaker posses which enables them to produce and
understand sentences.
A transformation grammar assumes
that there are two levels for each sentence, a deep structure that represents
the meaning and surface structure that represents the sound. A surface
structure relates to more than one deep structure (Bornstein.1977:37).
In Syntactic structure, Chomsky defines a
grammatical Transformation as a rule that “operates on a given string … with
given constituent structure and converts it into a new string with a new
derived constituent structure”. A string is representation of the abstract
structure of sentence. For example, the passive Transformation operates on
sentences on a sentence with a direct object. It takes a sentence such as “John
admires sincerity” and coverts it to “Sincerity is admired by John”. The noun
phrases are reserved; “by” is added before the noun phrase that was the subject
of the active sentence. A form of “be” is added, and the main verb is put into
the past participle form (Bornstein.1997:23) In oxford advanced learner’s
dictionary (1995-456)”folklore is the traditions, stories, customs, etc of
community”. The recommendation on the safeguarding of traditional culture and
folklore adopted by the general conference at its twenty fifth sessions, stated
that “folklore (or tradition and popular culture) is the totality of
tradition-based creations of a cultural community, expressed by a group or
individuals and recognized as reflecting the expectations of community in so
far as they reflect its cultural and social identity; its standard and values
are transmitted orally, by imitation or by other means. Its form is, among
others, language literature, music, dance, games, mythology, rituals, customs,
handicrafts, architecture and other art”.
Benjamin A. Botkin (1938),
published by AFS News in 2008 states that folklore is a body of traditional
belief, custom, and expression, handed down largely by word of mouth and
circulating chiefly outside of commercial and academic means of communication
and instruction. Every group bound together
by common interests and purposes, whether educated or uneducated, rural
or urban, possesses a body of traditions which may be called its folklore. Into
these traditions enter many elements, individual, popular, and even
"literary," but all are absorbed and assimilated through repetition
and variation into a pattern which has value and continuity for the group as a
From the statement above, the
writer can conclude that folklore is the traditional beliefs, stories, etc of a
people, handed down orally or behaviorally from individual to individual, that
had existed in the past without knowing the creators.

English Literature:A Transformational Grammar Analysis on Sentences Used In the Text of Indonesian Folklore

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