Minggu, 09 November 2014

English Literature:Transformational Processes of Deletion Found in the Debate Transcript of Barrack Obama and John McCain


1.1 Ba c kground of the Study Language is the most im portant means of communication. It i s needed b y al l peopl e in the world. Human being as
social creatu re cannot live alone in
thi s world. They live in societ y in which
the group of them who are drawn togeth er for certain pu rpose or purposes; therefore, th ey
need a tool to c ommunic ate each other using a
language. That is why language
is v er y important. The power of th e language exis t s in its meaning and its function as a means of communicat ion a nd in teraction wi th o th er p e opl e around
us. In the p rocess of interaction and communi
cation, th ere are extended poss ibi l i t ies of misunderstanding a nd misinterpretation o f meaning in the language we use. That is why , meaning is necessary to be understood dee ply . Language as a means of communication i s used
to transfer the idea from one person to others.

Kellerman (978: 1043) Transformat
ion i s a rul e that sy stematically converts
one s y nta cti c form or form of a sentence
in to anoth er or a construction
or sentence derived b y such a rul e; a t ransform. Whi le Trans
formational Processes is a sy stem of
language analy sis that recogni zes th e r elationship among the var ious elements o f a sentence and among possibl e
sentences o f a language and u sed Processes o r rules some of which are called
transformations to express these rela tionship. (Kell erman, 1978 : 1043) 13 There are
some popular theories o f transformational processes o f deletion: Such as ,
Akmajian and Henry’s theory in
thei r work o n an Introduct ion to the principles
of transformat ional syntax, Elgin ’s theory
in her popul ar book ent i tled : Real World Linguistics, and Jacobs & Rosen
baum’s th eory in their popu l ar book ent i tled: Englis h transformational gr ammar.

According to Jacobs and Rosenbaum
(1968:54), “The term transformational
grammar is popul arly applied to the mos t recent major development in American linguist ics”. Nowaday s, transformational
Processes i s still p opular in Ameri can linguist ics
because it always o ccurs in our daily conversation”.
Jacobs and Rosen baum (1968:26) stated,
“All languages contain transformations which transform dee p
structure into surface structure.

Transformation related to the
changing form of deep structure becomes
surface structure. In our daily conversation, the changing
forms from deep structure to surface structure always occur. The changing occurs because deep structure represents the meaning o f the sentence; whi
le surface structure re presents
the form used in
communicat ion. More specifi call y ,
the deep structure of a sen tence provides
an e xpl icit account o f the meaning o f the sentence; surface s tructure does not often contain any
explici t meaning. Transformational
grammar h as signi ficant application
to th e teaching o f all languages.
Language is one of the most important
things that peopl e possess since the y
use it as a means of communi
cation. As a means of communi cation, a
language has certain p atterns, which are ver y importan t because language without
patterns is not language.

14 Transformation o f all languages involves th e
same kinds o f cons t ituent structures.
The constitu ent called elementary transfo rmations . There are th ree kinds o f elementar y transformations . The
kinds o f elementar y transformations are adjunction,
substitution, and deletion. The firs t elementar y transformation is adjunction,
adjunction is a simple
transformation in English, which can b e demons trated
easily w i thout presen ting a
tree diagram. Second elementar y transformation is substitution. In subs t itut
i on, the tree diagram is al so not needed.

The thi rd elementary
transformation is deletion. According
to Jacobs and Rosen baum, there are two kinds o f deletion;
there are noun phrase d elet ion a nd verbs
phrase deletion. In the noun p hrase deletion, th e noun in
the sentence is having the
Processes of deletion. Example: “Miriam
wanted Mi riam to leave home”
becomes “Mi riam wanted to leave
home”. It is obvious that Miriam i s deleted since “Miriam” has b ecome as the subj
ect of “wanted”.

The elementary P rocesses are
important but the deletion is the mos t important elementar y trans formational Processes in o rder to
support that English sentence should be
economi cal and efficient. The
researcher chooses to analyze th e
transformational processes of deletion found in the debate transcript of Barack
Obama and John McCain in order i t sh
ould be accurate , clear, grammatically correct,
strong, active, fresh and immedi
ate. Debate emphasizes respect for creative
diversi t y which brings a group in the
way of talent. In the debate, a debate can hold various opinions on issue. The
researcher chooses to analyze the transformational
processes on the conversation of debate because he believes t hat transformational processes of deletion is
essent ial to ask and to ans wer the 15 di aloques in
the daily li fe. Based on this
reason, the researcher o f th is research decided
to make analysis of
transformational stu dy in s y ntactica l analysis.

Furth ermore, the researcher
just focuses on transformational process
of deletion.

The researcher hop es that the
stud y of trans formational process on
dele tion is abl e to give a clear p resen tat ion of t ransformat ional
process in the dialogue.

Study on syntact i c structu
re has been carried out by several schol
ars. In 2006, students of Sta te
Islami c Universi t y of M alang
(UIN Malang) have done the sy
ntactical analysis that brings them to earn Muri Award. They
a nalyzed th e longest synta ctic
structure of a sen tence consisting o f
377 words. The anal y sis was done in
a 250 M eters long white cloth.

Natali a (2003) studies th e s y ntact i c structure on some
Celine Dion’s Songs using Chinese box
theory . She found some
vari ations of those four sy
ntactic structures and combin ed th
ose s tructures into a diagram.

Rahmawati (2007) has ob served the sy ntactic a naly
sis o n the English transl ation o f
surah Yasin by u sing tree diagram
theory . She investig ated th e sy
ntactic pattern of po sitive, negat iv e and interrogative sentences used
in the English translationof surah Yasin. Moreover,
sh e found that the most of th e positive
sentences contain complex sentences,
and mos t of th e interrogat iv e
sentences contain of y es­no qu estion anh WH q uestion.

Anoth er researcher, Faricha (2008) has observed syntactical structu re analy sis o n th e translation of surah Abasa
in the Holy Qur’an. In her result o f the research, she
found th ere are eight sentences ’
formed. T he sy ntact ic s
tructure are th e varia tions of the
four syntact i c structu res’ theory b y
frances. They are 16 structure of
modi fi cation, structure of predication, structure of complementa tion and s
tructure of coordination.

Rosid (2008) in his stud y “a synta ctic analy sis o n Abdul lah Yousuf
Al i ’s English translation o f surah al
­rahman b y u sing Dian e D. Bo
rnstein’s theory of tree diagram”. He found Fifteen option o f the pattern o f noun
p hrase in nominal sentence, and twent y
eight o ption th e patte rn o f noun phrase in verbal sentence whil e the pattern of verb phrase in nominal
sentence is eight options and the pattern
of verb i s verbal sentence is twent y
one options.

1.2 S tatement of the Problems Based o n the background of stud y in the preceding discussion, th e following research problems are: 1. What
kinds of delet ion are used in the deb ate transcript of Barack Obama and John M cCain? 2. How
do both candidates o f the USA president u se each kind of deletion in thei r d ebate transcript? 1.3 The Objectiv es o f the Study This stu dy is intended to presen t th e
descript ion of; 1. The kinds of Deletion used in the tra nscript debate of Barrak Obama and John M cCain.

2. The way both
candidates o f th e USA president use each kind of deletion.

17 1.4 The Significance of the Study The results o f this stud y are hopeful ly useful for th e researcher
himsel f a nd also for the readers
by giving benefi t and more information
about syntax stud y especially in transformational p rocess s tudy . In addition, this stud y expected can be used as a reference for the next researchers who are in terested
in conduct ing simi lar studies 1.5 Scope and Limitation This
stud y i s under sy ntax th eories to analyze the Transformational P rocesses of Del etion found in the transcr ipts debate Barack Obama and John M cCain. Thi s stud y
onl y d eals with t ransformational
processes of deletion dialogue in the transcripts
d ebate Barack Obama and John McCain held on th e campus of the Universi t y o f Mississippi on Friday night September 26, 2008 which contains of transformational p rocesses of deletion.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms There are
some key terms in this stud
y are used in defining more about th e topic . These can help the reader to l ook for the meaning o f words
often u sed in this stu dy .

1. Del etion is one of the element of the T ransformational Processes that undergoes noun phrase dele t ion a nd v erb
phrase d e le tion (Jacobs and Rosen
baum, 1968: 27 ) 18 2.
Transcript debate ma de by Barack
Obama and John McCain i s the debate held on the
campus of the Universi t y of
Mississippi on Friday night September 26, 2008 3.
Transformation is a rul e that sy stematically converts one sy ntactic form or form of a
senten ce in to another or a construction or sen tence derived b y such a rul e; a transform. (Kellerman, 1978 : 1043) 4. Transformational Processes is a sy stem of language analysis th at recognizes the relationship among the various
elements of a sen tence and among poss
ibl e sentences of a language and used
Processes o r rules some of which are
called transformations to express th
ese relationship.

(Kellerman, 1978: 1043) 19 CHAPTER
II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE The reviews o f the related l i terature below cover the discussion of transformational grammar, transformational p rocesses; adjunction,
substitu tion and deletion and the
previous studies.

2.1. Transformational Grammar Bornstein (1977: 99 ) makes a case that
transformations bring about var ious kin
ds of change; the y can rearrange elements in a string o f symbol s, a dd elements that were not there before , delete element s and
substitute one element for another.

Chomsky (1950:17) developed th e idea th at each
sentence in a language has two levels of representa t ion a deep structure
and a surface structure. The deep structure was a direct represen tat ion of the
semantics o f a sen tence, and was mapped
onto the surface s tructure vi a
“transformations”. Chomsky’s system o f
Transformational Grammar, though i t was
d eveloped on the received the most extensive exempl ification a nd further development .
In the following s y stem of rul es, S
stands for sen tence, NP for Noun
Phrase, VP for Verb Phrase, Det for Determin er, Aux for Auxiliar y ( verb), N f or Noun, and V for Verb.

English Literature:Transformational Processes of Deletion Found in the Debate Transcript of Barrack Obama and John McCain

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