Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature:The Values Of Minangkabau Culture’s Found In The Malin Kundang

1.1. Background of the Study  Indonesia is a country which consists of
several different Islands and has  many
provinces in it. In each province, there are many cultures and tribes that
inhabit  the area, such as:
Minangkabaunese, Javanese, Bataknese, Acehnese, Melayunese,  Banjarnese, Betawinese, etc. Koentjaraningrat
says, “Kebudayaan merupakan seluruh  sistem
gagasan, tindakan dan hasil karya dalam rangka kehidupan masyarakat yang  dimiliki manusia dengan belajar”. It means,
culture is anabstraction, while the  proficiency
level is a manifestation of cultural object that are result of human creation  as a creature. These objects are patterns of
behavior, language, art, belief, marriage  and the norms that apply as limitations of the
Indonesia has a cultural
diversity is not unal. The multicultural society  included the result of you own work. Adapted
to the costumes, the people gave birth  to
the things that describe their cultures. Indonesia cultural differences in each
region  make this country more diverse.
Cultural is a very broad concept and complex that  can be interpreted in various ways. In
addition to universal culture, also known as  local culture that hold local wisdom. One is
the folklore that a local cultural heritage  that are transmitted from generation to
generation. Folklore in Indonesia there are  thousands of stories. Each region in Indonesia
has a folklore course a reflection of  local
culture with a distinctive character. Cerita rakyat adalah sastra tradisional  karena merupakan hasil karya yang dilahirkan
dari sekumpulan masyarakat yang  Universitas
Sumatera Utara masih kuat berpegang pada nilai-nilai kebudayaan yang bersifat
tradisional (Dharmojo, 1998:21) the traditonal literatureis sometimes refer to
as folklore and  considered as belonging
together. It grows from a strong collective consciousness in  the old society.
 It should be recognized that folklore is the
depiction of a culture of a  community in
an area. Among the many stories of the people in Indonesia. Malin  Kundang folklore is one that is quite well
known. Malin Kundang is Kaba or  Minangkabau
traditional literature of the land. The term Kaba comes from the Arabic  word Khabar. In terms of story, it is
difference lies in the shape. Tale of the alloy  formed sentence and paragraph. While Kaba form
rhyme, poem or sing. Story of  Malin
Kundang has become its own wealth for the people of Padang. Story of Malin  Kundang starts from a sad story and poverty
held by the characters in it. They have a  timeless story that will continue for
generations lowered by several by several  generations. Lessons are stored in a story
Malin Kundang be one factor that makes  this
story continues to survive today.
1.2. Problems of the Study  Based on the background, the problems are
formulated as ;    How is history of Malin Kundang in
Minangkabau    What values are found in
Malin Kundang to Minangkabau society    What are the uniqueness of Minangkabau
culture  Universitas Sumatera Utara 1.3.
Purpose of the Study  The purpose of the
study is to describe the history, value and uniqueness of  Malin Kundang for Minangkabau society. Besides
that, this paper is written as one of  the
requirements to graduate from Faculty of Culture in English Department.
1.4. Scope of the Study  The scope of study has the important purpose
in writing a paper. It is used to  limit
the problem of topic which is more focused on the history, values, and  uniqueness of Malin Kundang in Air Manis
Beach, Minangkabau.
1.5. Reason for Choosing the
Topic   The writer chooses the topic because she is a
Minangkabaunese who grows in  Minangkabaunese
family. In addition, she is very interested in writing this paper to  introduce and inform about the values of
Minangkabau culture’s found in Malin  Kundang
tale. Air Manis Beach is a magical and historical place.
1.6. Method of the Study  This paper is written based on a library
research. The writer collects the data  by
reading books which rare relevant to the topic of Malin Kundang and  Minangkabau culture. In addition, she also
uses browsing internet to find information  about Minangkabau’s culture. In the process of
writing, she also asks and interviews  her
family about Minangkabaunese culture.

English Literature:The Values Of Minangkabau Culture’s Found In The Malin Kundang

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