Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature:The Leading Character's Depression In Eat, Pray, Love By Elizabeth Gilbert

1.1   Background of the Study  Literature refers to compositions that tell
stories, dramatize, situation, express  emotions,
and analyze and advocate ideas. Before the invention of writing, literary  works were, necessarily spoken or sung. And
were retained only as long as living  people  performed 
them.  Literature  isdifferentiated  from  popular 
ephemeral  classes of writing.
Terms such as literary fiction and ―literary merit are used to  distinguish  individual 
works  as  art-literature  rather 
than  vernacular  writing, 
and  some  critics 
exclude  works  from 
being  ―literary,  for  example, 
on  grounds  of  weak or faulty style, use of slang, poor
characterization and shallow or contrived  construction. 
Other  exclude  all 
genres  such  as 
romance,  crime  and 
mystery,  sciense fiction, horror,
and fantasy.
Literary works are the product of
literature. Literary works can be divided into  three 
categories  of  genres; 
poetry,  prose,  and 
drama.  Prose  can 
be  divided  into  short
story and novel. A novel is normally a prose work of quite some length and  complexity 
which  attempt  to 
reflect  and  express 
something  of  the 
equality  or  value of human experience or conduct, (Taylor
Richard, 1981 : 46). Most novels  are
concerned with people and their problem in their environment. Every novel is  an account of life which involves conflicts,
character, plot, settings, and theme. A   characters is a fictitious person that
describe or taken part in literary works in the  novel 
in  English,  (Ian 
Milligan,  1983  : 
26).  Hence,  characters 
should  be  understood as living persons that have certain
characteristics in their nature. These  characteristics  may 
be  good  or  bad  that 
man  has  in 
general  through  their  existence.
Based on the theory (Rene Wellek,
1977 : 15) literary is study of principles of  literature, its categories and the like it. It
has a wide scope of study, including the  definition, 
meaning,  and  function 
of  literature.  Literary 
genre  and  form 
literary  movement  theory 
of  literary  criticsm, 
and  the  relation 
between  literature  and  biography,
psychology, philosophy and religion.
Psychology it means that we study
about behavior off all organism included  animal and human. John  L. Vogel writes the idea in thinking about
psychology  based on the idea of The
American Psychological Association who says :  Psychology is the scientific study of behavior
and experience  And the application of
that knowledge to human problems.
(John L. Vogel 1986 : 11)  The term psychology‘ derives from greek psyche‘ and logos‘. Psyche means  personality  and 
logos  means  science. 
So  it  can 
be  clearly  concluded 
that  psychology  is 
a  science  that 
studies  about  personality 
and  uses  person 
as  the  object of the study.
Leading character is the centered
individual who is very dominant. As an  individual,
the leading is focused personality.  
Leading character emerged a long  side
the extraordinary character, a character that might be called prototypical. The
 prototypical character is not a
stereotype but a fully rounded, three dimensional  character.
 Leading character is such opening quotation
marks, opening parentheses, and  currency
signs that should not be separated from succeeding characters. Leading  character of a Greek drama was it is leading
actor, therefore, there could be only  one
in a play.
is  ally  thought 
of  as  being 
a  disorder  or 
disturbance  in  mood. Everyone, at  various time in life, feels sad or blue.
Sadness or  grief is a  normal response to death, loss mood, separation
or difficult life events. Depressed  people
are potentially capable of doing very well on test of memory and abstract  thought, 
but  their  perceptions 
about  the world  and 
their emotional  reactions are  asked.
 Douglas Berstain in Psychology (1988 : 561)
states that depression plays 4  central  role 
in  many  mood 
disorders  and  can 
range  from  occasional 
―down  periods to episodes severe enough to require
hospitalization   Elizabeth 
is  a  leading 
characters  in  this 
novel.  She  had 
everything  a  modern 
American  woman  was 
supposed  to  want 
husband,  country,  home,  successful  career 
but  instead  of 
feeling  happy  and 
fulfilled.,  she  felt 
consumed  panic and confusion.
Following a divorce and crushing depression, Elizabeth set  out 
examine three  different  aspect 
of  her  nature, 
set  against  the 
background  of  three different cultures ; pleasure in Italy,
devotion in India and on the Indonesian  island
of Bali, a balance between worldly enjoyment and divine transcendence.
 The reason caused the writer choose this novel
to be analyzed further is the  characters  of 
this  novel  is  a  very 
struggle  and  fight 
to  solve  her 
Elizabeth  as 
a  leading  characters  have 
some  problems  in 
her  marriage  and 
get  depression. Eat, Pray, Love
is one interesting novel.
 1.2 Problem of the Study In analyzing the
leading characters depression in Elizabeth Gilbert in Eat,  Pray, Love. I find the problem are : 1.  What causes Elizabeth depression ?  2.  What
Elizabeth do to solve her depression ?  1.3   Objectives of the Study  The 
objectives  of  the 
analysis  tent  to 
answer  the  problem 
of  the  analysis,  based on the problem above, the objectives of
this analysis mainly :  1.  To describe the depression of Elizabeth in
the novel of Eat, Pray, Love  written by
Elizabeth Gilbert  2.  To describe what Elizabeth do to solve her
depression in the novel of  Eat, Pray,
Love written by Elizabeth Gilbert  1.4  Scope of the Study  In doing analysis of the literary work, there
should be a scope of the analysis.
The object that will be analyzed
become clear and purpose of the analysis are  easy 
to  understand  by 
the  readers.  In 
this  thesis,  I 
have  just  limited 
the  depression of the leading
characters has been twice divorce.
1.5  Significance of the Study   the 
significance  of  this 
is  to  show 
to  the  readers 
that  the  relation 
between  literature and
psychology. the relation of literature and psychology is not from  the works of art, but from the minds of the
writer in creating the minds of the  characters.
The way to make the characters and characteristic of the characters  is dealth with psychology.
hope  this  thesis 
will  be  able 
to  serve  as  the  source 
for  information  for  student
who are interested in knowing what depression is and what step taken  part in solving the depression in Eat, Pray,

English Literature:The Leading Character's Depression In Eat, Pray, Love By Elizabeth Gilbert

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