Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:The Suffering of the Victims of Vietnam War Reflected in Robert Bly’s poems

This chapter discusses background
of the study, statements of the problem, objective of the study, scope and
limitation, significant of the study, and definition of key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study Literature is a literary work in which the words are arranged imaginatively based on human experience. When we read literature, we take flight into another existence that
is a secondary world
of imagination. Some
people define literature as
the expression of
thoughts and ideas
in beautiful language.
Lerner (1960:5) states that
literature is the
result of the
some skill and
sensitivity dealing, no longer
with everyday occurrences,
but with a
profounder insight into
the live of man.
Defining literature
term, sometimes make
us confuse to
avoid that. Wellek and
Warren (1956:20-21) also
define in their
book under the
title The Theory of
Literature, literature can be defined
as everything in
print, or it
can be limited to “great bodies”.
Poetry is
a form of
literature that many
readers hold in
a special kind
of affectionate admiration. Poetry
contains the mixture
of experience, feeling, emotion, and
thought of the
poet. Frederick (1988:15)
explains the definition
of poetry as follows;
Poetry is feeling
confessing itself to
itself, in moment
of solitude and embodying
itself in symbols
which are the
nearest possible representation
of the feeling in the exact shape in which it exists in the poet mind.
1 [1]

Perrine (1982:3)
says that poetry might be defined as
a kind of language that
says more and says it more intensively that does ordinary language.The poems
that will be
analyzed by the
writer are talking
about the suffering of
the victims of Vietnam
War. These poems are written
by Robert Bly when
the Vietnam War
took place. The
author wants to
explain about the
bad effects caused by Vietnam War.
Those poems have a
close relation to Vietnam
War because they are
made when the happening
of that war.
The Vietnam War,
also known as
the Second Indochina War,
the American War in Vietnam
and the Vietnam
Conflict, was occurred from
1959 to April
30, 1975, concluding
with the North
Vietnamese military victory after more than 15 years. Over 1.4 million
military personals were killed in the
war (approximately 6%
were members of
the United States
armed forces), while estimates
of civilian fatalities
range from 2
to 5.1 million.
The war was fought
between the Democratic
Republic of Vietnam
(North Vietnam) and the
United States-supported Republic
of Vietnam (South
Vietnam). The war ended
with American withdrawal,
the defeat of
the South Vietnamese
forces, and unification of
Vietnam under the
communist government of
the North (http/www.wikipediaVietnamWar.com).
In this
study, the researcher
is interested in
analyzing Robert Bly’s
four poems because of
several reasons. The
first, Robert Bly’s
poems have good dictions
that can make
the readers more
interested in reading
and analyzing his poems
such as the
using of the
word “crystal, particles”
in “Driving through Minnesota during
the Hanoi Bombing”.
The second, those
poems have many [1]

idiomatic words
that have a deep meaning
and make the
poems more beautiful such as
“’ black dog’,
‘dark fir’,” in
“Melancholia” and “’black
starfighters’, ‘great pain’” in
“Driving Through Minnesota
during the Hanoi
Bombing“. The third, the meaning of those poems can make a great
changing in this world for the people
who know its meaning. And the last reason is that Robert Bly’s poems are talking about the
sufferng at Veetnam at that time.There are
some objectives wants
to be reached
by the researcher
in conducting this research.
In this study,
the writer wants
to expose the
suffering of the victims of
Vietnam War and something related to the Vietnam War such as the actors of
this war and
the general truth
about this war
based on Robert
Bly’s four poems. The
writer wants to
know deeply about
Vietnam War based
on those poems.
This is
the fact that
every war has
an impact, both
bad and good
But in
this study, the
writer only wants
to analyze bad
impacts caused Vietnam War especially the suffering of the
victims of this war in their real condition based on Robert
Bly’s four poems.
Robert Bly’s four
poems that will
be analyzed are the
poems which have
title “Counting Small-Boned
Bodies”, “Driving through Minnesota during
the Hanoi Bombing”,
“Waking from Sleep”,
and “Melancholia”.
The researcher uses genetic
structuralism approach in order to make easier in analyzing those poems and
make easier in answering several problems
that will be conducted. The
reason of using
this literary theory
is because genetic structuralism sees
the literary work
from two points
of views: Intrinsic
and [1] Extrinsic. In
this research, the
study begins from
intrinsic element studies
as the base data.
Then, the research
will connect the
content of external
to the real societies. Genetic
structuralism looks the
literary as a period reflection
that gives expression to
the social aspect,
culture, politic, economic,
and so on.
The important events from
that period will
be connected directly
to the intrinsic elements of the literary work. In this
study, the writer,
uses two kind
of previous study,
those are; “The Study of the Intrinsic Aspect of Robert
Bly’s selected poems” that written by
Indah Nurmala. She focused
on the intrinsic
aspect of the
poem. The second
is the study written
by Agus Suprianto
“The psychology of
Robert Bly when
the occurring of Vietnam
War“ about Robert
Bly’s Counting Small
– Boned Bodies that focused on the psychology
condition of the poet when he wrote the poem.
Indah Nurmala
concluded that Vietnam
War should not
be occurred because it
has several bad
impacts. Those are
the suffering, the
much of victims, the
sadness, etc. While
Agus Suprianto concluded
that Robert Bly
was very sad looking
the Vietnam War.
Robert Bly confuses why
the war should
be happened although the bad
impact is more than a good.
After knowing
the explanation the
previous study above,
this study is different
from them. Here,
the writer focuses
on the suffering
of the victims
of Vietnam War in the
real society of Vietnam
during the war. This study
tells about the real condition
of the victims
of Vietnam War
during the war
that reflected on Robert Bly’s four poems.
[1] 1.2 Statements
of the problems The fact that
the study uses
genetic structuralism approach
that sees the literary
work from two
points of views:
intrinsic and extrinsic,
the researcher wants to conduct
the question as a problem as follows: 1.
how are the
sufferings of the
victims of Vietnam
War portrayed in Robert Bly’s poems? 2. what
are the effects of Vietnam War in Robert Bly’s poems? 3. how do the poems relate to the real society? 1.3
Objectives of the Study In relation to
previous statements of
the problems, the
objectives of this study are formulated as follows: 1. to
describe the suffering
of the victims
of Vietnam War
that portrayed in Robert Bly’s four poems.

English Literature:The Suffering of the Victims of Vietnam War Reflected in Robert Bly’s poems

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