Kamis, 13 November 2014

English Literature:The Study on Grammatical Errors in the Abstracts of Ulul Albab” Scientific Journal

This chapter covers six sub-chapters:
background of the study, problem of the study, objectives of the study, significance of the
study,scope and limitation, and definition of the operational key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study Human beings are creatures that always learn
in their whole life. In their learning activities,
errors are also with them. As our God has said in the holy Qur’an: “Then,
God forgives people who do errors unintentionally and they are repent and want
to improve it” (Junus, 1985:253). Errors
will go along with everyone’s learning activity, particularly in learning language.
In learning language, learning
grammar is considered difficult by many learners, moreover, it is a foreign language grammar,
especially English grammar. Whereas, many people think that learning English grammar is
important in order to be able to be fluent in English skill, especially speech and writing. It is true,
because grammar is a basis of learning language (Hariyanto and Hariyono, 2003:3). Grammar
arranges the structure of the language, and covers many language elements, such as kinds of
sentences,parts of speech, etc. Moreover, English language is one of languages has many language
elements, and it is also one of complicated languages. It is not like Indonesian language
that has a simple structure. For instance, the verb in Bahasa Indonesia will not change because of
subjectchanging. Verb ‘belajar’ will not change although the subject changes: ‘Aku belajar,’
‘Dia belajar,’ ‘Kamu belajar,’ etc. But in English, the word ‘study’ will change because of subject
changing: ‘I study,’ ‘He studies,’ etc.
In spite of that, many people
want to learn Englishlanguage, but they do not realize the significance of learning grammar and they do
not learn English grammar. They think that learning English is enough if they have a lot of vocabularies.
Therefore, it is not surprising when we hear someone speak English with wrong structure
although they speak English smoothly. They understand and have memorized English grammar,
particularly about tenses, its definition and its formula, also its examples, but when they want
to require their idea in English, they feel confused and can do nothing. By these reasons, errors
occur in their speech or writing.
Written language is secondary
language phenomena (Chaer, 2003:82). Although it is just secondary, written language, especially in an
article or journal, should be correct in grammar, and should be no errors, because it will be read
by many people. Moreover, when the writing involves a foreign language, sometimes errors in
grammar canoccur. Referring to writing skill, Richard et al. (in Richard, 1974:5-13) suggested seven
factorswhich may influence and characterize second language learner system namely; language
transfer, sociolinguistic situation, intralingual interference, modality, age, successions of
approximative system, and universal hierarchy of difficulty.
The situation above may be caused
by the first factor, language transfer. The learner cannot express their idea in English although
he orshe has understood and has memorized the grammar, and errors occur in his/ her writing.
Therefore written errors occur.
The problem in making errors,
especially grammaticalerror, is also faced by the writers of the articles in Ulul Albab scientific
journal. Ulul Albab scientific journal is a journal published by State Islamic
University (UIN) Malang, which comes out every semester. This journal is as academic scientific and communication means in
manyaspects: religion, culture, science and technology. This journal fills the ideas of
the experts who search about religion, science, technology and others, and they are mostly
lecturers of UIN Malang itself, and also there are writers from other universities.
This journal is written by using
three languages, Indonesia, Arabic and English. The articles in this journal should include an
abstract. The abstracts can use one of the three languages.
If the abstract uses Indonesian
language, the discussion should use English or Arabic, and on the contrary, if the abstract uses English or
Arabic, the discussion uses Indonesian.
Many writers write the abstracts
of the articles byusing English language. And sometimes the grammatical errors occur in
these abstracts. It is possible, because the writers are not native speakers, and it may happen because
of the language transfer or interlingual factor, as like as Richards et al. stated above. They try
to transfer their first language into their foreign language, and finally errors occur.
The language phenomenon above is
interesting to be analyzed. The grammatical errors in the abstracts of Ulul Albab scientific journal
become the focus of this research, especially on the types of errors based on the surface structure
taxonomy. It is one of errors categories used to classify types of errors proposed by Dulay,
Burt and Krashen. It consists of omission, addition, misformation and misordering. Here, the
researcher also uses Politzer and Ramirez classification of grammar.
There are some researches
conducted on the same field, such as Syarifatin’s analysis (2007), on “syntactic errors in the
argumentative essays of the students of English letters and language department of UIN Malang,” and
Rahayu’s study (2000), on “errors in English complex sentences made by the third year students of
Englisheducation department of State University of Malang.” Based on the fact that errors in the abstracts
of Ulul Albab scientific journal need to be analyzed, thus, the researcher chooses a title
“The Study on Grammatical errors in the abstracts of Ulul Albab scientific
journal.” 1.2 Problem of the Study Based on the background of the study above,
the researcher states the problem of the study. The problems of the study are 1.
“What types of grammatical errors are found in the abstracts of “Ulul
Albab” scientific journal?” 2. “How
is the pattern of the grammatical errors in the abstracts of “Ulul Albab” scientific journal?” 1.3
Objectives of the Study Concerning
the problems of the study, the objectiveof the study is to analyze the types and the patterns of grammatical errors found
in theabstracts of “Ulul Albab” scientific journal.” 1.4
Significance of the Study The
finding of this study is generally expected to be able to give valuable
contribution both theoretically and
Theoretically, this study is
expected to give a valuable contribution to the field of syntax and morphology, particularly grammatical
Practically, it is expected that
this study will beuseful for writers of the journal and next researchers. To the writers of the journal, it
is hoped that they can avoid as made grammatical errors in writing abstracts. To the next
researchers, they can use the finding of the research as useful reference for related researches.
1.5 Scope and Limitation To avoid the broadening of this discussion and
to make the research is manageable, the researcher
has limitation. She investigates only the abstracts of Ulul Albab scientific
journal on the latest edition. The researcher does not analyze the errors in
the discussions of the articles in the Ulul
Albab scientific journal.

English Literature:The Study on Grammatical Errors in the Abstracts of Ulul Albab” Scientific Journal

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