Senin, 10 November 2014

English Literature:The study on Argument in Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s speeches at International event


This chapter discusses background
of study, research problems, objectives
of study, scope and limitation, significance of study, and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study In
daily communication, human have different purpose of using a language. Keraf (2007: 1) states that human
beings always use their language which
is based on their purpose. The purpose of using language can be various; for example for telling a story,
describing an object, explaining a topic,
persuading and arguing someone. To reach those purposes, the people need a good and understandable way which
enables their thoughts to be wellreceived by their audiences. One of good ways
is by using an argument. In the Oxford
dictionary, an argument is defined as a connected series of statements or propositions, some of which are intended to
provide support, justification or evidence
for the truth of another statement or proposition. The use of argument is also well-supported in Islamic
tradition. As stated in Kor’an 4:63 “ those men,-(Allah) knows what is In their
hearts; so keep Clear of them, but admonish
them, and speak to them a word to reach their very souls”( Yusuf Ali) This verse clearly shows us that people
must use their appropriate words in
order to make their audiences understand what speakers want to say; therefore the audiences can believe and be influenced
to have the same opinion and perception
with the speakers.

We realize that conveying a good
argument is not easy. A speaker needs to convey their argument in good way in
order to be able to convince and change
audience’s opinion. Therefore, Speakers must know the way how to deliver their argument in order to be
well-received by audiences.

According to Keraf (2007, p:
104-108), there are two main functions of argument; the first is to convince audiences.
In convincing the audiences, a speaker
has to show a reason that speaker want to says. Furthermore, the speaker can convince the audiences through the
reason. The second is to change
audiences’ belief and opinion. In changing audiences’ belief and opinion, speakers must show facts and evidences.
The more facts and evidences which the
speakers show, the easier the audiences change their opinion.

In addition, Crusius and Channel
(1950, p: 616-17) state that according to
its purposes, Argument can be classified into four kinds; Inquiring argument, Convincing argument, Persuading
argument, and Negotiating argument.
Those four kinds of argument are usually used by people to reach their particular daily purposes, which enable
them to get a good and understandable
communication. In this research, the convincing argument will be emphasized more as it is assumed to be the
most appropriate argument due to the
convincing argument can change and influence audience. Therefore, the convincing argument is to be applied in speech.

To use convincing arguments, a
speaker has to fulfill some obligatory parts;
the convincing argument must include Claim (the specific proposition of speaker), Reason (speaker’s opinion), and
Evidence (data or proof to support a claim.
Besides the three parts above, the speaker also must include some appeals. According to the Oxford dictionary,
appeal is defined as making a strong
request for something or being attractive to somebody. A speaker who wants to bring his or her audiences to believe
in what he or she says, she or he needs
to use appeals to convince them. Therefore, in this case, the researcher discusses the spoken argument which includes
three appeals; they are logical, ethical,
and emotional appeals. These three appeals are called as a classic argument model. In conducting this research,
the researcher chooses Aristotle’s
theory which identified three basic sources of appeal that can combine into an effective argument; these are
logical, emotional, and ethical appeal.

According to Dietsch, (2003:p.247)
states that Logical appeal is an appeal
to the mind, using evidence, reasons, and examples to support a claim.

Through the using of evidence,
reason, and examples, a speaker can convince audiences and then the audiences believe what
the speaker said. Furthermore, Emotional
appeal stirs the feelings of audiences with touching language.

Through the language, speaker can
touch audiences’ emotional. Therefore, the speaker can easily influence audiences through
their emotional feeling. The last,
Ethical appeal is stands for the appeal that comes from the arguer’s character, including the arguer’s recognized
social roles and revealed personal qualities.
After knowing speaker’s good personalities and background knowledge, audiences can easily believe in
what the speaker said. Through speaker’s
good personalities and background knowledge, it is assumed that speaker’s arguments are needed to be believed.

Generally, speakers pay more
attention to logical appeals in conveying argument. But in fact, a good argument must
include ethical and emotional appeal.
According to Aristotles in rhetorical situation states that many arguments contain not only logical appeals but
also ethical and emotional appeals.

Based on the reason above, the
researcher studies the argument used by
SBY. As a president of Indonesia, SBY has delivered his speech at International events in the opening of second
Bali Democracy and th International
Congress on AIDS in which the audiences come from several countries. Therefore, SBY has important role
in delivering his speeches through his
arguments which enable him to convince and or to change his audiences’ opinion. Thus, SBY must have an
ability to choose appropriate words and
sentences in order to be understandable by the audiences. Hence, the researcher believes that argument is the
most relevant topic to be analyzed in
SBY’s speech, as it includes some convincing arguments in influencing audiences.

As the president, SBY has urgent
role in conveying his speeches in both
national and international event. Therefore, the speeches should contain effective language. The effective language
includes appropriate words and sentences.
The appropriate words and sentences include the way of saying the words, the way of using of language in the
formal or informal situation, the structure
of sentences. Through the using of the effective languages, SBY can convey his arguments in order to be received
by audiences.

There were some researchers
examined the arguments as their topic.

Safnil (2002) studied argument
which found that a text of khotbah (sermon) consisted of at least four parts: opening
remark, introduction, body and closure.

Each part was composed of several
moves and each move was characterized by a heavy use of quotation from hadits and
Al-Qur’an as strategy for effective argument
and persuasion used by Khotib. While Zakiyah Umami(2008) observed the way of argument that are used by
Bishop in the text of Sermon by using
Toulmin and Aristotles model. She found three appeals of Bishop’s Sermon. They are logical appeal, ethical
appeal, and emotional appeal. The similarity
between the previous researches and the present study is the way arguments are used by the speakers.

ctio$ � 0 hK� �O� Examination
(UAN) of Senior High School? 1.3 Objectives of the Study 1. To find kinds of Context Clues in Reading
Section used in 2009 Final Examination
(UAN) of Senior High School? 2. To
describe the way context Clues used in Reading Section in 2009 Final Examination (UAN) of Senior High School? 1.4 Scope and Limitation The researcher limits the research on kinds of
context clues and how are the context
clues used in reading text of 2009 Final Examination of Senior High School by using Spears and
Robinson theory. Spears (2000: 98) states
that context clues divided into four general types: Synonym, Antonym, Example, and Situation. While,
Robinson (1976: 60) divided context
clues into two types: the use of syntactic clues and the use of semantic clues. In this research, the
researcher wants to use both theories to complete each other. There are 2 model tests
in 2009 Final Examination of Senior High
School. They are Listening and reading.

Contoh English Literature:The study on Argument in Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s speeches at International event

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