Senin, 10 November 2014

English Literature:The Structure of Sentence Used in Headlines of FourFourTwo Magazine Website


This chapter presents background of the study,
problem of the study, objective of the
study, scope and limitation of the study, significance of the study, and definition of the key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study Nowadays,
there are many kinds of media used to inform news, announcement, and report in this world, such
as television, radio, internet (electric media), newspaper, magazine, news week,
journals (written media) and etc.

Almost all people in the world
access their needed information from those media.

Therefore, media is important to
overspread information to all over the world.

One of the media is magazine.
Magazine is one of written media which is usually published periodically. It is
different from other written media such as newspaper or journal. Commonly, the content of
magazine is more specific than newspaper.
It focused in one main topic or problem such as sport, politic, society, music, religion and etc. This is different
from the content of newspaper which discusses
more general topics or problems. By reading magazine, we can understand more about one topic which can
bridge the researcher to analyze more specific
cases. Therefore, magazine is interesting to analyze.

In many cases, the written works
such as magazine only pay more attention
on the meaning of the utterances and put outside how the language structure is used. That is important to know
because it influences the readers in interpreting
the written works itself. Studying language on written form is very important and was recommended by our prophet
Muhammad SAW. As mentioned in the
following hadiths: “From Zaid bin Tsabit, He said: Rasulullah SAW recommended
me to study the holly book of Jews (in
Suryani language) for him. He said, “In the name of Allah, the Jews have not believed in my book (Al Quran)”. Then I studied and mastered it (Suryani language) well in half of moth; I
wrote for him if he wanted to send a message
and I read for the message came for him (from the Jews and others in Suryani language)”. ((Narrated by;Turmudzi )
(Al Albani, 2007:655)).

The hadith above teaches us that
studying language on written forms is very
important in order to know and understand well the content of book, letter or written works even though it is written in
other language such as English.

Therefore, the readers have to
know the formulation of the words. To have good understanding about formulation of the words,
we have to do syntactic structures analysis
which discussed in syntax study.

Syntax is a branch of linguistic
studies which discuss about construction of word or sentence. Although syntax is rarely
used in this new ages as a research, but
the function of syntax is very important. Through syntax we can understand a sentence by identifying function of each word.
Syntax means the arrangement of words
and phrases to create well-formed sentences (Hornby: 1986). In addition, syntactic structure is a combination of no
more than two lexical words, with or without
function words. Radford (1997:1) also states that syntax is concerned with the ways in which words can be combined
together in the forms of phrases and sentences.
In addition, Yule (1985:80), in studying syntax, there will be an effort to produce an accurate analysis of the
ordering “arrangement” of the elements in the linier structure of sentence.

Beside the definitions above,
another definition proposed by Francis (1958:
291), he states that study them, would soon discover that they are not all alike either in the parts of speech that make
them up or in the structural meanings that
they convey. In addition, Francis (1958: 293) also explains that by studying syntax, the students can sketch the main
outlines and provide with a framework of ideas and a basic terminology, so that they
may pursue their own studies of grammar
with assurance and efficiency. If we have understood well about syntax, we can use language well especially in written

In addition, in the process of
writing, the writer usually use strategy to show himself positively and the contrary negatively
with politic manipulation by employing
syntactic strategy (sentence construction) such as application of pronoun, structure of word arrangement,
disposition of clause, application of complex
sentence and so on (Sobur, 2004: 80). Therefore, it is interesting and necessary to investigate and analyze the
syntactic structures in written works such as magazine.

To do a study on syntax means we are ready to
do syntactic structures analysis. There
are two types and ways in syntactic analysis that are used to analyze sentences, they are; tree diagram and
Chinese boxes while two ways are surface
structure and deep structure. Francis (1958: 292) divides the syntactic structures into four principal groups based on
their structural meaning. This theory analyzed
sentence founded on surface structure. Surface structure means the structure corresponds with the actual form of
a sentence. Those four basic types of syntactic
structures are; (1) Structure of modification; their two component parts are a head and a modifier, (2) Structure of
predication; their two components are a
subject and a predicate, (3) Structure of complementation; their two components are a verbal element and a complement,
and (4) Structure of coordination;
consisting of equivalent grammatical units joined often but not always by a special kind of function word.

In doing syntactic analysis,
Francis (1958:293-294) proposes Chinese Boxes
system to analyze the syntactic structures. In this system, the syntactic structure is analyzed by diagramming the
sentence using a binary system boxing into
its parts. Most system of diagramming in common use depends on rearranging the words and word groups of the
structure being diagrammed in order to
place them in a geometric pattern which reveals their logical relationship.

In this case, every structure may
be divided into its immediate constituents.
Then, may in turn be divided and subdivided until the ultimate constituents are reached. This is graphically
indicated by enclosing each ultimate constituent
in a box and drawing larger and larger boxes around the immediate constituents of each of the increasingly
complex structures into which they combine.
In conclusion, the result of this theory is something like famous as “Chinese boxes” that fit one within another
(Francis, 1958:293-294).

This research, analyzes headlines
that found in FourFourTwo magazine website
as the object of his research. FourFourTwo magazine website is a football website that is published by Haymarket,
located in UK & Ireland (Richardson, 2007). As the one of football information
centers, FourFourTwo discusses extensively
about football and everything related with football.

English Literature:The Structure of Sentence Used in Headlines of FourFourTwo Magazine Website

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