Jumat, 14 November 2014

English Literature:The Flouting and Hedging Used by the Main Characters in Bend It Like Beckham”

The introduction below deals with the
background of the study, the problems of the study, objective of the study,
significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study and definition of
the key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study “Mankind! We created
you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nation and
tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise) each other verily
the most honoured of you in the sight of God is the most Rightous of you. And
God has full knowledgeand is well acquanted (Al-Hujurat: 13).
This statement is one of ayat
from Holy Kur’an that is a basic to human people to know one each other. Based
on this ayat shows that knowing others is impossible without communication. And
Language is a mean of communication. It is used to communicate and know one
each other. Thus, understanding language use in community is very important in
our life.
In study of language or
Linguistics, especially in English, we know some branches of Linguistics; they
are Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Pragmatics and Semantics. In this case, study of language use
is a part of Pragmatics. Therefore, Discourse Analysis is study of language use
to communicate in human life.
When we want to analyze the way
how sentences work in a sequence to produce coherent sentences of language, at
least there are two main point approaches which can be used, namely discourse
analysis (focuses on the structure of language); however, in particular with
discourse analysis and text analysis can be used in much broader sense to
include all language units with definable communicative function, whether
spoken or written, Edmadson in Farida (2003:1).
Brown and Yule (1983:9) specify
the meaning of discourse analysis as the study of human use language to
communicate in particular, how addresses work on framework deals with the
language in use and how it is that language users interpret what other language
users intend to convey and what has essential role in the study of language.
The cooperative principle and its
maxims in discourse study are often referred to as they provide a lucid
description of how listeners (and readers) can distill information from the
utterance even though that information has not mentioned outright.
Consequently, it refers that conversation or communication can go on smoothly
if the cooperative principle is used (Grundy, 2000:23).
Moreover, the cooperative
principle of conversation stated that participant expect the stage at which it
occurs, by accepted purpose or direction of the table exchange (Google: 2006).
Grice in Renkema (1993:11)
however have a number of additional comments concerning with the cooperative
principle. First, the maxims are only valid for language use. Second, there
are, from the esthetic or social point of view.
Grice suggests the maxim ‘be
polite’. Third, an overabundance of information does not necessarily have to
mean that it is this maxim that is being violated, since it can also been as a
waste of time and energy and thus as violation of some efficiency principle.
Fourth, some maxims are vague. Through this principle, Grice interprets
language on the assumption that its senders obey four maxims in their
Within this principle, Grice in
Leech (1983:8) distinguishes four categories that are formulated in basic rules
of maxims or popular with Grice’s maxims, namely maxims of quantity, maxims of
quality, maxims of relevance and maxims of manner. Maxims of quantity occur
when the speakers make contribution as informative as is required and do not
give much informative than is required. Speakers should tell the contribution
as informative as possible; it should be neither too little nor too much.
Maxims of quality are speakers’ contributions should be as clear as brief and
must be on evidence. Speakers should tell the truth; they should not say what
they think is false or make statements that they lack on evidence. Maxims of
relevance; it should be relevant. We have to make the contribution relevant to
the aims of conversation. Maxims of manner; it is to the point, be brief and be
Although it is always used to
communicate in conversation, but not all communication either verbal or
nonverbal communication uses Grice’s maxims or this cooperative principle. It may disobey Grice’s
maxims either one maxim or this cooperative principle. It disobeys Grice’s
maxim either one maxim or more. It is called by “flouting and hedging maxim”.
Grice did not, however, assume that all people should constantly follow these
maxims. Instead, he found it interesting when these were "flouted" or
"violated" (either purposefully or unintentionally breaking the
maxims) by speakers, which would imply some other, hidden meaning. The
importance was in what was not said (Google: 2007).
In addition, it is flouting when
the speaker violates some maxims in producing the utterance in the form of
rhetorical strategies, namely tautology, metaphor, overstatement,
understatement, rhetorical question, and irony.
Furthermore, the maxims are
hedged when the information is not totally accurate but seem informative, well
founded and relevant; moreover the speaker quotes the information from other
Wardhaugh (1986:274) acknowledges
that in speaking to one another, we make use of sentences, or, to be more
precise, utterances. To produce utterances, everyone needs language in
communicating with others whenever and wherever they are. Conclusively,
language involves a system of arbitrary vocal symbols of human communication
(Wardhaugh, 1986:13).
To ensure a smooth communication
and harmonious interpersonal relationship in non-hostile social communication,
flouting and hedging maxims are used. Those strategies can be applied in both
oral and written communication.
Anyway, people can communicate
orally by many kinds of media; one of them is movie. And movie is one of media
to apply verbal communication in form of conversation among one character to another.
Most of movies provide lots of conversation among characters; and thus, it is
quite appropriate to investigate phenomena of flouting and hedging maxims in
the movie. Thus, the researcher wants to explore the data through movie in
studying flouting and hedging maxims.
The object of this study is
chosen because of some reasons. The general reason that underlines why the
researcher selects this movie is the language used.
Besides, an exploratory of some
utterances in conversations which give more data in analyzing the phenomena of
flouting and hedging maxims is interesting because there were not researcher
who researched this field from movie. Further, it is quite appropriate to
investigate flouting and hedging maxims field through the apparent context,
utterances and setting in order to know how the theory of Grice’s Cooperative
Principle are applied in the movie.

English Literature:The Flouting and Hedging Used by the Main Characters in Bend It Like Beckham”

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