Jumat, 14 November 2014

English Literature:Moral Qualities of the Main Character in Madame Bovary

1.1 Background of the Study We know that
literary work is created as a reflection of human life.
Intrinsically, literature
represents life expression in the form of language (Hardjana, 1985:10). If we
talk about literature, it is very complicated to say the definition. Many
literary critics have tried to define literature in different ways, but there
are no precisely definition concerning what literature is. When a definition
was given by one critic, it will be debated by others. Even though, there are
many definition of literature which is different each other, but generally, it
can be formulated that literature is the fiction work which is created based on
emotion when he or she observes the environment as the matter of the story
(Fananie, 2002:6).
A literary work may be assumed as
the expression of the writer’s idea, imagination, thought, will and life
experiences, whether it is come from emotion of happiness, fear and social
phenomenon. According to Wellek and Waren (1995:82), the main cause of the
existence of a literary work is the writer.
In his work, the author has aim
to reveal and convey a message for the readers, and invite the readers to feel
the world that happened in its period. There are two certain goals of creating
the works. First is to present some information or to give message about
valuable things such as education, religious, morality values etc. The last is
just entertaining the readers. A literary work can be said as a good or a bad work if it is able to bring the
meaning of life and the valuable things to increase more knowledge, not just
based on his or her fantasy or imagination which is unreasonable, therefore the
story should be logic. Jonathan Culler (1997:19) said that the way a story
shows how something came to happen, connecting the initial situation, the
development, and the outcome in a way that makes sense.
A literary work that the
researcher analyzes is a narrative prose (novel).
Novel is one of literary works
that is written with a great amount on every page without having limitation.
The full of length novel may contain a number of characters, setting, and scene
or episodes in which it combined for the events (Koesnosoebroto, 1988:19).
A novel that the researcher
chooses is Madame Bovary novel. There are two reasons in choosing this
research. First, moral element inside the novel gave knowledge about how we
should behave and take an exact step in this life through attitude and
behavior. Second, Gustave Flaubert as the author shows how the main character
tries to reach her passion to get the life purpose through her acts and it can
be as guidance in considering bad or good act in literary works.
In this research, moral approach
is used to analyze element of moral.
Moral element that depicted in
this story is used to preach about good and bad moral. It is useful to reveal
morality in human self that lead us more wisdom in facing the real life.
Djojosuroto states that moral approach wants literature becomes a medium to
move society up in a right direction (2006:20). This approach tries to discuss
the relation of literary work with moral norms prevailed in society. By using this approach, the
analysis is focused on seeking and understanding to moral values in a literary
work (Wiyatmi, 2006:112). In this case, literary work assessed as teacher that
is able to be the leader. Herewith society can improve the quality of their
life through their acts.
Moral was a concept which is
formulated by a society to determine goodness or badness. A man who obeys the
rules is considered as suitable act and moral. On the contrary, if he or she
disobeys, it is considered as immoral act.
Moral that is showed in human
actions with reference to right and wrong has moral quality. Moral quality is
the basic nature of moral that is showed from the act. As we know that human
has an own moral quality in acted. From moral quality, it can be known their
good and bad moral from the act. Thus the researcher would like to analyze
moral qualities that are related with human endeavor to get their purpose in
the world (Poespoprojo, 1999:122).
Gustave Flaubert was a French
novelist who is counted among the greatest Western novelist. He is known
especially for his first published novel, Madame Bovary (1857). This story is
focused on Emma’s life which is desired to the romanticized view of the world
and wealth from the book that she always read but she doesn’t find it in her
marriage. Trying to feel comfort in her marriage by being a good wife doesn’t help
her much. She never read the Bible and pray in the convent makes her far from
God and leaves the real world. Torn between her licentiousness and piety, she
begins to distribute her pretension since she moved to town. Inability to
accept the real life and far from her belief of God, Emma embarks directly down
a path to moral over the course of the novel. She would have an affair with someone. Meanwhile, the
higher social stratum offers Emma the luxurious. And it purchases her more and
more luxury items on credit from a crafty merchant named Lheureux. As a result,
Emma stuck in a country town without much money and doesn’t know what she
should do. Ultimately, the novel’s moral structure requires Emma to assume
responsibility for her own actions.
This novel is depicted all of
human life side as it possibility could happen in reality including of moral
side which becomes the study of this research. This moral side is concern with
good and bad moral. Based on the story above, it is concluded that this novel
is appropriate to analyze moral qualities on the main character in Madame
Bovary novel. This novel can be the source of moral education. Here the
researcher wants to show to the reader that moral elements in this story can be
come a guidance in considering bad or good act. The moral education preaches
the readers in to see wider about moral norms. As the source of moral
education, the story may contain moral or immoral value (Wiyatmi, 2006:111).
1.2 Statements of the Problems Based
on the background of the study, the problems which are investigated in this
study are: a. What are the moral
qualities found in the main character of Madame Bovary novel? b. What the factors influence the moral
qualities in the main character of Madame Bovary novel? c. What are the effects of the main character’s
acts? 1.3 Objectives of the Study In accordance with the statements of the
problems, the purposes of this study are: a.
To find out the moral qualities found in the main character of Madame Bovary
b. To find out the factors influence the moral
qualities in the main character of Madame Bovary novel.
c. To find out the effects of the main
character’s acts 1.4 Scope and Limitation In this novel, the researcher tries to analyze
moral quality, the factors influence moral quality of the main character, Emma,
and the effect of her moral act. This research gives limitation with only
analyze the main character’s behavior relating with her moral in the novel of
Madame Bovary. Therefore, it focuses in studying moral side of the main

English Literature:Moral Qualities of the Main Character in Madame Bovary

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