Jumat, 14 November 2014

English Literature:The Flouting and Hedging maxims Used by the Main Characters in William Gibson’s The Miracle Worker

chapter presents background of the study, research problems, objectives of the study, significance of the
study,scope and limitation of the study,
and definition of the key terms.
1.7 Background of the Study Discourse analysis is the framework which
deals with the language use and how it
is that language user interprets what other language user intend to convey and then has essential role in the
study of language. As mentioned in holy Qu’ran
surah Annisa’: “And admonish them and speaks to them concerning themselves
effectual words”.
While, Brown and Yule (1983:9)
specify the meaning of discourse analysis
as the study of human use language to communicate in particular, how addresses work on the linguistics messages in
orderto interpret them.
The cooperative principle goes
both ways: speakers (generally) observe the
cooperative principle, and listeners (generally) assume that speakers are observing it. This allows for the possibility
of implicature, which are meanings that
are not explicitly conveyed in what is said, but that can nonetheless be inferred.
Grice as quoted by Renkema
(1983:11) have a number of additional comments
concerning the cooperative principle. First, the maxims are only valid for language use that is meant to be
informative. Second, there are esthetic or social points of views other possible maxims.
Gricesuggests the maxim “Be polite”.
Third,overabundance of information does not necessarily have to mean that it is this maxim that is being violated,
sinceit can also be seen as a waste of time
and energy and thus as a violation of some efficiency principle. Fourth, some maxims are rather vague. Besides, according to
this principle Grice interprets language
on the assumption that is senders obeying four maxims. There are of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of
relevance, maxim of manner (Cook,1989:29).
Moreover, obeying the maxims of
conversation, the speakers and the hearers
as participants of communication sometimes violate the maxims. The violation of the maxims can be done on purpose
which invite implicatures. The violation
of the maxims by Grice is called floutingmaxims. Someone is said to flout a conversational a maxim when he or she
infringes the maxims intentionally to
give rise to a certain conversational implicature. When conversational implicature is generated in this way, the
maxim is said as “being exploited” (Grice in Cole and Morgan, 1975: 52-53).
Furthermore, not all
communication either verbal ornonverbal communication uses four maxims or this cooperative
principle. It disobeys of Grice’s maxims either one maxim more. It is called by
flouting andhedging maxims”. Moreover, it
is flouting when he speaker violates some maximsin producing the utterance in the form of rhetorical trategies; namely
tautology metaphor, overstatement, understatement,
rhetorical question, and irony. Furthermore, the maxims are hedged when the information is not totally
accuratebut seem informative, well founded
and relevant; moreover the speaker quotes the information from other people (Grundy, 2000:23).
In addition, language in use
always creates three independent kinds of social cultural meaning; first, it constructs
social relationships among participant and
point of view. Second, it creates verbal presentation of events, activities and
relationship other than it self. And the
last, it construes relation of parts of whole within its own text and between itself and its
Text can be said as the
representation of discourse. Toward text is simply a convenient term to label the units of written
language that we deal with everyday from
notice to newspaper articles, album or CD sleeves note, texts book or even cookery recipes. Besides, there is also spoken
text, but when we analyze them we will
be looking at them in written form (Rozalina, 2003:11) Even though Austin’s speech and Grice’s maxims
are for serious and causal uses of
language, these conversational rulesare also applicable to literary communication (Pratt, 1977 and Stubbs, 1983).
Literary communication is kind of communication
that occurs between the author and the reader /audience, or between at least two characters within
literary work.
In reading literary works,
sometimes we get difficulties in comprehending to works or facing misunderstanding in
interpretingthe message like in the dialog of the play. As cook (1989:59) state that of
dialogue is one of the fundamental structuring
principles of all discourse, written and spoken alike. By understanding the basic theory of how people use language in
speaking focused on the function of
words, especially maxims. So, this study focuseson maxims, which consist of flouting and hedging of Grice’s maxim on the
main character in the miracle worker
play text by William Gibson.
Communication in drama has some
similarities with ordinary communication.
It makes use of language as media and of context in which it occurs. Character’s utterances in a drama
constitute of a verbal communication, at least, between two of them. The play the role
of speakers sending messages and it turn,
hearers receiving the messages.
There are some reasons why the
researcher focuses this study on “The Miracle
Worker” play text. The first is it seems interesting to study a drama using a discourse analysis approach that is studying
the language for communication used by
characters of the drama. Just as if they were real, do they flout and hedge maxims used by the main characters in William
Gibson’s “The Miracle Worker”? The
second is this drama was chosen on the basis ofits language, the reputation of the drama itself and of its playwright. The
characters utterances in “The Miracle Worker”
represent people’s utterances in ordinary life in 1880’s. William Gibson is a well-known playwright.
The study of discourse has been
done by some of university students from many perspectives. Priambodo (2002)
investigates violation and flouting of Grice’s
maxims in the Date of Salesman. Rozalina (2003) investigates about the implicatures used in the title of laporan
utama section in mimbar pembangunan agama
magazine. Rahmah (2005) investigates floutingand hedging maxims found on pojok column in kompas newspaper. Rusdiana
(2004) investigates flouting and hedging
maxims on comic strip “Born Loser” in the Jakarta Post newspaper.
Based on the explanation above,
the writer is interested in studying flouting and hedging maxims used by the main characters in
William Gibson’s “The Miracle Worker”.
This play is chosen because this play is one of the most famous plays in the world.
1.8 Research Problems As mentioned in the background above, the
essence of the problems can be formulated
as follows: a. How are the flouting maxims used by the main
characters in William Gibson’s “The
Miracle Worker”? b. How are the hedging maxims used by the main
characters in William Gibson’s “The
Miracle Worker”? 1.9 Objectives of the
Study Based on the research problems
mentioned above, this study is atten to explain
descriptively: a. to describe how flouting maxims used by the
main characters in William Gibson’s “The
Miracle Worker” b. to describe how hedging maxims used by the
main characters in William Gibson’s “The
Miracle Worker” 1.10 Significance of the Study The findings this
research was supposed to give both theoretical and practical contribution. Theoretically, this
research is expected to be one of sources in discourse studies particularly on the
analyzing flouting and hedging maxims.

English Literature:The Flouting and Hedging maxims Used by the Main Characters in William Gibson’s The Miracle Worker

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