Jumat, 14 November 2014

English Literature:A Semantics Analysis on The Meanings and Messages in The English Translation of Surah Al-Rahman by M. Marmaduke Pickthall

This chapter discusses about several points,
thoseare; background of study, problems
of study, objectives of study, significances of study, scope and limitation,
and definition of key terms.
1.1 Background of Study Linguistics,
which has the
significant role for
the existence of human language, has
many branches of
study. Semantics is
one of the
branches of language
studying about the
meaning. It is
considered the major
branch of linguistics devoted to the study of meaning in
language (Crystal; 1991). Through semantics, we
can describe the
meaning either of
the word or
the sentences accurately
and more widely
whether from the
lexical meaning or the
other meanings. Referring
to the meaning,
there are many
philosophers have debated about the meaning, with particular reference
to language, for well over 2000 years and
no more has yet produced a satisfactory answer to it (Lyon;1984) quoted from Dimjati.
Semantics is one aspect that is
needed for the people who want to be good speakers and also researchers. In this case,
of course as the researcher, I couldn’t avoid
this aspect of study. It will bring a crucialimpact while we don’t know at all about this aspect. Leech (1977) states that
semantics as the study of meaning, is central
to the study of communication and as communication become more and more
a crucial factor
in social organization,
the need to
understand it becomes more pressing.
Moreover, Meaning
is needed for
the teaching and
learning process of linguistics. As
the linguistics student,
the researcher admits
that the meaning brings the crusial impact on his study. The
study will go successfully at the time the
student understand the meaning well. Merely, related with the studying of the holy
Qur’an, needs the
deeply comprehend and
understand the meaning
of the holy Qur’an.
On the other hand, Al-Qur’an,
which is the most greatest holy book in this universe, has the important role for the
Moslems people either for the guidance book
or another function
as the existence
of the semantics
in the language.
AlQur’an consists of many surahs. There are more thana hundred surahs in
the holy Qur’an. Al-Rahman
is one of the important
surah in Al-Qur’an.
There are 78 surahs.
Al-Rahman itself means that Allah is the most gracious one. In this surah, there are many prohibitions, information and
guidance that we need to understand and
to do.
Besides, it becomes a strong
motivation for the writer to analyze and study about
it because it
is a special
holy book that
contains special terms,
language, and proposition. The
language of Qur’an is special,different from others. Every effort had been made whose belifting language
to translate the holy qur’an but the result
is not the glorious qur’an that is inimitable symphony, the very sounds of which move men to tears and ecstacy
(Pickthall, 1982).
1.2 Problems of Study According to the background of the study
above, theresearcher intends to state
questions as follows: 1. What
level of meanings
do we find
in the translation
of surah al-rahman
by Pickthall? 2. What
messages do we find in pickthall’s translationon surah Al-Rahman? 1.3
Objectives of Study Through this study the researcher expects to
present the description of: 1. Level
of meanings that
we found in
the translation of
surah Al-Rahman by Pickthall
The messages that we found in Pickthall’s translation of surah Al-Rahman
of the holy Qur’an 1.4
Significances of Study There are
some significances of this study, these are; a. As
the media for us to enrich our knowledge not only about English but also deeper about the contains and the meaning of
the surah Al-Rahman especially by
Pickthall b. As
the knowledge for
us to know
how could we
research the Translation
of Holy Qur’an especially on
surah Al-Rahman by Pickthall.
c. As the contribution for our academics and
religion in order to be the reference thesis
for the other Moslems students d. As the motivation to another Moslem students
to research and analyze another Islamic
sources for their object of study and research.
1.5 Scope and Limitation On
analyzing the translation
of surah Al-rahman
here, the researcher focuses on several kinds of meanings. Although
there are much more aspects of semantics, however,
kinds of meanings
becomes the major
priority for the researcher;
either lexical meanings, sentence meaning or discourse meaning. The researcher expects to be able to analyze the
translation of surah al-rahman of the holy qur’an
by Pickthall deeply
and accurately. In
contrast with studying
and analyzing it
in general, it
will make the
result of the analyzing
it becomes inaccurate and difficult to understand.
1.6 Definition of Key Terms These
are the key terms and the definitions thatare used in this thesis; The Holy Qur’anis the holy book that comes
from Allah through malaikat Jibril that is
presented for our
prophet Muhammad as
his greatest Mu’jizat
for the guidance holy book for Moslems.
Al-Rahmanis one of the surahs in
the holy Qur’an that meansthat Allah is the most gracious one CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE The researcher discusses about several items
in this chapter, those are; semantics, the
important of semantics, kinds of meanings, the
surah Al-Rahman, the biography of M. Marmaduke Pickthall, and the previous study.
2.1 Semantics Semantics
refers to the
study of meaning.
Related with this
discussion, Manis (1987) stated
that semantics, roughly defined, is the study of meaning. It involves the word meaning, phrase meaning,
sentenceand text meaning. Related with the
discussion, Sari (1988)
states that semantics
is the study
of linguistics meaning; that is the meaning of words, phrase,
and sentences.

Many people may have the impression that a word’s meaning is simply its dictionary definition. It is true that when
someonewants to find out what a word means,
an easy and practical way to do it is to look the word up in a dictionary.
Most people
in our culture
accept dictionaries as
providing unquestionably authoritative
accounts of the
meanings of the
words they define. However,
we must face
that the fact
that a word
means what people
use it to
mean. As sari (1988)
states that a word meaning is determined by the people who use that word, not, ultimately by a dictionary.

Moreover, semantics does not only concerns with the word and sentence meaning but also the meaning of all signs and
symbol systems. Related with this discussion,
Robins (1980) stated that meaning is anattribute not only of language but
also all of
sign and symbol
systems, and the
study of meaning
is called semantics,
which, therefore, embraces
a wider range than
language alone. And, Longman
dictionary (1983) states that semantics
is the study of words meaning and other parts of language, the general study
of signs or symbols and what they stand

English Literature:A Semantics Analysis on The Meanings and Messages in The English Translation of Surah Al-Rahman by M. Marmaduke Pickthall

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