Kamis, 13 November 2014

English Literature:The Divorce of Lillian Roth in I’ll Cry Tomorrow by Lillian Roth

This chapter provides a discussion of the
background of the study, statement of
the problems, objectives of the study,scope and limitation, significance of the study, research method,
and definition of the key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study Recent
literary critics have come into an agreementthat there is still no conventional definition, as well as the
function, of literature. It commonly happens
that a definition of literature given by one critic will soon be debated, challenged, or even refused by others. An
attempt of finding a conclusive definition,
limitation, and function of literature seems to be an endless effort in the frame work of humanistic studies.
Beyond the debate of the
definition, however, lies a generally accepted characteristic of literature. Most critics see
literature as a product of human creativity
in the form of written or oral work (Wellek & Warren, 1990:3).
Therefore, literature undoubtedly
occupies a language in which the various elements and components of the text are
brought into a complex relation. Through the art of language play, literature offers
pleasure and illumination (Kennedy, 1983:15).
In the literary world, there are
many kinds of literary work, such as novel, fiction, poetry, poem etc. Novel is one of the
literary works which describes human beings’
life, attitude, action, and even represents the historical facts.
Madden (1997:112) states that the
length of novel allows the author to use multiple structures. There may be plots,
counter plots, and subplots; stories out side the main story is often arranged to
provide contrast or ironic comment. The author
also has more space for social and historical complexity, more psychological background of character, motive,
and choice. On the other hand, novel is
a fictional narrative, longer than the short story, but with no set length. It organizes character than a story. It shows its
characters in more depth than the short
story. Novel is able to contain more complicated action than the short story, and it is more likely to introduce subplots (Peck,
1988: 713).
Perrine (1979) divides literature
into two categories: escape literatureand interpretative literature. Escape literature
is a literary work which is written purely
for entertainment, to help people pass the time agreeably. It takes them away from the real world; enables them
temporarily to forget their troubles. The other category is interpretative literature,
which is written to broaden, deepen, and
sharpen people’s awareness of life. It takes them through the imagination, deeper into the real world. It enables them to
understand their troubles. Its objectives
are to give pleasure plus understanding.It makes people understand the reality of life better.
A Literary work is the result of human beings’
thinking which tells life that deals
with feeling, ideas, experience, ambition, imagination and problem. One of literary genres is novel, a book-length
story inprose, whose author tries to create
the sense of actual life (Kennedy, 1983). The full length novel may consist of over 100,000 words, containing a number of
characters. Some of them are fully developed,
have more incidents or episodes, have a number of settings, and may take place in a long span of time. It may
have morethan one theme; have both minor
and major crises (conflicts) and climaxes (Koesnosubroto, 1988).
There are various things that might be the
influential background of the authors in
writing their novel (Bakker, 1978:48). Literary art of the novel shows diverse style, may have different background
or purpose, or show different artistic trends.
Those distinctive purpose and background creates differences of novel.
There are historical novel,
detective novel, romantic novel, biographical novel, and science fiction novel.
Some authors write a novel in the form of
autobiography. Abrams (1933:5) states
that autobiography is a biography written by someone about himself or herself. It means that biographical
workis a reflection of the author’s life.
One of the authors who like writing a personal life in the novel is Lillian Roth. Lillian is a struggling woman, but she
could not reach a normal life due to her
being a star. Lillian did not get adequate education and she did not have many friends in her age. Entertainment world has
given agreat pressure to Lillian’s life and
in her thirty she was bankrupt and hopeless drunk.
One of Lillian’s novels that is
considered to portray her divorce experience is I’ll Cry Tomorrow. It is one of her works
that are categorized into autobiographical
novel which tells about her life, marriage, and divorce.
The novel analyzed in this study is I'll cry
tomorrow,written by Lillian Roth in
collaboration with Mike Connolly and GeraldFrank. I’ll Cry Tomorrow tells about
the biography of Lillian Roth, a famous and wealthy singer in Hollywood, but then her career and her life
declined. This biography is touching, shocking,
courageous and appalling. In her novel Lillian tells her marriages, her rapid descent to dissipation, her emitted
liquor bottles in shabby hotels, her horrors
of drunken delirium, her going slowly insane, and she also unable to shake off the demon that was driving her to death.
The more evident show that I’ll Cry Tomorrow
is truly one of autobiographical novel.
The story tells about the author is (Lillian Roth) biography. To find out how the fiction
portrays thereal life of the author, this research is designed to describe the causes
and effects of Lillian Roth's divorce which
is reflected in the novel and the reflection of the story of the novel in her real life. There are many sides of Lillian
Roth’s life that are very interesting to be discussed, but the writer of this study
focuses only on the failure of her marriage (divorce). The writer chooses the divorce of
Lillian Roth because Lillian has married
five times and four of her marriages were ended in divorce.
In this study, the writer would like to study
the causes and the effects of Lillian
Roth’s divorce toward her life and the reflection of the story of the novel in her real life by employing biographical
approach. Biographical approach is believed
to enable the researcher to explain the causes and the effects of divorce of Lillian Roth. Based on the description
above, the researcher is interested in conducting
a study entitled “The Divorce of LillianRoth in I’ll Cry Tomorrowby Lillian Roth".
1.2 Statement of the Problems According
to the background of the study above, theproblems to be answered in this research are formulated as follows: 1. What are the causes and effects of Lillian
Roth’s divorce in I'll Cry Tomorrow? 2.
How Does I'll cry tomorrow reflect the writer's life? 1.3 Objectives of the Study In
relation to the previous statements of the problems, the objectives of this study are formulated as follows: 1. To describe the causes and effects of
Lillian Roth's divorce in I'll Cry Tomorrow.

Howe@ � h ��d �od ss has
still to be reflected in the job market.
Since a more educated society are good for industry and society as a whole, it is even more urgent
for women to gainan acceptable status in
their profession.

English Literature:The Divorce of Lillian Roth in I’ll Cry Tomorrow by Lillian Roth

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