Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:The Correlation between Discourse Quality and Readability of the English Reading Texts Used in the State Islamic Senior High Schools (MANs)

This chapter discusses backround of the study,
problems of the study, objectives of the study, hypothesis, significances of
the study, scope and limitation of the study, and definition of the key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study The
expression of “the basic unit of language is sentence, not words” was true in
Boaz’s period because a word can establish a meaning without others (Boaz in
Samsuri, 1988: 52). However, nowadays a bigger unit of language than sentence
is called discourse.
According to Cook (in Rani, 2004:
5), discourse is the usage of language in communication, both oral and written.
Due to the fact that discourse is as the usage of language in communication, so
it is important to pay attention to the meaning of language as the message in
that communication. However, people often misunderstand in catching a message
of the communication because of ignoring the context which establishes the
Therefore, it is very important
to take notice the position of discourse in language. Otherwise, we often
misinterprate the language usage in communication. Consequently, it will appear
new problem in communication, both in oral and written.
However, in this research, the
researcher focuses his research on the written language than oral language
because the usage of language in written is more effective than in oral.
Written language can be read by more people in different periods. Therefore, it
is important to do research in written language.
Written language (text) always
has message in it. Finding the message does not only need the ability to read
and catch the meaning of each word, but also understand the context which
establishes the text. It is named as readable text or readability of the text.
Readability of the text can be
supported by some factors, they are quality of discourse, word choice,
punctuation, grammar correctness, and so forth. In this research, the
researcher focuses on the discourse quality, especially in cohesion and
coherence because both of them can be measured easily because the reseracher
does not need the presence of the readers or the writers. While, others, like
intentionality, acceptability, informativeness, situationality, intertextuality,
is difficult to be measured because they need presence of the readers or the
writers. Therefore, the researcher only uses cohesion and coherence in
conducting this research to find out how the correlation between discourse
quality and readability of the text is.
It is important to focus on the
discourse quality because the position of discourse establishes the meaning of
text, it is like what the researcher has stated above. In other words,
readability of the text relates to the discourse quality.
In this research, the researcher
studies English reading texts used in the learning process as the object of the
research. The researcher gets the texts from some books used by some senior
high schools in the English learning process.
It is very important to study
about English reading texts used in the learning process because recently there
are many English reading texts used in the learning process. However, some
students still have problems to understand the meaning of a text although they
have understood the meaning of each word.
Therefore, this research is more
useful when it focuses on English reading texts used in the learning process
than other texts. However, the researcher does not take all of the texts used
in the learning process of English.
In this research, the researcher
focus on English reading texts used in the learning process at the state
Islamic senior high schools (MANs) Jombang.
The researcher divides the books
used in the learning process into two kinds, they are primary materials and
supplementary materials. Primary materials are the books which are used as the
primary source in the learning process. While supplementary materials are the
books which are used as the additional source in the learning process.
MANs are chosen in this research
because the researcher would like to help the teachers in the state Islamic
senior high schools in selecting a good text in order that the students can
understand the texts easily. Finally, the quality of students’ understanding of
the state Islamic senior high schools to the English texts will be able to
compete with the students of public senior high schools. Furthermore, the state
Islamic senior high schools are expexted to be able to compete with other
senior high schools in globalization era because those schools can graduate
many students who have good quality as human resources.
In the previous study, Roifah
(2008) ever did research about discourse quality by the title "Quality of
Discourse Developed by the Participants of Java Overland English Debate
2007". However, in her research, she focused only on the oral language.
While in this research the researcher focuses on the written language that is
English reading texts used in the English learning process.
Finally, based on the previous
description, the researcher would like to investigate the correlation between
discourse quality and readability of the text.
1.2 Problems of the Study In this
research, the researcher focuses on three problems, they are: 1. What is the discourse quality of the English
reading texts used in the learning process in the state Islamic senior high
schools of Jombang? 2. What is the
readability of English reading texts used in the learning process in the state
Islamic senior high schools of Jombang? 3.
Is there any correlation between discourse quality and readability of
the English reading texts used in the learning process in the state Islamic senior
high schools of Jombang? 1.3 Objectives of the Study This research has some
objectives, they are: 1. To know the
discourse quality of the English reading texts used in the the learning process
in the state Islamic senior high schools of Jombang.
2. To know the readability of English reading
texts used in the the learning process in the state Islamic senior high schools
of Jombang.
3. To know the correlation between discourse
quality and readability of the English reading texts used in the learning
process in the state Islamic senior high schools of Jombang.
1.4 Hypothesis 1. If the English reading texts have good
quality, the readability of the texts will be good too.
2. If the English reading texts do not have good
quality, the readability of the texts will not be good too.

English Literature:The Correlation between Discourse Quality and Readability of the English Reading Texts Used in the State Islamic Senior High Schools (MANs)

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