Selasa, 04 November 2014

English Literature:The Analysis Of Active And Passive Voice In The Jakarta Post Newspaper

1.1 The Background of The Study It
is essentially important to know what language is and why and how we should learn a particular language. There
are many languages in the world and
English is one of these languages. We learn a language for the purpose of communication. We take a great deal of
pleasure from or in learning and speaking
Language is a matter of common knowledge,
is the medium of communication through
which we express our emoticons, ideas, feelings and thoughts to our fellow people. For the
structuralism, language is continuous segmental speech used as tool of human
communication ( Pike, 1975).
Language plays important role in
every aspect of human being in term of communication.
Therefore, there is no activity done without language, such as : communicating, conveying, or exchanging ideas
one and another.
Grammar is a body of rules
specifying how meanings are created in English.
Veit (1986:6) states the grammar is a person’s subconscious language knowledge. To be good in English, we have to
know the grammar because it is one of
the basic elements in English some terms included in grammar are part or speech, sentence, elliptical construction
(Elliptical English Sentence), gerund,
to infinitive.
Talking about language we have to
talk about the structure, especially The
Active and Passive voice. Active Voice is the sentence where the subject is doing the work. Different from the Passive
voice where the subject is done the work.
The Passive voice also follow tenses as experienced by the active sentence.
In this analyzing, I want to know
how often The Active and Passive Voice
are used in The Jakarta Post Newspaper. I will take a few articles that are used The Active and Passive voice. Beside
that, I will analyze the pattern of The
Active and Passive Voice of each sentences that finding in The Jakarta Post Newspaper.
1.2 The Scope of The Study In
this paper, I would like to analyze the structure of The Active and Passive voice in tenses, finding in The
Jakarta Post Newspaper. How many The Active
and Passive Voices are used in Jakarta Post Newspaper.
1.3 The Purpose of The Study The
purpose of The Study are : 1. To make the readers can understand the
structure of The Active and Passive voice.
2. To make the readers can understand the using
of The Active and Passive voice in
3. To make the writer can apply her knowledge
that has been obtained during her
studies in The Faculty of Letters.
1.4 The Significance of The Study
By doing the research of The Analysis of Active and Passive voice in Jakarta Post Newspaper, it is expect that’s : 1. The analysis would be useful for the
learners to have a broad study in term of
linguistic by analyzing the structure of Active and Passive voice.
2. The analysis can provide
understanding and the reader can apply through the exploration of English Grammar exercises.
3. The analysis would become an
initial references to conduct futher interesting
language research in similar language.
4. The analysis can be used as
guide in teaching.
5. The analysis can improve the
readers’s interest in studying grammar especially
Active and Passive voice.
1.5 The Method of The Study In
analyzing the analysis of Active and Passive voice, I apply the library research method. The first I read all
the books that are related closely with
the analysis of Active and Passive voice.
The seconds I compare all the
informations that I get from all the books of English Grammar. And I take the best one
information to make the argumentation.
In doing the analysis, I used
some news/articles that found in The Jakarta Post Newspaper.

English Literature:The Analysis Of Active And Passive Voice In The Jakarta Post Newspaper

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