Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:Teaching Reading at SLTP Negeri 2 Ngimbang Lamongan

1.1. Background of the Study English
is taught as the first foreign language in Indonesia. It becomes one of the
compulsory subject at
schools. In addition,
English is an
international language. It is
used all over
the world, so
that it is
important language, learning English becomes
a need for
the students. As
the consequence, many
parents send their children
to a private
course. They thing
that studying English
at a private course is much better than studying
at a school.
To learn
English at school,
the students should,
master four skills,
the skills are listening,
speaking, reading and
writing. In curriculum
2004, listening comes first.
Then, it is
followed by speaking,
reading, and writing.
However, it does not
mean that listening
and speaking are
more important than
reading. They are important.
Reading is
also an important
skill, it is
a means of developing second language competence.
Those who read
more will have
larger vocabulary. As the
result, they do
better on tests
of grammar, writer
better and spell
better (Krashen, 1993). In
other words, reading
ability affects the
other skills. It
is supported by study
done by Kirn
and Krashen (1997).
They investigated five
female adults acquired English
as a second
language. The study
shows that the
success of a learning
a second language
is by taking the power
of reading. So
by reading a lot,
the students could improve their English.
needs a will
to read. When
they to read,
they do reading
more often and with
more effort. They
become engaged in
reading (Gee, 1999).
Successful readers
have a positive
attitude toward reading,
read more and so
become better readers.
As better readers,
they have a
large vocabulary. They
will be more familiar with the syntactical structures found in books and
have a broader knowledge bas (ibid),
in this case,
the teacher should
motivate the students
to read.
In fact,
the students of
SLTPN Ngimbang are
lack of interest
in reading.
They rarely
come to the
library. Based on
the attendance list
of library, they
are less than ten
students who visit
the library to
read. It shows
that they have
poor reading habit consequently, it affects the failure of studying
Nevertheless, it
is not the
only factor which
influence the success
of teaching. There are
four factors that
influence the success
of teaching. They
are environment factor, instrumental
factor, physiological condition
and psychological condition.
Teacher takes
a central role
to help the
students in studying.
Ideally, before the teacher
teaches in class,
he should make
syllabus, which consists
of objectives, material, media
and strategy in
teaching. He should
follow the curriculum, so that
when be teaches, he could follow the syllabus he made. In fact, may teachers
do not syllabus,
they just follow
the material in
one book without looking at the objectives of
teaching. In addition, they do not have any preparation to each.
In teaching reading,
teachers need a
strategy to help
the students in getting
better understanding. The
strategies are scanning,
skimming and mapping.
the teacher does
not use one
of them, the
students will get
difficulty in understanding the
Many studies
have been done
to improve the
students’ skill in
learning English. Most of the studies focus on the learners. For
example, the study done by Krashen
and Kim (1977)
The improve the learners’ reading
skill by extensive reading. Another
example is the
study done by
Thomas and Robinson
(1982). If the students
are found unfamiliar
words in reading,
they can be
solved by looking at the
content. By doing
so, they could
enjoy reading without
disturbing with unfamiliar words.
In this study,
the writer would
like to conduct
a study, “Teaching Reading
at SLTP Ngimbang
Lamongan”. She focuses
on the way
the teacher teaches reading and the problems he faces in teaching
1.2. Statement of the Problems.
In this study, the writer
formulates two problems as follows: 1.
How does the teacher of SLTPN Ngimbang Lamongan teach reading? 2. What problems are found in teaching and
learning reading? 1.3. Objectives of the Study.
Based on the statement of the
problems above, the objectives of the study are: 1. To
describe the teacher
is ways of
SLTPN Ngimbang Lamongan
in teaching reading, especially
the techniques used
by the teacher
and the application of the
2. To describe the problems, which are found in
the teaching learning process of reading including, whilst reading and post
1.4. Signification of the Study.
The writer really hopes that this
study will be useful.
1. For the writer.
To deepen
her knowledge about
some problems in
teaching. Furthermore, she will
be optimistic to
find out the
best solution for
another problems in teaching.
2. For the teacher To help the English teacher to improve their
professional skill in teaching.
3. For the theory.
To give
a contribution in
teaching methode, especially
the methods in teaching reading.
1.5. Scope of the Study.
In this study, the writer limits
her study into: The teacher and
the second years student of SLTPN Ngimbang Lamongan only
focuses on how the teacher teaches reading, including the techniques used by the teacher
and the interaction
between the teacher
and the students,
and also the problems
found in the
teaching learning process
of reading at
SLTPN Ngimbang Lamongan..

English Literature:Teaching Reading at SLTP Negeri 2 Ngimbang Lamongan

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