Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:Semantic Analysis on the Lyrics of Muse's Songs

1.1 Background of the Study Linguistic approach can be used as a means to
identify the means of literary works implied in literary works. Literary work
is one of artistry forms of human being used language as a material of
activity. However, the usage of language in literary activity is different from
the usage of language in other activity. So, in the literary activity, language
is used in a particular way, might possibly digress, and almost have general
meaning. Man of letters undoubtedly is eager to convey some message to the
reader. There are tree forms of literature that are poetry, drama, and prose.
Poetry (from the Greek poiesis, a
"making" or "creating") is a form of art in which language
is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu
of, its ostensible meaning. Poetry may be written independently, as discrete poems,
or may occur in conjunction with other arts, as in poetic drama, hymns or lyrics.
Drama is the specific mode of fiction
represented in performance. It is derived from a Greek word meaning
"action" (Classical Greek įȡȐȝĮ/ dráma), derived from "to do" (Classical Greek įȡȐȦ/ dráǀ). Drama is often combined with music and dance.
Prose is writing distinguished
from poetry by its greater variety of rhythm and its closer resemblance to
everyday speech. The word prose comes from the
Latin prose, meaning straightforward, hence the term
"prosaic," which is often seen as pejorative. Prose describes the
type of writing that prose embodies, unadorned with obvious stylistic devices.
Prose consists of writing that does not adhere to any particular formal
structures (other than simple grammar). The term sometimes appears
pejoratively, but prosaic writing simply says something without necessarily
trying to say it in a beautiful way, or using beautiful words.
Prose writing is usually adopted
for the description of facts.
Therefore, to approach the literary work the
writer needs to know the meaning in the literary work, and to know the meaning
the writer use the semantic point of view as one of the branches of linguistic
subject that study of meaning.
Semantics is the philosophical and scientific
study of meaning. Semantics (Greek semantic, "significant"), the
study of meaning of linguistic sign-that isword, expression, and sentence.
Atchison (1978: 82) describes that the study of meaning is normally referred to
as Semantics, from the Greek noun 'sema' means sign, signal, and the verb
'semaino' mean signal, mean.
Furthermore, Aitcison adds that
Semantics is concerned with the way certain words and contraction can be
combined together in a semantically acceptable way. Leech (1977: ix) states: Semantics
(as the study of meaning) is central to study of communication: and as
communication becomes more and more a crucial factor in social organization,
the need to understand it become more and more pressing.
Semantics is also at the center
of the study of human mind-thought process, cognition and conceptualization or
these are intricately bound up with the way which we classify and convey our
experience of the world through language. Because these two ways, a vocal point
of man, semantic has been the meeting place of various crosscurrents of
thinking and various disciplines of the study. Philosophy, psychology,
linguistic all claims a deep interest subject." Meaning is also found in lyrics. This means
that language is thought and activity. Song, as a kind of literary work, is a
kind of musical expression in the form of oral and written form. We cannot
separate music from human life. Some music need good lyrics in order that the
listener can enjoy it. The musician chooses words to make the lyric become good
enough to be listened. Therefore, there is a relationship between the words.
There are, however, other aspects of meaning which are not derived solely from
the meaning of the word used in phrases and sentences. The words used in
literary work that allow the interpretation. The musician uses the meaning of
the word in combination and the contact in which they occur, and the writer
tries to arrive at what the musician intended his message to convey. According
to Greek history, "Music occupies a part as expressing of thinking and
Lyrics can be described as something from
musicians' message to others (hearers). Therefore, lyrics can be used as one
form or mean of communication among the people, like a person sing a song about
peaceful for a war victim that needs help because of starvation or about other
aspects of life such as feeling of love, sadness, happiness, etc.
Message is more efficient than having to
encode that information at the outset or continually during a conversation.
Therefore, every songs form of poem always have message to give the reader more
understand to the content of the song.
Muse wrote lyrics with beautiful melodies and
interesting plots. Muse have won the 'Tour Of The Year' award, at the 2007
Vodafone Live Music Awards and Muse have been shortlisted in four categories
for the 2007 MTV EMAs (European Music Awards). The people who went to see them
loved this group. Moreover, they have so many fans or lovers and they are still
popular today.
Based on the explanations above, the writer is
eager to know the meaning of lyrics of Muse’s songs involved in semantic
theories in the way of interpretation. The writer is also interested in
discussing the message of Muse’s song in the way of intended meaning.
Therefore, the writer intends to conduct a study entitled "Semantic
Analysis on The Lyrics of Muse’s Songs." 1.2 Statements of the Problems In line with the background of the study
described above, the following research problems are formulated as follows: 1.
What are the meanings found in the lyric of Muse’s songs? 2. What are the
messages found in Muse’s songs? 1.3 Objectives of the Study This study intends
to present the description of: 1. the meanings found in the lyrics of Muse’s
songs 2. the messages found in Muse’s songs
1.4 Limitation of the Study The writer limits five songs among fourteen
taken from “Absolution” album. They are “Sing for Absolution”, “Muscle Museum”,
“New Born”, “Time is Running Out” and “Hysteria”. These have been the hit songs
since 2000, the first release of “Absolution”.
1.5 Significance of the Study Studying a song is a difficult work,
especially dealing with the meaning of the song. For this reason, practically
the writer expects this study to give obvious description about kinds of
meaning in the interpretation of Muse’s songs and the messages of the songs.
1.6 Definition of the Key Terms To
avoid some misunderstanding among the readers, the writer would like to define
the key terms that the whole topic of this study means that study is aimed at
analyzing kinds of meaning found in the lyrics of Muse’s song according to the
Semantic point of view. More, this study also tries to investigate the message
found in the five songs of Muse’s "Absolution" album chosen.
reviews below cover the discussion about Semantics, the importance of
Semantics, Literature, song, lyrics, Muse’s biography and career, and relevant studies.

English Literature:Semantic Analysis on the Lyrics of Muse's Songs

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