Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:English Language Styles Used by the Members of Darul Abidin Cottage Tulungrejo Pare Kediri

1.1 Background of the Study Language
is the system; it means that language is built by several components that have
permanent constructions and meaning (Chaer, Agustina; 1995). Language is
actually the realization of what is thought or oral thoughts. We cannot think
without the language, since we actually use language in our mind when we are
thinking about something, with language people can develop their knowledge and
know about something that they have not known.
Society can be reflected in the
language. As Trudgill states (1994: 27) that language is a social phenomenon.
There are three factors reflected in language.
Those three factors are physical
environment, social environment and social values. Physical environment is a
circumstanceor a place in which groups live; people who live in a small village
or small groups have some differences in speaking from one that lives in a town
and small groups. This phenomenon happens because their environment is
reflectedin their language. Social environment can be reflected in a language
especially in the field of vocabulary and pronunciation. The last is social
values, a set of norms and tradition owned by a society. The norms and
tradition can be reflected in language because society's norms and tradition
are different from others societies.
Because of the three factors
mentioned above, every group of people or society speaks a language differently
from the others; they have certain features
that are not owned by others. They even create their own patterns and
vocabulary; they use it to meet their own needs.
Chaika states (1982: 2) that
every social institution is maintainedby language. Law, religion, government,
education, the family, all are carried on with the language. Individually, we
use language to “carry on” love and to “carry out” hate. We use language to
revealor concealour personal identity, our character, and our background, often
whollyunconscious that we are doing so. Almost all of our contact with family
and friends, and much of our contact with strangers, involves speaking. And,
much of that speaking is strongly governedby rules, rules that dictatenot only
what we should say, but also how we say it.
However, Wardhaugh (1986: 233)
states that if we want to achievea comprehensive understanding of how that
language is related to the society that uses it, we must try to understand how
different groups of people use their language. People who live longer in a new
society naturally learn the language used in that area by interacting with people
in the community and by the time they learn and understand them. It can be said
that the more they practice the language, the more fluent they speak and
understand what the people said.
Furthermore, Chaika (1982: 29),
states that speech, like a dressed, varies with the situation, different
situations called different styles. It means that people do not speak in
exactly the same way in every situation. Language style is the way people
manipulate others and control people in making interactions, bring the message
that usually conveyedin words and done of voice, whether formally or informally.
Style may also tell the listeners on how to take what is being said: seriously,
ironically, humorously, dubiously, or in some other ways. In the other term,
language style is how the way people use the language in communication; it can
be written or spoken language.
Language style uses all the
resources of language: tone of voice, different way of pronouncing sounds, even
choice of the words and grammar. Tone of voice can be felt when the speaker
says something in certain situation or condition. Whether, the speaker gives
question or just statement, of course it can be felt from the tone of voice,
the different ways of pronunciation sounds, the choice of the words and grammar
that each of them chooses the word and grammar differently.
In communication, people can not
avoid the style because it is so integral part of society; As Chaika states
that style is a part of social function. Interaction can not go a head if
someone does not speak with the right style. Whether the style is appropriateor
not depends partiallyon the social identified of the speaker.
The language style that occursin
communication has the implication to the listener and speaker known what the
speaker means from the tone of voice, different ways of pronunciation sounds,
even choice of the words and grammar.
In this case, the language styles
are the selection of linguistic forms of one person or group of people made
within the optionpresented by the conventionof language to convey social or
artistic effect. The language styles are also used in Darul Abidin Cottage Pare
Kediri in everyday communication among the members of the cottage. Researcher
tries to relate the level of formality, informality, and colloquial.
One of the ways to know what are
the language styles used by the members of Darul Abidin Cottage Pare Kediri in
their communication perhaps as the characteristics to show levels of formality,
informality and colloquially. It is impossible to show the level that all
languages control native speakers a range of stylistic kinds.
It is interesting to be
discussed, because there is a specific language used by the members of that
cottage, especially when they are speaking to the other members, because the
language styles used by the members of Darul Abidin Cottage Pare Kediri are
different from the English language styles commonly used by the people. The
language styles used in Darul Abidin Cottage Pare Kediri are straightforward;
their speaking is suitable to the students when they study English language for
the first time.
Here, the researcher chooses
Darul Abidin Cottage Pare Kediri as the object of the study because Darul
Abidin Cottage is one of the Cottages in East Java which is located in Pare.
This village is familiar with English village because there are many courses
and many students who learn English language in this village. In everyday
communication, all the members of this cottage always use English language as
their daily communication, even though they stay at that cottage for the first
time. They have their own form of communication to the members of that cottage
because people who stay in this cottage do not have long time perhaps a year
and they have been able to speak English well.
Based on the preliminary
observation, the members of the cottage are divided into three categories. The
first is the family of the cottage owner, the second is the teacher and
functionaries cottage and the third is the student of the cottage. The members
of this cottage always keep their speech using their own rules to the other
members of the cottage everyday but not for the owner of the cottage because
the owner (kyai) just gives religious lessons and uses Javanese language to his

English Literature:English Language Styles Used by the Members of Darul Abidin Cottage Tulungrejo Pare Kediri

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