Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:Politeness Strategies used by the Main Character (Marcus) in Get Rich or Die Trying Movie

1.1. Background of the Study Politeness
is the expression of the speakers’ intention to mitigate face threats carried
by certain face threatening acts toward another (Mills, 2003, p. 6).
Being polite therefore consists
of attempting to save face for another. Politeness theory states that some speech acts threaten
others’ face needs. First formulated in 1987
by Penelope Brown and Stephen Levinson, politeness theory has since expanded academia’s perception of politeness
(Mills, 2003). This text has influenced
almost all of the theoretical and analytical work in this field.
Politeness principles have been
considered to have wide descriptive power in respect of language use (Lakoff, 1972, 1973),
to be major determinants of linguistic behaviors
(leech, 1983) and to have universal status Brown & Levinson (1978, 1987). A politeness phenomenon is one
of manifestations of the wider concept
or etiquette, or appropriate behaviors (Grundy, 2000:145-146).
Language has a social function as
a tool to make connection between human
beings. Without language, it seems impossible for people to interact with other in daily life because language can
express people’s feeling, willing, option etc ( Chaer and Agustina,1995:19) In short,
language is the oral symbols that represent
meaning as they are related to real life situation.
In case of communication, the
speaker will choose the strategies to have polite conversation. People use politeness
strategies in order to get their conversation
run well and go smoothly. Brown and Levinson (1978) state that recognizes what people are doing in verbal
exchange (e.g. requesting, offering,criticizing,complaining,etc)
not so much by what they overtly claim to be doing as in the fine linguistics details of
utterances. It means that not only speaking
in fine linguistics but also considering other’s feeling are important. In other word, speaking politeness involves
taking account of the other’s feeling and being polite person means that he should make
others feel comfortable According to Brown and Levinson, politeness strategies
are developed in order to save the
hearers' "face." Face refers to the respect that an individual has for him or herself, and maintaining that "self-esteem"
in public or in private situations.
Usually you try to avoid embarrassing the other person, or making them feel uncomfortable. Face Threatening Acts
(FTA's) are acts that infringe on the
hearers' need to maintain his/her self esteem, and be respected. Politeness strategies are developed for the main purpose
of dealing with these FTA's.
Politeness consists of attempting
to save face for another. Brown and Levinson begin with the idea of ‘model persons’,
rational agents who think strategically and are conscious of their language choices. This
influenced Brown and Levinson when
examining Goffman’s version of face, where they agreed that rational agents have both positive and negative face.
Simply put, they believe that model persons
want to maintain others’ face, but nevertheless are often forced to commit face threatening acts. Thus, politeness
strategies are developed in order to formulate
messages in order to save the hearer’s face when face threatening acts are inevitable or desired. This means that the
speaker avoids embarrassing the listener
or making him feels uncomfortable. (http:// www. Free wikipedia. Politeness.
Com) Face needs are thought of as the desire to be
appreciated and protected.
Face is further broken down into
two different categories: positive face and negative face. Positive face is the desire to
be liked and appreciated. Positive politeness
is designed to meet the face needs by performing an action like complimenting or showing concern for another
person. Negative face is the desire to
be autonomous and not to infringe on the other person. Negative politeness is designed to protect the other person when
negative face needs are threatened.
Thus there are different
strategies to handle face threatening acts and these strategies are put into a hierarchy of
effectiveness. According to Grundy (2000: 156), Brown and Levinson said that face comes
in two varieties, positive face and negative
face. Positive face is a person’s wish to be well thought of. Its manifestation
may include the desire admired by others. Negative face is our wish not to be imposed on by others and to be
allowed to go about our business unimpeded.
The study of Politeness has been
done by several researchers.
Mukarromah (2002) studies
politeness used by the female and male broadcasters of Andika Lugas Swara (Andalus) FM Malang. The
focus of this study is to find out the
terms of politeness used by female and male broadcasters of Ajang Gaya Kata dan Kreasi (Agasi) program in Andika
Lugas Swara (Andalus) FM radio station
Malang. It is intended to know the terms or strategies they use in their two hours presentation. Brown and Levinson stated
that there are two kinds of politeness:
positive and negative politeness.
Another study was done by Yuliana
(2003) who looks at politeness strategies
of Madurese and Javanese in Cross Cultural Interaction in Probolinggo.
She analyzed the politeness strategies that
appeared in Probolinggo community; especially
focusing on the Javanese and Madurese community. Yuliana analyzed politeness of Javanese and Madurese mostly
used by them. She also described how
well their culture influences the use of politeness strategies.
Aini (2003) studies politeness strategies
used by nurses in therapeutic communication
in RSUD Pare Kediri. Another research is done by Azza (2004) who studies politeness strategies used in
Rahmania Arunita’s Eiffel, I’m in love.
She found some strategies that
are applied by portrayed character in their dialogues. Mustain (2005) analyzes politeness
strategies used in caricatures published
by Jakarta post. Fitriyana (2007) looks at politeness strategies in John Grisham’s Novel “the Client”. The researcher
concludes that there are many politeness
strategies applied in this novel.
There are four politeness
strategies, namely bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off
record. This research is different from the previous study, which looks at the politeness
strategies used by Marcus in Get Rich or
Die Trying movie. My research about this movie is important, because politeness is a communication strategy that
people use to maintain and develop relationship.
This study investigates politeness expression used by Negro community which
Negro people (some of them) like using some dirty or rude words The Get Rich or Die Trying movie is a
true story of 50 cent life representing
Negro community.
1.2. Problem of Study This
research analyzes language used in “Get Rich or Die Trying” Movie, Especially the politeness strategies used by
Marcus. This research intends to answer
the following question.
1.2.1 Which politeness strategies
are mostly used by Marcus in Get Rich or
Die Trying movie? 1.3. Objective of the Study In line with the problems mentioned above,
this study intends: 1.3.1 To find out what
politeness strategies used in the conversation of the main character in Get Rich or Die Trying
1.3.2 To investigate
politeness strategies which
are mostly used by
Marcus in Get Rich or Die Trying movie.

English Literature:Politeness Strategies used by the Main Character (Marcus) in Get Rich or Die Trying Movie

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