Selasa, 11 November 2014

English Literature:Morphological Analysis on the Word Formation found in the Terms of Microsoft Word 2007â„¢ Program

1.1 Background of Study Word
formation is the process whereby new words come into being in a language (Yule, 1985:64). In the word
formation study, some words from the foreign
languages have probabilities to become the part of English vocabularies.
According to Yule (1985; 64-70)
“there are some ways of word formation process namely; coinage, borrowing, compounding,
blending, clipping, back formation, conversion,
acronyms, derivation and inflection”. In linguistics word formation is included in morphology field. Morphology is
the branch of linguistics that studies patterns
of word-formation within and across languages, and attempts to formulate rules that model the knowledge of the speakers
of those languages (Anderson, 1992:24).
Word formation is one of the most
important discussions in linguistics because;
it covers all of the study about how the word/s can be formed. In its development, word formation processes happen
in many phenomena, for example are:
Trade mark, Science, Technology, and others. It’s since of the product names were used each language where they were
produced, for instance; the word ‘alcohol’
from Arabic, ‘Piano’ from Italian, etc. In technology, the word formation processes also happen, for example
is computer programs.
The researcher chooses one of the
computer program terms as the subject of this research, and the program is Microsoft
Office 2007. There are two reasons why
he chooses that program; the first is because the terms in Microsoft Word 2007 has many terms that not in the lexical
form, the second; Microsoft Word 2007
program is a very familiar software in colleges, schools, and offices.
Therefore, he thinks that it is
very interesting subject to be analyzed.
Microsoft Word 2007 gives more
facilities for the user which can be applied in their job. Although most of people use this
program but, many of them do not understand
many icons which exist there. Therefore, they cannot optimally use that program. Whereas if the user can
understand the terms in that program, the program will more help them to do their job
because, the more we know something is
the more we can control it. Such as explained in the Qur’an;           Means that: Allah will exalt in
degrees those of you who believe, and those who have been granted knowledge. (Al Mujadilah:
11) The same study about Word formation had been conducted by Bambang Setiawan (2004), with his thesis entitled “A
Study on Word Formation Used In Short
Advertisement on Jakarta Post “, he found the word formation processes in his thesis without any explanation about the
causes of the processes. While the second
was Yuni Susilowaty (2001), with her thesis entitled “A Study on Word Formation Process and Semantics on English
Terms Used in Guiding Technique”.
She used semantics approach to
find the lexical and contextual meaning of the guiding terms in order to support the word
formation processes that discussed in her
In conclusion, the writer thinks
that this study complete those two previous studies by analyzing the word formation
processes then explain the causes of its processes focuses on the morphological
discussion, and show the location of the analyzed terms in Microsoft Word 2007™ after
find the process. Finally, the researcher
hopes that the findings of this research become understandable and useful for the reader.
1.2 Research Problems Based on the background of the study, this
study is aimed to answer the following
questions below: 1. What kinds of word formation processes are found in MS
2007? 2. How are word formation process used to the terms of MS 2007? 1.3
Objectives of the Study This thesis is intentionally written as attempt to
provide the answer to the Research
problems above. In other word the purpose are: 1. to find the kinds of word
formation found in the terms of MS Word 2007.
2. to generate understanding of
how the way MS Word 2007 uses many terms that have word formation processes.
1.4 Significance of the Study The writer hopes
that this study will give some significances to others, such as: Giving knowledge to people about the
word formation process in Microsoft word
2007 and also giving data source to the readers who wants to comprehend or make another inquiry in the same
topic for further discussion.
1.6. Scope and Limitation In
accordance with the research topic, the researcher wants to conduct an analysis
on the word formation found in the Terms
of Microsoft Word 2007™ Program.
But the researcher limits this
study on the terms that has word formation processes.
1.5 Operational definition key of
terms To guide the readers following the discussion of this thesis, the writer
think the necessity to formulate the
operational definition key of term used in order to avoid misunderstanding on the problem indeed.
They are as follows: 1. Microsoft Word 2007 is a program that helps people to
typing, editing, formatting, etc. It is
one of the programs in Microsoft office 2007 which provide MS Office word 2007, MS Office access
2007, MS Office excels 2007, and MS
Office InfoPath 2007, MS Office MS Office OneNote 2007, MS Office PowerPoint 2007, MS Office Publisher
2007, and the additional program are MS
Office tools.
2. Lexical is relating to or of
the nature of a lexicon or dictionary.
chapter presents some theories related with the topic which is discussed in this thesis. This chapter is divided into
four sub-chapters, they are; theoretical concepts and definitions, theoretical review,
previous studies, and theoretical conclusion.
2. 1. Theoretical Concept and
Definitions This sub-chapter presents some theories of word formation which
directly related to the problems in this
thesis, these are several theoretical concepts and definitions proposed by some experts, and
encyclopedia, they are; 2. 1. 1. Morphology Talking about Morphology,
Bloomfield (1961:207) states “Morphology is the construction in which bound forms appear
among the constituent and it may say
that morphology includes the construction of word and part of word”. There is another definition of morphology from
(Anderson, 1992:24) ‘Morphology is the branch
of linguistics that studies patterns of word-formation within and across languages, and attempts to formulate rules
that model the knowledge of the speakers
of those languages’.” There is also Hornby (1987:549) that stated “Morphology is the study of Morphemes of
language and how they are combined to
make words”. And Verhaar (1992:52) states “Morphology is the branch of linguistics which studies about part of speech
grammatically”. The other ideas come
from Fromkin and Rodman (1978:152) states “Morphology is the study of morphemes into words and Nida (1978:1) states
“Morphology is the study of morphemes
and their arrangement informing words”.

English Literature:Morphological Analysis on the Word Formation found in the Terms of Microsoft Word 2007™ Program

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