Jumat, 14 November 2014

English Literature:Illocutionary Acts Used in Kofi Annan’s Interview

This chapter mentions background of the study,
problems of the study, objective of the
study, scope and limitation, significance of the study, and definition of the key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study An illocutionary acts, the effect of the
speaker’s intention in his or her utterances
has been investigated by many linguists. This theory emphasizes not only on saying something, but also doing
something. There is a clear difference between
the two sentences:” The weather iscold”, and” I swear that I will study hard”. The first sentence issaying something
(statement), while the second sentence
is not only saying something but is actually doing something if certain world conditions are met (Wardhaugh,1988:277).
So, an illocutionary act is necessary to
understand what the words meanand what the speaker or listener’s express in the process of sending and
receiving messages.
In accordance to the statement
above, utterance and act which are related to the way the speaker delivers messages to
the listener actually becomes a crucial point
in illocutionary Act. Moreover, when the speaker performs her or his feeling, idea, thought, or purpose, he orshe
does not only do something to him self
but also require something from the listener by the form of an offer, command, statement, or question.
Speech act is the main aspect from
Illocutionary act. The theory of speech act
is classified by three levels, theyare; Locutionary, Illocutionary, and Perlocutionary (Wardhaugh, 1988: 277). Whenthe
speaker wants to do something from the
listener, automatically the speakersays something (Locutionary). If the condition is possible, the speaker will act
something to get what he or she purposes
(Illocutionary). Consequently, the listener will respond the speaker’s intention (Perlocutionary). When we
communicate with other people, we always use those three aspects consciously or
unconsciously. However, only a few researchers
who concentrate on analyzing Speech Act, especially Illocutionary Act in a dialogue or interview.
In this case, the researcher
finds only several researchers who focused on Speech acts theory. Azizah (2005)
analyzedillocutionary acts used by Aa Gym in his preach. She found that the broad knowledge
of the speaker (AA Gym) in delivering
messages to the listener became an obligatory to avoid misunderstanding or misinterpretation in
communication. Her study showed that figurative
languages used by the speaker was necessary to make the listener interested in what he said. As the result,
directive speech with the content of advice
is mostly used by the speaker to the listener.
Another relevant study was
carried out by Hakim (2003) who focused on the method of speech act by the presenter in
dialog Program television. He pointed
out that conversation between interviewer (presenter) and interviewee can be performed literally, directly, and
indirectly. In addition, he also analyzed the presenter’s act when she opened the
conversation, got a response from the source, and ended the conversation.
Different with Hakim, Handayani
(2004) emphasized the research on the kinds
and function of illocutionary used in their real conversation by transsexual people. She explained details about
transsexual people’s own stressing, intonation, and gesture and also explained the functionsof
illocutionary, such as competitive, convivial,
collaborative and also conflictive function.
Based on the previous studies,
the researcher focuses on her research on the study of illocutionary act. The reason is
a specification in certain research will reach a better and deep understanding.
The present research investigates
illocutionary act used by Kofi Annan in his
interview with several media (BBC and Newshour’s program broadcast). Kofi is Ghanaian diplomatwho served as the seventh
Secretary General of the United Nations
from January 1, 1997to January st , at
2007. As the first black African Secretary
General, he was success in his position. That is why, by comprehending his feeling, idea, thought, and purpose, the
researcher is interested in analyzing the style of Kofi Annan related to speech acts
aspect. Furthermore, the researcher also wants to know the message of the speaker
reflected in the interview in order to make
the researcher understand what types of Illocutionary Acts used.
1.2 Problem of the Study Concerning with the background of the study
above, the research problem is: what
types of Illocutionary act are usedin Kofi Annan’s interview in the year of 2005 and 2006? 1.3 Objective of the Study This
research deals with detail explanation of illocutionary acts in the Kofi Annan’s interviews. The objective of the study
is to understand the types of illocutionary
which are used in Kofi Annan’s interview.
1.4 Scope and Limitation In this thesis, the researcher focuses only on
illocutionaryact as a branch of speech
act appeared in Kofi Annan’s Interview delivered in the years of 2005 and 2006. Referring to the background of the
study, Kofi Annans is a great figure who
influences the world. That is why, the researcher intends toknow the style of his utterance on the public while declaring
expressions in the context of an act of giving
permission, giving a wish, asking a question, making a prediction or others.
The researcher limits this aspect of
Illocutionary Act referring to Searle’s theory
(second theory) that has been systematized from Austin’s Theory (first theory). The differences between Austin and
Searle’s theory will be described in chapter
II. This theory focuses on Discourse area, not Semantic since it is not merely to understand the meaning of the
speaker’s utterance.
Normally, the researcher analyzes
communicative event between the speaker
and listener by direct interaction. In this case, the researcher limits on analyzing Kofi Annan’s interview on the text
form. Moreover, the data source of this
study are taken through internet with an assumption that internet is less trustworthy than other sources.
1.5 Significance of the Study The
result of this research is expected to be useful for researchers to understand illocutionary act, especially in
Kofi Annan’s interviews. From this case,
both the researcher and the readers ofthis research will know the point of the illocutionary act which is used in their
daily activities. .
This research is also useful for
English students or lecturers to broaden their understanding on illocutionary acts
focusing on dialog or interview. They also
learn about the way to avoid misunderstanding from the speaker or listener to get a success in communication.

English Literature:Illocutionary Acts Used in Kofi Annan’s Interview

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