Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature:Analysis of Speech Errors in “Talk Indonesia” Program on Metro TV

1.1 Background of Analysis  Nowadays, language is obviously a vital tool
in human beings’ life. People  need
language to communicate one another, in which one of the key to how to  communicate one another and exchange ideas.
Therefore, language is called a  system
of communication and interaction, particulary in social life. Since  language is very important, we must learn how
to use it properly. We must be  responsible
on what and how we say. By means of language you can improve  both your mind and personality.
A language is more than
apparently simple stream of sound that flows from  the tounge of a native speaker. It is a
complex system of communication with  various
levels of complexity involving intricate selection and ordering of  meanings, sounds, and larger units and
Linguists and others have defined
language in various ways rather than  attempting
a full definition here, we will identify language by pointing out some  distinctive features. Hall (1968:158) cites:
“Language is the institution whereby  humans
communicate and interact with each other by means of habitually used  oral-auditory symbols.”  Lado (1961:2) cites: “Language is primarily an
insturment of communication  among  human 
beings  in  community 
which  speaks  the 
same  language.
A community who speaks the same
language is language community.”   Another
linguist, Brown (1970:102) cites: “Language is a behavior, that is a  phase of human activity which must not be
treated in essence as structurally  divorced
from the structural of non verbal human activity. The activity of man  constitutes a structural whole in such a way
that it cannot be sub-divided into neat  parts
or level or compartment with language in a behavioral compartment  insulated in character, content, and
organization from other behavior.”  Referring
to the statement above, we conclude that languages playsa crucial  role in our live and it also shows behavior.
Languages are used to communicate to  one
another as signs which you can tell someone what you see and what you  think. Although we can get something without
using a verbal language, still it  doesn’t
work well, therefore, we can not live without language whenever and  whereever we are.
In this era of globalization, one
of the most important languages in the world  is English. It develops greatly as human use
it in their activities and can even be  called
to be the single most important language. As it is a universal language in  any part of the world, it makes at least a few
people in each locality know the  language.
In spite of these people might not have the same accent as others, they  at least can understand one another. In
Indonesia itself, English language plays a  role as a second language or a foreign
language, therefore people in Indonesia  should
master it as a second or a foreign language, for it is an international  language.
In the international community,
English is used as an official language, the  language of adminstration, commerce, business,
etc. It is also the language of   education
since a lot of books are written in English; moreover, the presence of  English as a universal language assumes
importance in fact that more people leave  their countries not only for business and
pleasure, but also for their study. English  becomes a medium in their study for those who
will go to other countries to study.
This is because the individual
will not be able to learn a subject in the language of  a country. As a matter of fact, English has
been a compulsory subject learned in  many
countries arround the world. Further Bloomfield (1953:57) cites: “English  has been spoken by more native speakers than
any other language except,  presumably,
North Chinese, if we count the important factor of foreign speakers,  English is the most widespread of language.”  In producing English language, sometimes
people can make some errors.
Speech errors are offten found in
spontaneous speech, such as in everyday speech.
People ally think that producing
speech is any easy thing, they can produce  sentences automatically by using their
articulatory programs to convey their  thought.
Therefore, most of them do not prepare full planning before addressing a  speech, especially in making spontaneous
speech. Clark and Clark (1977:223)  cites:
‘Talking seems to require little thought or effort, In most conversations the  words flow with just the least bit of mental
urging, People think about what they  want
to say and their tongues seem to take care of the rest, automatically putting  their thoughts into words’.
Actually, speaking is not as easy
as we think, especially when we want to  speak
about difficult thing. For instance, if we want to describe a certain room.
First of all, we should think
about the wide of the room, the location of the room,   and what are in it. Thus, speakers must
formulate  a plan accurately before  addressing a 
speech. In addition, speakers should plan where to start first.
Therefore, in speaking activity,
speakers should know about speech planning and  execution. Fauziati (2008:137) cites: “Thus,
producing speech seems to follow  two
types of proccesses: planning and execution”. Planning is a proccess in  speaker’s mind to plan what he or she wants to
talk about. While execution is a  process
of uttering the segments, words, phrase based on speaker’s plan.”  In most crucial human activities, success
depends on knowledge, skill and  self-confidence.
There are some characteristics, which form the basis of effective  speech. Without the knowledge, the speech will
become nonsense or even not  being
successful. Without self-confidence, the speaker stumble and lack of power.
Without skill, expression is
often crude or monotonous  Reffering to
the statement above about the importance of language which is  related to the speech production proccess, the
writer are intested to analyze the  language
as it is spoken on television. As we all know that today no body can  deny that television has become an important
part of our lives as it affects our  daily
routine. It has been a telecomunication medium which is fully imformative.
In accordance with the era
development, television offers a lot of interesting  programs such as in education, entertaiment,
news program, talk show, quizes,  variety
of shows, etc.
One of the most favourite TV
channels in Indonesia is Metro TV. This TV  channel offers a lot of interesting programs
and the most favourite programs are  news
programs dan talk shows in English language. One of the most favoutite talk   show programs is ‘Talk Indonesia”,
broadcasted by Dalton Tanonaka and two  other
guest commentators. In this case, the writer chose ‘Talk Indonesia’ program  as the data of analysis because she found a
lot of spontaneous speech errors made  by
the interviewers and commentators during the progress of the program. Beside that,
the program always discuss  up-to-dated
and hot topics have happened  recently.
The spontaneity in producing speech during this program leads the  occurance of speech errors. It is natural
considering that producing spontaneous  speech
is not easy.
Speech errors phenomenon is very
interesting to be invistigated because from  speech errors we can observe how linguistics
and speaker’s mind are related each  other.
Therefore, the writer conducted  this
study by using psycholinguistics  approach
because speech errors is included in speech production study, which  speech production study is one of
psycholinguistics concerns.

English Literature:Analysis of Speech Errors in “Talk Indonesia” Program on Metro TV

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