Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis Of Word Formation In Texting Message

1.1  Background of Study This study deals with
morphology. In other words, the study is concerned  with the process of word formation such as
borrowing, blending, clipping, acronyms,  miscellaneous, and multiple processes. Nida
(1949:1) says that morphology is the  study
of morphemes and their arrangements in forming words.
Morphology has word formation
processes, and language users may also  make
new words by means of word creation (or word manufacturing). The following  types can be distinguished like acronyms,
blending, clipping, coinage, compounding,  back formation, truncation, contraction,
borrowing and miscellaneous.
In  linguistics, 
word formation  is the creation of
a new  word. Word  formation is sometimes contrasted with
semantic change, which is a change in a  single
word's meaning. The boundary between word formation and semantic change can be
difficult to define: a new use of an old word can be seen as a new word  derived from an old one and identical to it in
form. Word formation can also be  contrasted
with the formation of idiomatic 
expressions, although words can be  formed from multi-word phrases.
Multiple processes  in George Yule’s theory is about word
formation  processes, the first creation
of particular words in multiple processes is clipping and  borrowing. Clipping is the element of
reduction. This occurs when a word of more  than one syllable is reduced to a shorter
form, often in casual speech. Then,  borrowing
is the taking over of words from other languages.
in this study there are problems
that arise of word formation in texting messages that cause a lot of new
language style expression based on the process how  they were produced. and as for the problems to
be studied because of word formation  that
violates the  rules of  written language  are 
categorized in  word formation  processes Text messaging, or  texting, is the act of typing and sending a
brief,  electronic message between two or
more mobile phones or fixed or portable devices  over a phone network. The term originally
referred to messages sent using the Short   Message Service (SMS); it has grown to
include messages containing image, video,  and sound content (known as MMS messages. The
sender of a text message is known  as a
There are some style of texting
message used by teenagers. Those style  become
habits for us. They use SMS for communication with their friends via mobile  phone. When they communicatethrough SMS, they
apply some styles. Commonly,  these
styles understood to each others. There are some SMS styles ally  understood by teenagers. For example Clipping,
Multiple Processes, Borrowing,  Acronyms,
Miscellaneous and blending.
Example of texting messages :  1. .
(Why do you sleep on your
birthday? Happy birthday! Happy birthday toyou.
Wake up!)  No. 
Word Formation  process SMS
Expressions  Intended  Expressions Lexical  Meaning 16.
16.2  16.3  Blending
MP (Borrowing,  Clipping)  Borrowing from  English Ultah B’day To Ulang tahun Ulang tahun
 Kepada  Birthday Birthday To Note : MP  : Multiple Processes The words ulang tahun
(birthday) are blended into the word ultah. The  processes of blending is the first part of the
word ulang with the first part of the word  tahun blended as in ultah, from ulangdan tahun.
 2. .
(I’ve been in front of your
house. I’m waiting outside).
No.  Word Formation  Process SMS  Expressions Intended  Expressions Lexical Meaning 1.   Clipping 
Dpn  Depan  Future, in front of Depan, which means end is
clipped into dpn. The letter e  and
a  are  omitted.
3. .
(Not yet, I am still in Aceh.
Yeah, I bring nice food, do you want? if you want I'll  save it for you. why I was not given? No.  Word Formation  process SMS Expressions  Intended  Expressions Lexical  Meaning 5.
Clipping Borrowing from  Javaness Blm Nyampek Belum Sampai Not yet Arrive  Belum, which means not yet is clipped into
blm. The letter e  and u  are  omitted.
Nyampek expression is borrowed
from Javanese dialect, it means arrive or  until. First of all, nyampe expression come
from sampai (translated from Indonesia  language).
Reasons the author chooses this
title is to identify word formation processes  in that violates the rules of written language
that are categorized in word formation  processes.
See the development of a new style intexting message. Researching style in
texting messages only used by certain circles (teens) 1.2 Problem of the Study In
this study, the writer is interested in investigating word formations that  occur in texting message. The problem of the
study is  word-formations that are used  to form new expressions in texting message
through mobile phone.
For the investigation, as
guidelines, the problem of the study is formulated  as follows : 1) What kinds of word formation
are found in texting message?  2) Which
wordformation is frequently used in texting message?  1.3 Objective of the Study Objectives of study
are to find out the :  1) Kinds of word
formation that are found in texting message 
are borrowing,  blending,clipping,
acronym, miscellaneous and multiple processes.
2) Word formation that is
frequently used in texting message is clipping and  borrowing expressions.
1.4 Scope of the Study This study
focuses on morphological processes in texting message by 30  respondens namely friends of writer, the use
of word formation processes through,  the
interaction is text from the writer’s mobile phone which are sent by the writer
 friends. The scope of the subject
matters are the main aspect borrowing,blending,  clipping, acronyms, miscellaneous, and
multiple processes.

English Literature:An Analysis Of Word Formation In Texting Message

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