Selasa, 04 November 2014

English Literature:Analysis Idiomatic Expression In Celine Dion’s Songs

1.1 The Background of Study Idiomatic
Expression ( Fry 2007 : 42 ) is a group of words that has a different meaning from what those words ally
mean.Sometimes a student can not
understand a phrase or a sentences because an idiomatic expression is used.
The use of idiomatic expression will make
language more beautiful.
There are various types of idiomatic
expression( anonymous 2011). Some of
them are based on: (1) Pairs of words. For example, safe and sound, (2) Number. For example, four – letter word, ( a
taboo word) (3) Nationalities. For example,
to go Dutch ( share the cost of the meal, ticket, etc) (4) Names. For example, every Tom, Dick, or Harry ( everyone
and anyone an ordinary person), (5)
Food. For example, full of beans (full of live and energy), Parts of the body.
E.g. to be two – faced ( to be hypocrite), (6)
Color. For example, a rat- race ( a compotition
for succes), (7) Clothes. For example, to pull one’s socks up ( to mobilise and improve one’s work), (8)
Instrument .for example, as fit as a fiddle ( in perfect health ), (9) Wether.for example,
come rain or shine ( always), (10) Compound
adjective. For example, single handed ( alone without anyeone help ), (11) Alliteration ( the repeated use of the
same letter or sound ) for example, sing- song ( a repeated rising and falling of the
voice in speaking ), (12) Similes ( an expression
which describes one thing by comparing it with another) for example, as a drunk as a lord ( very drunk ), (13)
Irreguler Verb. For example, to make up one
mind ( to take a dicission), (14) Preposition. For example, down the rain (wasted).
anonymous 2011) says that Phrasal Verb, Collocation, and Saying can also be classified as idiomatic
expression. Phrasal verb is group of words
which consist ally of a verb and preposition. For example, to get away with (
avoid punisment), Collocation is group of words which naturally go together through common use. For example, a
heavy smoker ( sb who smokes a lot ),
saying is well-known wise statement. For example, life is no bed of roses ( there are problems in life ).
Language is an important thing which is very
close to human life since language is
used by human to communicate in their daily activities. On other word, language can not be separated from the
life of human being. As (
explains that we use language to express our desire, option, emotion, intentions, and
ideas to other people.
Everyone should interact with the other and
needs to communicate with each other.
They need language as a tool of communication, verbal or unverbal. In unverbal communication language is used by
people to write a letter, poems, short stories,
lyric of song and their life.
According to Hermanto
( song ally consists of figurative language since the
figurative language used in the lyrics
is written.
Meanwhile, song can not be separated from
lyric. Song’s lyric is ally simpler so
that it is easier to understand. But the song composer sometimes uses idiomatic expression in the lyric as the
result, we as the hearers get some problem in understanding the meaning of the lyric. On
the contrary, for them who understand it
will laugh or smile when they hear the lyrics. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss about the idiomatic
expression used in the song in order to make
the reader or hearer understands what meaning is improved in the song.
After hearing it, the reader or hearer will be
very selective in electing the song to be
Celine Dion’s song has various Idiomatic
Expression such as Don not let it get you down ( Seperable phrasal verb),
your sweet love filled this empty room ( figurative speech) , gonna make you happy come
true (idiom with adjective followed by various prepositon), hey man, come
over here ( verb + noun+ preposition
combination), and deep inside your
mind ( preposition noun combination).
Celine Dion is a singer, song writer, actress,
and an enterpreneur born in Chalemagne
March 30, 1968 ( a small town 30 miles east of Montreal, Quebec, Canada), Celine is the youngest of 14 childrens
of highly musical family. Both of her
parents musicians in 1990, she released the English Language album” Unisom”. establising herself as a viable pop
artist in North America and other english
speaking areas of the world.
Based on explanation above, I am interested in
anliyzing Celine Dion’s song lyrics. In
this study, I want to improve my knowledge about idiomatic expression because it is very important to do
and hopefully that this study will be very
usefull for readers.
1.2 The Problem of Study Based on the
background of the study above, the problems in this study are as the following: 1) What form of idiomatic expression is used
in Celine Dion’s song ? 2) What is the
meaning of idiomatic expressions found in Celine Dion’s songs ? 1.3 The Objectives of Study The objectives of
the study are 1 To find out the form of
idiomatic expression used in Celine Dion’s songs 2 To know the meaning of idiomatic expression
used in Celine Dion’song 1.4 The Scope
of Study Learning English idiom is not an easy thing because idiom is very important. In order to make the readers not to
be confused in learning idiom in this
paper, I limit the study on one idiomatic expression found in ten songs of Celine Dion. Because the readers ally do not
know what idiom is. In this case, I try
to explain about the definition, kinds of idiom, their classification and their
1.5 Significance of Study Theoritically, the
significance of this analysis is to enrich the study of language, to guide readers in studyng idiom,
and to be references for the next reseacher
in analyzing about idiom. Practically, it has significance for the readers to understand what idiom is.

English Literature:Analysis Idiomatic Expression In Celine Dion’s Songs

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