Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis on the Elements and Types of setting in Novel Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift

In this chapter, the study
discusses about the reasons of writing this thesis entitled "An Analysis
on the Elements and Types of Setting in Novel Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan
Swift", problems of the study, objectives the study, significance of the
study, scope and limitation of the study, and definition of key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study Novel
can be appreciated for having many values based on private relationship between
the readers and writer. Understand the contents of the novel easier than a
short story. The author of novel describes more completely intrinsic elements
of novel, while in the short story the author gives the limited description.
Novel has a connection with the
real life because it reflects many things surround us such as people, places,
events and others.
Novel as literary work may have
some elements. The basic elements of the novel include setting (time and
place), conflict, character, and theme. Most stories are set in present day,
but sometimes the author make the settings of place varied, from village to
city or an extraordinary to ordinary or vice versa. The reader follows the main
character (protagonist) in a conflict with another character (antagonist) or in
an internal conflict with some antagonistic psychological or spiritual force.
(Koesnosoebroto, 1988).
Consciously or not, we are always in certain situation, certain place and time if we notice it. We
know that setting is very important in our live. Like in our real life,
characters in the story need certain situation, place and time when they take
The setting is investigated
because in many works of fiction, it is the most important part when the action
happens. Beside that, it carries the clarity of story and gives information
about plot, theme and character. Setting is also the dominant element, and has
primary importance in a particular story or even in the work of a particular
author. According to Howel and Memering (in Laity, 2000: 2), one of the elements
of literature that can affect the actions of the characters is setting. Setting
refers to time and place in which an action occurs and also to the political,
moral, and social attitude of the society in which the characters live. By
discovering the setting, we are as readers can understand the story not only by
reading for pleasure but also getting many advantages for our daily life.
The setting of a novel, the time
and place of its action, is crucial to the creation of a complete work.
Physical places such as deserts and outer space, as well as cultural settings
such as hospitals and universities, help determine characters' conflicts,
aspirations, and destinies.
Gulliver's Travels is one of the
f unous English works which is written by Jonathan Swift. He was best known as
the author of Gulliver's Travels. It is published for the first time in 1726.
Jonathan Swift was one of the
greatest novelists who have written a lot of novels. But, his work Gulliver's
Travels was very successfull and widely discussed.
Swift was against violence in any
form. He used fiction and satire to draw attention to the political problems of
his time.
Gulliver's Travels is the
fictional story of Lemuel Gulliver's adventure on four voyages. Two of these
voyages, first to Lilliput, a land of tiny people, and the second to
Brobdingnag, a land of giants.
The study has relation to
previous researcher on the sarne field. Akhiyat (1998) in his analysis on the
setting in the novel "suluk" Abdul Jalil by Agus Sunyoto found out
the kinds of setting and the elements of setting It, all of parts of novel. An
analysis on the settings of Kisah Seribu Satu Siang dan Malam written by Laily
(2000) studies on the kinds of setting used in the novel and how the setting influences
the characters of the novel. She analyzes how the setting influences the characters.
However this study analyzes the elements and types of setting in novel Gulliver's
Travels by Jonathan Swift.
Based on the consideration above,
this study is focused on the elements and types of setting in novel Gulliver's
Travels which is focused in analyzing Gulliver's voyage to Lilliput only.
1.2 Problems of the Study The
problems of this study are formulated as follows: 1.2.1 What are the types of
settings found in Gulliver’s Travels? 1.2.2
What are the elements of settings found in Gulliver’s Travels? 1.3 Objectives
of the Study The objective of the study is to provide descriptive knowledge of
the elements and types of setting that are found in novel Gulliver's Travels.
1.4 Significance of the Study The
theoretical significance of this research is expected to be able to increase and
enrich knowledge about literature, especially setting of novel for the writer herself
and also for the reader.
For practical significance, this
i esearch is expected to be able to make the writer and also the readers to
know and understand the way of doing research, especially literary research.
1.5 Scope and Limitation of the
Study The analysis of the study is done with the limitation of the explanation
about setting in the novel "Gulliver's Travels". Setting here is as
intrinsic elements of literature in a prose form by involving the elements of
setting and the types of setting in the novel "Gulliver's Travels".
Therefore, other elements that do
not give any contribution to the study are not going to be regarded.
1.6 Definition of key Terms In
order to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation of this study, the following
essential terms are defined : a. Setting
The term of setting refers to the point in time and space at which the events
of the plot occur. (Kenney, 1966,38).
b. Elements of Setting Elements of setting refer
to the elements of which setting is composed. They are listed under four
heading : the actual geographical location, the occupation s and models of
day-to-day existence of the characters, the time in which the action -take place
and the religious, moral, intellectual, social and emotional environment of the
character. (Kenney, 1966, 40) c. Types
of Setting Types of setting refer to the types of which setting is composed.
They are neutral setting and spiritual setting. Neutral setting in a work of
fiction is little more than a reflection of the truth of the time or the action
place of the character. While, the spiritual setting is appearing in the form
of values, beliefs, traditions, carried by the characters.
d. Novel "Gulliver's
Travels" is one of the greatest English novel, written by Jonathan Swift.
LITERATURE The sections below cover the discussions about Elements of Novel,
Intrinsic Elements, Extrinsic Elements, Setting, The Kinds of Setting, The
Elements of Setting, The Functions of Setting, Previous Studies and Synopsis of
Gulliver's Travels.

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