Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis on Conflicts Faced by the Main Character of Pip In Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations

1.1 Background of the Study Daily
life is always full of activities. Human beings, animal, and their environment create
different activities in different ways at once. It is also possible that those
three have some activities at the same time. This fact can be seen not only in
real life. Author and playwright-try to reflect those reality in a piece of
work. Even though the work is neither the fact nor real people real happening,
they often depict truth and about what may occur in real life. Literary is one
of human expressions, which comes from thought about the condition surround him
or her. It expresses many things that come from human minds, whether it is
about happiness, fear, idea, emotion, aspiration or about social phenomenon that
happens in front of his or her eyes .Endraswara writes(2003:78) that human is a
silent being that is means human being that always get sensations from his or
her express in society.
Literature is a speech act or
textual event that elicits certain kinds of attention. To make it literature
you need; perhaps, to imagine a title whose relation to the lie would pose a problem
and exercise the imagination (Jonathan Culler.1997:34). It means literature reverses
to something that is written that contain the elements that are Decore (Give something
to the reader’s, Delectare (To give the enjoyment by esthetical aspect), and
Movere (able to move reader’s creativity) (Fanani, 2002).
Literature is one of such ways to
express the creativity in developing the view of civilization. By literature
someone can change the way of people thinking that will colorize the world.
There would be always some massages, point of view, and ideas that try to be
explored by literature.
Literary is a social intuition,
using language a social creation (Wallek and warren.
1995:94), a literary work, as a
language creation describing an imagination world or reflection of an author is
created by capturing the social phenomena, but furthermore, literature
represents life and life is full of life values.
Many literary critics have come
into an agreement that there is still no conventional definition concerning
what literature is. It usually happens that a definition given by one critic
will soon be debated by others. An attempt of finding a conclusive definition
and limitation of literature seems to be an endless effort in the field of
Some literary critics see
literature as a product of human creativity in the form of written or oral
works (Wallek and Warren, 1990:3). Therefore, literature undoubtedly takes a
position of language in which the various elements and components of the text
are bought into a complex relation. According to Jonathan Culler (1997: 31) the
literary work is a linguistic event that projects a fictional world which
includes speaker, actors, events, and an implied audience. Literature was drawn
from the imagination of work of fiction, is absence from historical truth. From
the above assumption, it might conclude that literary works as the author’s
imagination is independent from other aspects of human life. In other word, literature is an autonomy
structure, which has its own imaginary world rather than the true historic one.
As we know, literature is
classified into three genres. The main generic division today is into poetry,
drama and the novel, but in earlier times, the major genres were recognized as
epic, tragedy, lyric, comedy, and satire (Peck and Coyle, 1984: 1). The important
thing to analyze literary works is to understand what literary works try to say.
It means what ideas literary
works try to deliver, because literary works are kinds of ways people learn and
teach, the way people say, hear, and see real life. It will bring them to wisdom
in seeing the world.
Novel is one of literary works
that is written with great amount of detail on every page. Kennedy (1983: 180)
stated that a novel is a book length story in prose, whose author tries to
create the sense that, while we read, we experience actual life. Because novel
is a long written literary work, so it presents all the complicating facts that
need to be understood before we can reach any sort of judgment. According to
Koesnosoebroto ( 1988: 19), the full
length of the novel may consist of over
may consists of over 100.
words contains a number of
characters some of them are full developed, have more incidents, scene or
episodes- have a number of settings, and may take place in along spent of time.
A novel can be said ‘a good novel” if it is a good virtue of more interesting or
valuable things, which covers these following aspects: Plot, setting,
character, point of view, and conflict. Those elements are related each other
that form the system of meaning.
There are many approaches to
analyze novel. One of them is a structuralism approach, used to analyze
fictions atomic structure or author’ imagination that is independent from other aspect of human life.
The basic idea of structuralism is to refuse the mimetic approach which see
literature as the mirror of social life and the expressive approach which view
literary works as an expression of the author’s idea or imagination.
In short, structuralism emphasize
the autonomic research on the text of literature it self.
This study is pointed to find out
the parallel between the stories of Great Expectations, the analysis of the
content is focused on theme, characters, and
setting because they are the intrinsic values. Intrinsic values give
sense of happiness pleasure and enjoyment, they fertilize and develop
imagination. They also give new experiences in developing human behavior
because they introduce universal experiences and give inherited literary wealth
from earlier generations.
A writer who often writes social
aspects is Charles Dickens; Some of his works were written in the form of
social aspects that Charles Dickens had more experienced, Charles Dickens was
someone who worked hard even he wrote some portraits and caricatures. Charles
Dickens was fortunate to achieve renowned and critical praise during his
lifetime as well as afterwards for his literary work. He is widely considered
one of the greatest novelists in the English languages and Great Expectations
is regarded as one of his finest novels.
From the explanation above the
writer is interested in discussing the study about the conflict faced by Pip
the main character of Great Expectations by Charles Dickens; Great Expectations
is set early in Victoria England and was written by Charles Dickens in 1860. It
is written as a first person narrative with Pip as an older man telling his
life story and Great Expectations is one of Dickens best known novels. It is a
Bildungsroman and follows the progression of Pip from child to adult, from
humble blacksmith to gentleman, from
innocence to experienced, from rags or riches and on his journey, Pip meets a
range of interesting characters, from the comical Wemmick to the cruel Estella.
This novel reflects parts of Victorian times with class division, child labors,
and improving ones fortunes.

English Literature:An Analysis on Conflicts Faced by the Main Character of Pip In Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations

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