Rabu, 05 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis of Intrinsic Elements in Toni Morrisons’ Beloved

1.1 The Background of the analysis Literature is the mirror of human life that
portrays humanfeeling, though, imagination,
and perception which can beviewed based on personal judgment.
Basically, literature comes from
Latin, “Litera” which means the smallest element of the alphabetical, refers to written or
printed word. Literature exists in many sides
of our life, it has a broaden impact to us in which the moral truth and human passion are touched with a certain largeness,
sanity, and attraction of form.
Novel is human creation. Novels
as a part of the fiction can be defined as a work of prose fiction, which tells story or
uses incidents to dramatize human experience
and individual character. To quote Roberts in the book An Introduction to Reading and Writing (1993: 1)
who says that : “Literature refers to
compositions that tell stories dramatize
situations, express emotions, and analyze and advocate ideas. Before the invention of
writing, literary works were necessarily
spoken or sung, and were retained only
as long as living people perform them. In some societies, the oral tradition of
literature still exists, with many poems
and stories designed exclusively for spoken
delivery. Even in our modern age of writing and printing, much literature is still heard aloud
rather than read silently. No matter how
we assimilate literature, we gain much
from it. In truth, readers often cannot explain
why the enjoy reading, for goals and ideas are not easily articulated. There are however,
areas of general agreement about the
value of systematic and extensive
10 From the quotation above, I am interested in
the phrase ‘analyze and advocate ideas’.
It implies that literature contains ideas, which are inherent in the work. These ideas are analogous with intrinsic
elements in my perception. The intrinsic
elements of a novel are the elements which participate in forming and completing the story.Taylor (1981:10) clarifies that
intrinsic elements are very important in understanding and analyzing literary work. I
believe the six elements are interrelated
each other to the whole story.
Character is the figures that
showed in a narrative work, which have moral quality and certain tendency that expressed in
utterance and action. A theme is the main
idea of an essay, paragraph, or a book. The idea about life is revealed in a work of literature. Plot is one of elements of
fiction and organized the sequence of events
and actions that make up the story. Setting is place; time and social condition that become place for figures do and
affected an event setting will influence
the action and way ofthought of figures. Point of view is a device used in narration that indicates the position form,
which an action is observed and narrated.
Style is the manner ofexpression; how a speaker or writer says what he says. Writing style is the manner in which a
writer addresses a matter.
That is why I analyze the ideas
in terms of character, theme, plot, setting, point of view and style, which are found
inside the novel Beloved by Toni Morrison.
It is Toni Morrison's fifth novel. Published in 1987 as Morrison was enjoying increasing popularity and success, I
like to read this novel because it becomes
a best seller and received the 1988 Pulitzer Prize for fiction. Its reception 11 by
critics was overwhelming, and the book is widely considered Morrison's greatest novel to date. Toni Morrison makes
the reader become aware of the physical
and psychological damage done to the African American people by the brutal inhumanity that constituted American
slavery. The novel has the capacity to personalize
history, and toconvey an understanding of the way slavery abused the state of motherhood.
For the theory that used in this
thesis, I use Formalist Theory as my reference.
Formalist theory is the theory which emphasizes on the creation of literary text. It’s concerning with the form
and contents of a story. It also has the principles of structural criticism to studying
about intrinsic and extrinsic elements, but
in this thesis I just focused on the intrinsic elements.
1.2 The Problem of the Analysis In completing this thesis, I focus myanalysis
on intrinsic elements in Toni Morrison’
novel Beloved, what I meanintrinsic elements are the internal structure of creating literary works such
ascharacter, theme, plot, setting, point of view and style. In reference to this point, I
would like to put forward my problem as
follows: 1 What is the intrinsic elements of novel
Beloved ? 2 Are the intrinsic elements such as character,
theme, plot, setting, point of view and
style of writing congruent with unityin the story of the novel Beloved? 12 1.3 The
Objectives of the Analysis The objective
of this thesis is to find out and clarify the intrinsic elements as portrayed in the novel Beloved. Then, I
also want to introduce and explain the elements
in order to prove that there is congruency among those elements in the story of the novel.
1.4 The Scope of the Analysis The scope or limitation of this analysis is to
find out six elements that portraying
the character or person who are dominant in the novel, the plot or the sequence of events of the novel, the central
idea or theme of the novel, the place or
setting, the position of novelist in relation to the character interms of point
of view, and also how the writer
expresses her style of writing.
1.5 The Significance of the
Analysis The significance of this
analysis is expected to be significant to the readers of literature. It also may help the readers to
understand about the intrinsic elements
in a novel and enrich literary studies, especially inliterature through novel as one genres of it besides drama and
poetry. I hope this analysis could become
reference for further study of literary works whatever forms they will be.
13 1.6 The
Method of Analysis This thesis was being done by using library
research. I use primary and secondary source
to complete this thesis. As my primary, I use some books and many other sources that I think related to the
subject matter that is being analyzed, and
the secondary source isthe novel itself. Those books are the analyses of intrinsic elements. I also read others thesis
as my references and to add my understanding.
1.7 The Review of Related
Literature In supporting the data of the
analysis, I get some several books have been related to the analysis. Some of them can be
mentioned as follow: 1. Theory of Literature by Rene Wellek and
Austin Warren (1963) This book provides
same explanations about approaches in analyzing a literary work. Moreover, based on a book the writer gets and understanding about intrinsic approach and
about literature generally.
2. Mastering in English Literature, by Richard
Gill (1985) This book tells about novel
and itaspect. This book helps me to understand
the novel in completing mythesis about this novel.
3. Literary Term and Criticism, by John Peck and
Martin Coyle (1984) In this book, they
write about literature and literary terms.It is very helpful to those who want to study and know more about

English Literature:An Analysis of Intrinsic Elements in Toni Morrisons’ Beloved

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