Selasa, 04 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis Of Unit Shift In Harry Potter And The Order Of Phoenix Movie Subtitles Into Bahasa Indonesia

1.1 Background of the Analysis.
Languange as a means of
communication has been used by human for thousands years. The role of language is very important
in human being to help them in conveying thoughts, ideas, and even to do transactions,
commerce and international cooperation.
One thing that cannot be denied
is the diversity of languanges. This diversity can be a barrier to international communications. This
barrier is definitely a problem needing solution that can be transfer the
language. It is translation.
Munday (2001 : 4) states that the
term translation itself has several meanings: it can refer to the general subject field, the
product ( the text has been translated) or the process ( the act of producing the
translation), otherwise known as translating. Scholars have many opinions about the translation
meaning. However it is, they have the same purposes, transfer one language to another
“Translation functions as a means
to transfer equivalent message from one language
to another, so that the communication of human keeps going on, especially in international communication. Translation plays
great role in human life. It engages people
around the world since it enables people with different languanges to
understand one text, such as history of
pyramid, governmental system of one’s country, Einstein’stheory, etc (http://en. Wikipedia.
Org/wiki/translation/ Accessed on December,
st 2010; 07:00 PM).
1 Nida (1964) in Venuti (2000 : 126) says that
there can be no absolute correspondence
between languanges since no two languanges are identical. Hence, it can be concluded that due to no two identical
languanges, shifts may occur in translation.
Catford (1965) in Venuti (2000 :
141) states that shifts mean the departures from formal correspondence in the process of going
from SL to TL. Catford says that there are two major types of shifts occur. They are
level shifts and category shifts.
Level shifts is a shifts from
grammar to lexis. It means that a grammatical unit in English, such as noun, affix, etc, has a
lexical unit in Bahasa Indonesia as its translation equivalent (Machali, 1998 : 14). For example,
John has stopped crying and its translation John sudah berhentimenangis. The form “has” as
a unit in English grammar is translated into
Bahasa Indonesia by the lexis “sudah”.
Category shift is about unbounded
and rank-unbounded translation. In unbounded
translation equivalences are not tied to a particular rank and may additionally
find equivalences at sentence clause and
other levels, while in rank-unbounded translation
an equivalent is sought in the target language (TL) for each word or for each morpheme encountered in the source language
(SL) .
This thesis focuses on category
shifts. These category shifts have four kinds, namely structure shifts, class shifts, unit
shifts, and intra-system shifts. However, in order to avoid the exccessive discussion of category
shifts, the shift becoming the main focus in this thesis is unit shifts. Unit-shift is simply defined as changes of
rank. It is about departures from formal
correspondence wherein the translation equivalent of a unit at one rank in the source language (SL) is a unit at
a dissimilar rank in the target languange 2 (TL).
For instance , adjective in the source language (SL) is translated into a
clause in the target language (TL).
The source of data in this thesis
is the subtitles of Harry Potter and The Order Of Phoenix movie, which taken from DVD. The
source language (SL) of the movie subtitles is English and the target language (TL) is
Bahasa Indonesia. The unit shift which occur in the movie will be analyzed in this thesis.
An example of unit shifts is : SL
(English) TL (Bahasa Indonesia) Understanding
minds Pemikiran yang memahami Adj clause From
the example above , it is clearly seen that there is a change of rank in unit shifts, namely the adjective “understanding”
turning into a clause “yang memahami”.
In doing this thesis, the data
which is chosen is the subtitle of movie. “Subtitles are textual versions of the dialog in films
and televison programs, ally displayed at the bottom of the screen. They can either be a
form of written rendering of the dialog in the same language, with or without added
information to help viewers who are deaf and hard-of-hearing to follow the dialog, or
people who cannot understand the spoken dialogue
or who have accent recognition problems. Television teletext subtitles, which are hidden unless requested by the viewer from
a menu or by selecting the relevant teletext, always carry additional sound
representations for deaf and hard of hearing 3 viewers. Teletext subtitle language follows
the original audio, except in multi-lingual countries where the broadcaster may provide
subtitles in additional languanges on other teletext pages. (http://en. Wikipedia. Org/wikisubtitle/ Accessed on December, st 2010;
10.00 PM).
The unit shift is chosen as the
main topic of this thesis because in the translation, many shifts are found. Sometimes in
translating the text from different language is very difficult and every language has its own
rules. So that to translate the language we use shifts to get the equivalence meaning in order
to make the reader understand the product of the translation.
1.2 Scope of the Analysis In order to avoid
excessively large discussion, the analysis of this thesis is focused on unit shifts. The data that are
going to analyze is the subtitles of Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix movie in a DVD by all
of scenes.
1.3 Problem of the Analysis From the background,
the problem of the analysis in this thesis is how the unit shifts occur in Harry Potter and The
Order of Phoenix movie subtitles. 1.4
Objective of the Analysis Based on the problem of the analysis above,
the objective of the analysis in this
thesis is to analyze the unit shifts in the Harry Potter and The Order of
Phoenix movie subtitles.
4 1.5
Significances of the Analysis This thesis is intended to be helpful
theoretically and practically.
Theoretically, this thesis is
expected to enlarge the knowledge of translation to the readers or the students of English department.
This thesis may also be a reference for those
who are interested in learning translation studies.

English Literature:An Analysis Of Unit Shift In Harry Potter And The Order Of Phoenix Movie Subtitles Into Bahasa Indonesia

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