Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:An Analysis Errors in Sentence Production by Students of MAHESA Institute

This introductory chapter
presents the background of the study, the problem of the study, the objective of the
study, the significance of the study, the scope and limitation of the study, and the
definition of key terms.
1.1. Background of Study As a
means of communication, language plays important roles in human’s life. English as international language
becomes widely used throughout the world.
The users of English both native
speakers and non-native speakers become greater in quantity and are spread all over the world.
Furthermore, people use English to communicate
with others and to share ideas, thought, feeling, and information.
English is also used as a means
of transferring science and technology, knowledge and information. Since we live in developing
country, this kind of transferring is important.
We need English to keep up with the development of science and technology at the present time. In other
words, our country has to get along with other country all around the world to acquire
modern sciences and technology.
Allah said in Surah Ar-Ruum verse
“And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in our language and your colours;
verily in that are signs for those who know.”
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we know that God create many kinds of languages. And as human being, we have to learn some of
languages that He creates although not all of it in order to not be foolish by others. If
we understand the language of others beside
our own language, it will make us easy to communicate.
English for Indonesian is a kind
of foreign language. Besides learning the national language and local area language,
students of Indonesia also learn English
as the first foreign language formally. Although there is another foreign language learned such as Arabic, Japan,
Jerman, and chine, but English is the most
important one because it is an international language.
The existence of English as a new
language for Indonesian especially and for the other country generally may encounter
various problem whether in pronouncing,
intonation, choosing the right words, and so on. It is normal for Indonesian learners to make errors in their
learning process since English is a foreign
language not a native language. In learning English, there are still many problems that they face whether in speaking,
listening, reading, and writing.
Feeling nervous and anxious which
lead to an error in speaking can be found not only when a person speaks in front of many
people but also when he or she speaks
with another person. Those feeling are related to a mental process when people want to produce speech or sentence.
There are two kinds to name those mental
processes when people saying, namely: hesitation (pauses) and errors (Dardjowidjojo,
2003: 142). An error in speaking, for example slip of the tongue can cause misunderstanding between the speaker
and the listener.
Hesitation or pause speaking for
a while is because we must “come up for air.”
Speech is produced as we expel air from the lungs, and we must pause This page was created using Nitro PDFtrial
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inhale before continuing. Another reason of hesitation or pause speaking is because we sometimes pause for
pragmatics. The purpose of most speech
is to communicate information to a listener and if he or she is temporary distracted, confused, or otherwise
unreceptive, if often pays to wait before going on. Finally, hesitation or pause speaking is
often needed in the course of planning what
we are trying to say and the way we want to say it. It also helps the speaker when they pause their speech to think what to
Slip of the tongue is a
phenomenon that occurs in speech production when the speakers slip their tongue with the result
that what they say is not really what they mean or they want to. Slip of the tongue may
occur for all people whether they are fluent
in speaking or not. People who are able to speak well is not impossible to make slip. It can be caused that the speech
they produce is not in hand with what in
their tongue.
Slip of the tongue, which is one
of the types of speech errors, becomes the main subject of this research. Slip of the
tongue is one of some kinds of speech errors.
Speech errors are studied in psycholinguistics area. Psycholinguistics is a study on the relation between language and
individual’s behavior and capabilities.
Such kinds of error are comment
when the speakers are nervous, or under stress
(David Carroll, 1986). Furthermore, he says that it seems probable that those errors are more likely to occur when we
are tired, anxious, or drunk.
Delivering a speech is a moment
that often makes nervous, more over when we are in front of many people or audience. To
avoid feeling nervous before delivering
a speech, the speaker usually makes very good preparation. However, we often find somebody feeling nervous when he
or she makes many mistakes on This page
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pronunciation or even the speaker sometimes pauses his or her speaking for a while or even slip their tongue.
Taylor (1190:103) states that a
speaker may make errors or slip of their tongue in sounds, word parts, word, and
sentence structure. Furthermore, he said that the most common errors in words selection
are substitutions, in which slots are
fields by wrong words. The target and the error tend to came from grammatical class, and to be similar either in
meaning or sound, or in both. For example
when people saya leading list, it is not really they want to say. Actually they want to say a reading list. It is
possible that the error resulted from the /l/in list being anticipated by the speakers.
This research was conducted due
to the fact that the phenomena of speech errors often happen in our daily communication
or speech. The researcher took place in
MAHESA Institute in as the source of data, because in MAHESA Institute there is speaking program.
The researcher interests in analyzing
the speech there, because that course is one of the good course and it has been a famous course. The students are not
only come from city it self but it also come from outside Java. And also
most of students there are still beginner
in studying English and they still tend to make some mistakes in speaking. In data collecting process, the
writer recorded some speeches made by the
students of MAHESA Institute and then she observed the situation and condition during the program to
recognize the real situation when the
students delivering the speech and made slip of the tongue. While doing observation, she makes field-notes to note the
situation of observation. Then she This
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English Literature:An Analysis Errors in Sentence Production by Students of MAHESA Institute

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