Jumat, 14 November 2014

English Literature:A Study of Cohesive Devices in the George Walker Bush's Second Presidential Inaugural Speech

Thissection discussesbackground
of thestudy, statementof theproblems, significanceof thestudy, scopeand
limitation of thestudy, and thedefinition of key terms. Each of theobjectsdiscussed
in detailin thenext: 1.1 Backgroundof theStudy In Islamicview,
peoplearecommanded to do everything well. Itis illustrated in
Hadistthatisnarrated by ImamMuslim Abu Hurairah ra. Said: Rasulullah saw uttered:
“In truth, Allah isthe greatestSubstanceand Hedoesnotaccepteverything to
himexceptthegreat ones”.
Referring to theaboveHadist,
generally, itcan beinterpreted to human communication, howthey should utter or
communicatein rightand good communication. Certainly, arightand good
languagewillprovideclear perception to peopleitexpressed. Rahardjo (2002:95)
explainsthattheright languageisalanguagewhich expressesappropriaterule,
pattern, formation, and structure. While, agood languageisalanguagewhich
iscommunicated through theappropriatecondition,
wellfocused to whomitisshared, hasappropriate place, time, and topicof
communication, and thelast, howthosecomponentsare expressed. When peoplecan
expressthosetwo points, good and rightin communication, thecommunication
willbemorevaluable. Lieasquoted by Rahardjo (2002:90-91) aguesthatwhen
peoplecommunicatein morevaluable communication, they notonly achieveto
understand each other, butalso express valuable, right, and beautifulmeaning
abovegivesusacluethatcommunication willbemore meaningfuland beautifully
expressed whileitexpressesrightand good language.
Additionally, DeWittH. Parker pointsthattherearesix
principleswhich construct thebeauty of thing. They areorganicunity, theme,
thematicvariation, balance, evolution, and hierarchy points. However, itisalso
in working condition to the beauty of language.
principlesare;firstisorganicunity, itmeansalanguageshould consistsof certain
unsurewhich areneeded. Second istheme, itrefersto ideaor ideaswhich
becomethekey howpeopleunderstand acommunication. Third is thematicvariation,
itdealswith theideawhich alwaysdevelopsin order to find appropriatepointso
itdoesnotseemmonotonous. Fourth isbalance, itexplains howcertain
unsureconstructsalanguageby itssimilaritiesand differences. Fifth isevolution,
itdescribestherelationship of each unsurein order to producea maximummeaning
and hierarchy pointsto thestructuresof theunsurewhich arranged themain
unsureand itssub supporting (Gie, 1976:46-48).
Nevertheless, to analyzealanguagewecertainly
usetext. Here, textisnot defined asasinglepassagewhich coversagroup of
sentences, butitisidentified asasentence, setof sentencesor utteranceswhich
providetherelation of meaning inside. Halliday and Hasan (1976:1)
arguethattheworld textalwaysrefersto any passage, spoken or written, of
whatever length, doesformunified completely.
Subsequently, to beconsidered
asatext, asequenceof sentenceor utterance should havethecriteriaof textureor
textuality. Oneof thecriteriaiscohesion (Renkema, 1993:34-37). Therelationship
between onesentenceand other sentencein atextrealized by meansof formallinguisticdevicesislabeled
as cohesion. Indeed, Halliday and Hasan (1976:8) say “Cohesion issemantic relation
between an elementin thetextand someother elementsthatiscrucialto theinterpretation
of it”. Therelation of theelements, cohesivedevices, willmake aunity of
thoughtand community in atext Cohesivedevicessupportatextto bemeaningfully
formed. They help the listener or reader in interpreting apieceof textor
discourse. Tannen (1982) states thatcohesivedevicescallupon
aspeaker’sbackground of knowledgeof syntactic or semanticand
socio-culturalknowledgein aprocessof interpretation.
In therelating discussion,
peoplewillapply thesametheory in interpreting thepresidentialinauguralspeech of
American presidentsin their Inauguration Day-theday on which thePresidentof
theUnited Statesissworn in and takes office. Historically, itwasoriginally held
every four yearson March 4 exceptthe firstinauguration for GeorgeWashington,
which washeld on April30, 1789.
Presidentialinauguralspeech isthespeech given
by thepresidentswho havejustbeen elected to their society. In their speeches,
they sharemany information, and thevision and mission of their government. In
America, the speech isgiven in abrief speech peppered with Biblicalallusionsand
references to God.
acknowledging America'shistory of slavery and of reaching outto immigrants--
ideasnottraditionally associated with theRepublican Party. Thespeech also
discussed aboutthenewestissuewhich occur in thatcountry.
Analyzing thescriptof
Bush’ssecond presidentialinauguralspeech means analyzing
atextsincewerealizeithastheelementsof text. Thescriptbecomesan interesting
mediato bediscussed, becauseitexpressesboth formallanguageand poeticalone. In
viewof thefactthatthisstudy becomesvery important, aswecan analyzetheuseof
languagein thesociety and wecan find much information aboutthecurrentexistenceand
developmentof theuseof language.
Thisstudy hasarelation to
thepreviousstudieswhich stand on thesame field. Khanisya(1999) studieson
cohesivedevicesused in theJakartaPost “featuresarticle”, Rahmadhi(2003)
analyzesdiscourseanalysison breaking news textdisplayed by Metro TVof
Indonesia. Mostof themresearch languageused within thenewswhich providesinformativeexpression
and itwork based on the fact. Additionally, itisvery importantfor theresearcher
to conductaresearch that focuseson thetypeof cohesion deviseand thefunction of
cohesion devises applied in thePresidentialInauguralSpeech. Sincethespeech
doesnotonly expressesinformativelanguagebutalso
affirmativelanguagewhich ispackaged in theformallanguageand expressed by
1.2 Statement of
theResearchProblem Considering to thebackground of thestudy thatexplained
previously, the researcher pointstheproblems. Thoseare: 1. Whattypesof
cohesivedevicesareused in theGeorgeWalker Bush’s Second
PresidentialInauguralSpeech? 2. Whatarethefunctionsof cohesivedevicesused in
GeorgeWalker Bush’s Second PresidentialInauguralSpeech? 1.3 Objectiveof
theStudy Based on thestatementof theproblem, theobjectivesof thestudy are: 1.
To find thecohesivedevicesused in theGeorgeWalker Bush’sSecond PresidentialInauguralSpeech.
2. To describethefunction of
thecohesivedevicesused in theGeorge Walker Bush’sSecond
1.4 Significanceof theStudy Thesignificanceof
thestudy isexpected to beableto givevaluable contribution to
theresearchersasthefactualinformer and other peoplewho are interested in

English Literature:A Study of Cohesive Devices in the George Walker Bush's Second Presidential Inaugural Speech

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