Sabtu, 15 November 2014

English Literature:A Morphological Analysis on Loanwords from French to English Cuisine Term Used In Ratatouille” Movie

This chapter presents background
of the study, problems of the study, objectives
of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, and definition of the key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study Nowadays, with
the rapid development
of human society
and the expansion of political, economic and cultural
exchanges among different nations, we
have more opportunities to communicate with
other countries and understand their
cultures. The tide of globalization and the intercultural communication make us live in a global village. Intercultural
communication is obviously becoming the inevitable
tendency we have to face.
All living languages are subject
to constant change. Language change may influence phonetics,
phonology, morphology, syntax
and semantics of
a given language. These changes generally occur over
the course of centuries, which can be detected
by analyzing literary
records of a
language. One major
cause of language
change is linguistic
borrowing. When two
languages begin to
coexist due to social, cultural,
political or geographical reasons, it is inevitable that they have
an influence on
each other. The
borrowing word is
interesting topic to b e
discussed, how
it gets imported
from the source
language to the other
native languages and
what morphological changes
occur along the
way of borrowing words.
The number of words in English has grown from 50,000 to 60,000 words in old English to about a million today. There
are a number of ways in which the English vocabulary
increases. The principal
way in which
it grows is by borrowing words from other languages. About
80% of the entries in any English dictionary
are borrowed, mainly from Latin. Another
way is by combining words into one
word, such as
housewife, greenhouse, and
overdue. The addition
of prefixes and
suffixes to words
also increases the
immense vocabulary of the
languages such as
sauce, saucer, saucier.
The word sauce
will have different meaning by additional suffixes”r”
and “er”.
The process of creating new words
by some ways is called word formation process. English
employs to put
morpheme together and
form new word
out of existing words. Some of these processes
English shares with other languages and they have been already discussed, but there
are other ways to form new words in English that
have not been
mentioned. The more
common word formation processes are Derivation and compounding.
English has a number of derivational morphemes
which is used
to derive words.
There are (affixes)
added to the beginning
of stem (prefix), added to the middle of stem (infix) or added to the end of
the stem (suffix).
Meanwhile, compounding is putting two
or more existing words
together to form a new word. There are,
however, in English some other ways to form new words, which do not put
morphemes together in the familiar way.
According to Yule (1996:64) word
formation processes are the processes or evolution
of new terms
and new use
of old terms,
for example the
word “ASAP” is
derived from as
“soon as possible”
after undergoing the
process of acronyms, in which a word is formed by initial of some words. Yule stated that word
formation processes consist of coinage, borrowing, compounding, blending, clipping,
back formation, conversion,
acronyms, prefix and
suffix, and multiple processes.
Over a
period of time,
French cuisine has
evolved to even
higher and higher
levels of 'artistry'.
Even today, French
cuisine is hailed
as one of the
world's best cuisines in the world. The
history of French Cuisine is as interesting as the tastes it embodies. When talking of
French cuisine, we know that dishes are going to
be part of
the most distinguished
cuisine in the
world and that
they possess an
elegant culinary style
which is associated
with their style
of preparation.
Foods can be named according to
different levels of generality. The basic level terms (Rosch, "Principles of
Categorization") are the most consistent across languages
in that translation
equivalents can be
readily found. The
examples of basic level terms are apple, potato, rice,
coffee, turkey, salmon, and snails. Higher level categories are more variable across
languages than are basic level terms and often result in different, incompatible
classifications. Whether a
tomato is a fruit or
a vegetable depends
on the purpose
of the classification. For
scientific purposes, it is a
fruit (as are squash and bell peppers), since it contains the seed for reproduction. However, for culinary
purposes, a tomato is a vegetable in Europe and North America. In Taiwan, where tomatoes
are eaten for dessert, along with
sweet fruits, it would be a fruit.
English-speakers classify potatoes as
vegetables, but German-speakers are
not likely to
consider the Kartoffel
(potato) to be included in
the German word
Gemüse, translated as
"vegetable" but not coextensive
with the English category.
Preparing food by cooking is a
universal practice in human societies,
and every language has words to
differentiate cooking methods. In English,
cook is a general term with more specific words: boil
(cook in water), bake (cook with dry heat in an enclosed space),
grill or broil (cook over/under an open flame), roast
( originally, cook on a spit
over an open flame, but now partly synonymous with bake), and
fry (cook in fat). English has
highly specific words, including steam, poach
(cook gently in water), deep-fry
or French-fry (sub-merge in hot oil),
sauté or
pan-fry (fry quickly
in fat), or
stew (cook slowly
for a long
time), simmer (gently boil),
braise (sauté then
simmer), and barbecue.
A relatively recent addition
is microwave. Nowadays,
those culinary terms
are familiar in
many countries because
of globalization and
the famous French
cuisine that many countries
look forward to it and adapt the food, preparation method and the term in French cuisine into their countries.
From the
explanation above about
the number of
English word which increases and
relates to the
fact about the
French cuisine globalized
and recognized around the world
are become the interesting topic to investigate. While “Ratatouille”
movie, it represents
the reality about
culinary world which
is situated in
French and a lot of
loanwords from French
to English cuisine
term found in
that movie. Even
the title “Ratatouille”
Itself is refers
to one kind
of French dish.
This phenomenon becomes
the Researchers interest in
doing a study on the use of loanwords that comes from
French to English Cuisine terms found in
“Ratatouille” movie. The
researcher uses theory
of word formation
by George Yule
(1996) to analyze
the word formation
process and the
internal structure of the words.
In addition, the researcher uses the loanword theory in the studies by Werner Betz (1949, 1959) to analyze
how those loanwords are adapted to
There have been
several researchers who
conducted their research
on morphology. The
first researcher is
Ifafa (2007) conducted
a study entitled „Patterns
of Word Formations
in Comic Series
Issued in Jakarta
Post. In her study, she described word formation theory
based on George Yule theory. Later, she gave the explanation about pattern of word
formation specified in comic series issued
in Jakarta Post. She analyzed the data
which are divided into form of word formation processes.
They are derivation,
compounding, shortening, acronym, blending, and unidentified. The result shows
the special type of word formation in comic is
visual communication. The
visual aspect used
as medium for
the character to
move and speak
within a reality
to begin before
and carry past
the action depicted,
establishing reality
perpetually. Not only
used visual communication
the writer also
used picture. Comic
strips are virtually
pictures because picture
may trigger huge
associate pathway to
memory experience, pleasure that predate verbal equivalent. The
unidentified word that no one being on
the word formation literary.

English Literature:A Morphological Analysis on Loanwords from French to English Cuisine Term Used In Ratatouille” Movie

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