Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: Literal And Non-Literal Meanings In Some Selected Indonesian’s Political Critic Poems

1.1  Background of Study 
Words are the leaves of
the tree of language, of which, if some fall away, a new  succession takes their place.
(John French)  In daily life human being as a social creature
cannot live individually. They  certainly
need communication to express their existence, opinion, ideas, and to  influence others for his need. Human is
instinctively urged to have relationship  among of them. For this human needs language
as communication tools.
The use of language as a means of
communication, either in oral and  written
form, has varieties according to the knowledge of language competence by  the users. If one has a good competence, he
can communicate with others well and  fluently.
On the contrary, if one has a bad competence, he cannot communicate well  and fluently. But normally human being hoped
to become a good speaker, listener  and
writer as well. Those are some expressions of language that is used in daily
It can only be reached by
studying and practicing process. This process is found in  school learning process and also in our daily
communication During the communication, it is so important to analyze how the
speakers  express his expressions so that
listener can understand the meaning of what the  speaker certainly means with his utterances.
As we know, meaning is the important  part
of the language, because it is not language if it has no meaning. Meaning as
the  goal of language is to give
information directly or indirectly. In this case directly, it  means how the hearer can understand what the
speaker says and indirectly, it means    listener
need to interpretive what the speaker says. The term of this problem is  Semantics, which means a study of meaning. To
know the intend of speaker is really  needed
by the listener but we have to also know too that the speaker sometimes does  not speak literally that means we need
interpret the words or sentences which is  being spoken. Started from the confusing to
interpret what the speaker say, words or  sentences can be divided into two namely
literal meaning and non-literal meaning.
Literal meaning is the words or
sentences that purely mean what as in the dictionary,  therefore, how so easy to under stand what the
speaker say to utterance their feelings  or
expressions. But beside of the literal meaning, people also use non-literal
meaning  to express their utterances. It
will be easy to understand if the people use literal  meaning in his utterances. On the contrary, it
is more difficult to understand if the  speaker
uses non-literal meaning. The listener will get difficult to understand
nonliteral meaning because what the speaker says literally will be different in
what he  intends to express the
utterances. Non-literal utterances make the problem for the listener and need
the theories to know them well without making different  interpretation between the speaker and the
Someone will find it easy to
express an idea in a language if he is a master  of a language. An expression of language can
make confused if he knows nothing  about
it. A speaker’s utterance sometimes has more one meaning. That is why, it is  necessary for everyone to know the meaning of
the speaker’s utterance either  explicitly
or implicitly.
Larson (1984:38) uses the term of
implicit and explicit information. He said  that implicit information is information,
which is not stated in the text; while explicit  information is information which is stated by
the lexical item and grammatical form.
This means that implicit meaning
is not easy to be understood as it is heard.
human being uses non-literal language to convey an idea. Nonliteral language is
a language which has implicit and explicit meaning. The implicit  meaning is the hidden meaning which can not be
understood literally, meanwhile,  explicit
meaning is the meaning, which is just the same as it is heard.
Meaning is named as non-literal
meaning if an utterance can not be  interpreted
literally. In the other words, the meaning is not what the speaker says  directly, but it is still hidden and need the
interpretation to get the meaning.
Expressing an idea non-literally
can be performed in various ways such as  metaphorically, ironically, and so on. In
other words we can express non-literal  meaning
by using the various expressions.
Interpreting non-literal meaning
can be expressed in some kind of genre  like
short story, novel, song, poems, etc. one of the important thing in non-literal
 meaning is have to know the context and
the atmosphere of the sentences being  expressed.
It is not easy as speaker say literally.
The term to know scientifically
non-literal meaning is figure of speech.
Figure of speech is another terms
for non-literal meaning. Theory of figure of speech  is the way to know easily words or sentences.
Figure of speech requires much  imagination
and needs such as, seeing, smelling, touching, feeling, and hearing in the  language.
The existence of figure of speech
makes the language more effective,  comprehend
and colorful. In poetry and other forms of creative writing often use  figures of speech in subtle and complex way.
Non-literal meaning make the sentence  more
effective. It means that the sentences can attract the reader’s attention.
Figures  of speech make the sentences
more comprehensive because it can attract the readers    to widen their understanding and figures of
speech make the sentences more colorful  because
the sentences make the reader to be enjoyable and interested.

English Literature: Literal And Non-Literal Meanings In Some Selected Indonesian’s Political Critic Poems

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