Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: An Analysis of Non-Literal Meanings in Edward Estelin Cummings’ Selected Poems

1.1 Background of the
Language is a system of communication that plays an important role in all
aspects of human life. It is the most effective tool of communication for
Without  language, 
the  world  cannot 
develop  normally.  Whatever 
we  do  in 
this world,  we  use 
language  to  express 
everything  in  our 
mind.  The  study 
about language is called Linguistics. Linguistics is scientific study
deals with language.
But altough it is the only
academic disipline that deals with language alone and is concerned with, its
practitioners cannot claim a  monopoly of
the whole  of their subject  matter 
(Matthews,  1997  : 
vii). One  of  the 
branches  in  linguistics 
which concern with meaning is called Semantic. Semantics is the study of
the meaning of  words,  phrases, 
or  sentences  in 
the  language  or 
semantics  is  the 
study  of linguistic  meaning 
(Leech,  1981:  2). 
The  meaning  can 
be  distinguished  by  the
technique of subtituting other words in the same context and enquiry whether
the resulting sentences are equivalent (Lyons, 1977:2).
There are two varieties of
meaning in Semantics, linguistic meaning and speaker  meaning. Leech  (1981 
:  8)  states, 
“The  linguistic  meaning of 
an expression is simply the meaning or meanings of that expression in
some form of language. Speaker meaning is what a speaker means in producing an
Speaker meaning is divided in two
different types, literal meaning and non literal    meaning.
Literal meaning based on the real or lexical meaning of utterance. We can find
this meaning in the dictionary, for examples: 1. I am a smart student.
2. They are university students.
3. She is beautiful.
All  the 
sentences  above  have literal 
meaning  as  long 
as  the  speakers 
mean lexically in all utterances. The first sentence means that “I” is
smart, or clever, has a good knowledge, it also shows an ability in study. The
second sentence means that  “they”  are 
university  students, a  group 
of  person  who 
study  in  university.
While  the 
third  sentence  means 
that  “she”  is 
beautiful,  or  gergeous, 
has  a  nice face.
In daily activity, a speaker does
not always speak literally and means what his words mean,  but 
sometimes  the speaker  speaks 
non  literally,  to  tell the 
listener another  meaning  of 
his  word.  So, 
non  literal  meaning 
is  very important  to understand to  avoid missunderstanding  of 
the  meaning  between 
speaker  and listener.
Martin (in Siswantoro, 2002: 10)
says that in the case of non literal meaning, there are a number of different
ways one can speak non literally. Non literal uses of language are called  figurative language. They are described
by  a large set of rhetorical terms
including simile, methapor, personification, apostrope, hyperbole, etc.
Non literal expression are often
found in literary works such as novel, plays, short  story, 
poems  or  even 
in  lyrics  of 
the  song.  In 
this  thesis  the 
writer  is    interested
to analyze the non literal meaning found in poem. Poem is defined as a piece  of 
writing  in  which 
the  words  are 
chosen  for  their 
sound  and  the 
images they  suggest,  not 
just  for  their 
obvious  meaning  (Oxford 
advanced  learner’s dictionary
1995: 890).
Percy Bysshe Shelley in Pardede
(2009:6) says that poetry is the record of the best and happiest moment of the
happiest and the best mind. This statement tells us that there is something
hidden in every poems, there’s a memory, it may be a happiest  memory 
or  not.  So 
that,  the  poems 
need  to  be 
analyzed  if  the 
reader wants to know the deep meaning of the poems. Sometimes it is very
difficult to understand  a  poem 
for  it  may 
contains so  many  expression 
with  non  literal meaning.
As the object analysis, the
writer chooses Edward Estelin Cummings poems.
Cummings's poetry often deals
with themes of love and nature. Cummings often wrote  in 
very  straightforward  prosaic 
English, sometimes  created  word images that are difficult to analyze but
easier to feel. More than most poets, he often make the difficult look simple,
to give the reader the feeling of "oh, I could have written that"(
1.2 Problem of the Study According
to the background explained above, there are some problems that appeared in
this research. The problems are : 1. What are the  types of 
non  literal   meaning 
found  in  Edward 
Estelin Cummings’s selected poems?    2.
What literal meanings are found in each type of non literal meaning in Edward
Estelin Cummings’ selected poems? 3. What 
types of  non  literal 
meaning  are  most 
dominant  in Edward Estelin
Cummings’ selected poems? 1.3 Objective of the Study Concerning  with 
the  problem  above, 
this  analysis  is 
intended  to  achieve some objectives, namely : 1. To  find 
out  the  types 
of non  literal  meaning 
in Edward  Estelin Cummings’s
selected poems.
2. To  describe the types  of meaning found  in each  type 
of  non  literal meaning in Edward Estelin Cummings’s
selected poems.
3. To find out types of non
literal meaning which are most dominant in Edward Estelin Cummings’ Selected

English Literature: An Analysis of Non-Literal Meanings in Edward Estelin Cummings’ Selected Poems

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