Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: The Intrinsic Analysis in Ahmad Fuadi’s Novel Ranah 3 Warna

1.1 Background of the Study  
 Literature is creative expression of human
imagination or wishes that it is  almost
impossible to create an exact definition of it. Wellek & Warren (1971:3)  state that literature is the mirror of human
life that portrays ‘human feeling,  thought,
imagination and perception which can be viewed based on personal  judgment.
Literature can be divided into
three genres, such as prose fiction, poetry  and drama. In the sense of literary, prose
also called fiction, narrative text, or  narrative
Fiction is a narrative work that tells something that is  imaginary, something that does not exist and
happen in the real world. As a work  of
imaginary, fiction directs various problems of man and humanity, life and  living. Fiction tells the various problems of
human life in the interactions with the  environment
and others. Fiction is the result of dialogue, contemplation, and  reactions to the environment and the life of
the author.Novel is fictional prose
narrative of considerable length, typically having a  plot that is unfolded by the actions, speech
and thoughts of the characters. Novel,  nearly
always an extendedfictional prose narrative, although some novel are very  short, some are non fictional, some have been
written in verse and some not even  tell
a story, novel is fictitious kind of writing.
 Novel is a world specially made inwords by an
author. A novel exists in  the way it
does because an author has chosen to put it together in that particularly    way. This means that novels are not real life.
Like all works of art poems, plays,  pots
or pieces of music – they have beenconstructed or crafted. (Gill, 1985:77).
 There are two important elements in fiction,
intrinsic and extrinsic  elements.
Extrinsic elements include: religion, education, custom, etc. while  intrinsic elements include: theme, plot,
character, setting, and point of view.
 Ranah 3 Warna is secondly novel in Negeri5
Menara trilogy. It has made  by Ahmad
Fuadi, one of the young novelists in Indonesia who has a great talent in  literature. The story in Ranah 3 Warna novel
is inspired by his life story. This  novel
narrates how dreams and ideals must be fought all-out.
I am interested in analyzing the
intrinsic elements in Ranah 3 Warna  novel,
because it has an attractive theme, plot, character, setting and point of view.
And also I want to understand a
work of literature with all the elements that each  other be related, including theme which is
underlying the story, the plot is a series  of events that can also lead to conflict, then
the character which describes how the  characters
play a role in the literature,the setting indicates when and where any  incident took place, until those elements were
packed in a view point of the author  is
called point of view.
Ranah 3 Warna describes how all
the elements of literature created so  beautifully.
How does the author give the basic story that rarely made by other  authors, how the author create unexpected
conflict occurs in the novel, then how  make
the characters that can inspire many people, and expertise of the author in  choosing some of place that well known, such
as ITB or Institute of Technology  Bandung
which is the most popular college in Indonesia, as well as how the    author combines all these elements in the
point of view so that the novel is more  interesting
and useful tothe readers.
1.2 Scope of Study  Analyzing literature especially novel is not
easy. The scope or limitation  of this
analysis is to analyze only fiveintrinsic elements in Ahmad Fuadi’s novel  Ranah 3 Warna. There are theme, plot,
character, setting, and point of view. It is  important to limit the writing in order avoid
the readers from confusion.
1.3 Purpose of Study   The
purpose of this study to analyze the intrinsic elements in Ranah 3  Warna novel, so that the writer can understand
how the elements of literature  works
include theme, plot, character, setting, and point of view made. So the story  ideas, conflict in the story, the characters
in the story, the setting of place and  setting
of time, until the point of view thatcreated by the author can be analyzed  carefully. The writer hopes this analysis
could help the readers who want to know  more
about the messages in the novel.
1.4 Significance of Study   The
significance of this paper is to enrich literary study especially in  literature of novel. The writer hope this
analysis could become references for  further
study of literary works whatever forms they will be.
1.5 Method of Research   Method
of research conducted in this paper is the step by step method. The  first step is reading the main source
datauntil finish; it is Ranah 3 Warna novel.
After reading to the end, the
writer select the text, interpret it, and then analyze the    texts in order to decide which ones of the
text are relevant to the elements of  literature
contained in the novel so that it can be conclude to this paper. The writer  also searches some data from books and
internet that related with elements of  literature
as material to support the completeness of this paper.

English Literature: The Intrinsic Analysis in Ahmad Fuadi’s Novel Ranah 3 Warna

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