Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: The Analysis of Compound Sentence Found in the Jakarta post Newspaper

1.1  The Background of Study 
Language is one of
the important things in human’s life, it plays a great  role in human’s communication or in
interacting to the others. By using the  language,
people can express their feelings or get some informations. As the part  of culture, language has the rules which have
to be followed by its users, for  example,
the roles of sentences including simple sentence, compound sentence,  complex sentence, etc.
A sentence is a verbal structure
that reflects something about the world. It  puts words in relation in order to map our
understanding of the sensible structure  of
the things. If we think any further along this line, we will be in the realm of
the  linguistics philosophy, so let us
keep the simple things. A sentence is a unit of  expression; it arranges the part of speech to
mirror a perception or an  understanding.
Word clusters named nominal, verbal, adjective, and adverbial are  combined to form the sentence. For example, we
will use the sentence although  there is
no general agreement on what a sentence really is.
The language used in the
newspaper is to present the grammar and the  exact meaning of the language. And the
compound sentence in the newspaper  plays
the important rule in the sentence in order to make the reader understand the idea
of its contains. So in this occasion, the writer will try to make a brief of  Compound sentence found in the Jakarta post
newspaper which is taken in the  daily
newspaper. “The Jakarta Post newspaper” is one of the English Newspaper  in Indonesia.
  1.2  Problem of Study The writer would like to
formulate the problems:  1.  Most of people who want to communication in
English do not understand  about the
compound sentence and when we must use the compound sentence.
2.  It is very often of the non-native speakers
of English misinterpreted the  compound
sentence. So they can not catch the idea of compound sentence.
3.  To find out the types of sentence used in
Jakarta Post Newspaper.
1.3  The Scope of Study When we want to discuss
about the compound sentence there will be a  problem of things to be discussed. As we know
there are many kind of sentences  which
are very important to study, but it is certainly impossible to explain them  one by one in this paper. Therefore on this
occasion the writer wants to be limited  this
discussion just focused in the compound sentence.
1.4  The Purpose of Study The purpose of the study
is to show the readers the pattern of the  compound sentence, to find out any types of
the compound sentence used in the  Jakarta
Post Newspaper and make the learners understand the usage of simple,  compound, complex and the compound-complex
sentences. The writer  also  wishes that the readers will know and
understand about the kind of sentences and  when we must use them. And the writer really
hopes that the learners can use  them
correctly based on the English structure 
in the studies or in the daily  conversation.
  1.5  The Significance of Study By writing this
paper, the writer hopes that the learners can improve their  knowledge about English especially about the
sentence and they can control it or  make
it better when they connect to the others. In addition, the writer believes
that  this paper can enrich the knowledge
to the person who wishes to study about  English
and it can be one of the literature materials for the knowledge’s  development.
1.6  The Method of Study The method was applied
for this writing is the  library
research. To  complete this paper, the
writer will collect all the required data from the Jakarta  post Newspaper was published on Monday,
November 15, 2010 at page 1, page  and
Page 3. So it means that data are written in the Jakarta Post Newspaper.
In order to get the percentage of
compound sentences that mostly occur in  the
Jakarta Post Newspaper, the following formula from Nawawi (1991; 150) will  be used:  X   x
100% = N Y  N = Number of compound
sentences  Y = Total number of all data  N = Percentage of the compound sentences    

English Literature: The Analysis of Compound Sentence Found in the Jakarta post Newspaper

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