Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: The Description Of Noun Clauses Found In The Jakarta Post Magazine

Background of the Study  
to Muriel (1976: 45), language is a key component of culture. It  is the primary medium from transmitting much
of culture, making the process of  language
learning in children in part a process of enculturation. Language is what  people use to talk about the things thatare
important to them, for example,  occurrences
in their everyday life. Language plays important role in every aspect  of human being in term of communication;
therefore, there is no activity done  without
language, such as communicating, conveying, or exchanging ideas one  and another.
There are many languages in the
world, such as Indonesian, French,  English,
and etc. Nowadays, English becomes the International language because  many people all over the world use this
language to communicate with other  countries.
The important role to make language better in using it is grammar.
According to Diane (2003: 18),
grammar is about word order in sentences  (syntax) and word formation processes
(morphology); it is also about using the  correct function words. Grammar is the set of
logical and structural rules that  govern
the composition of sentences, phrases, and words in any given natural  language. A formal study of grammar is
animportant part of education because  learning
to speak means learning the grammar too.
English grammar is the body of
rules describing the properties of the  English
language. It contains many items;one of it is noun clause. According to  Suryadi and Junaida (2007: 292), noun clause
can be classified to be 4 kinds; they  are:statement,
question, request, and exclamation.
  In this
paper, the writer wants to identify the use of noun clauses. The  writer focuses the study only in statement and
question,and explains them based  on the
function of clauses. The writer choose noun clause as her paper because  many people especially the students is still
confuse to identify the noun clause in  the
text books. To easy in learning noun clauses in this paper, the writer uses the
 object “The Jakarta Post Magazine”. The
writer wants to identify the use of noun  clauses in the articles of The Jakarta Post
Magazine. Besides, the writer wants to  know
how often the noun clauses are usedin The Jakarta Post Magazine.
1.2  Scope of the Study  In this paper, the writer limits the study on
noun clauses inthe articles of  The
Jakarta Post Magazine published on June and July 2010. This study explains  the definition and classification of using
noun clauses.
1.3  Purpose of the Study  The purposes of the study are:  1.  To
find out and classify the kinds of noun clauses in The Jakarta Post  Magazine.
2.  To find out the most dominant use of noun
clauses in The Jakarta Post  Magazine.
1.4  Significance of the Study The significances
of the study are:  1.  To enrich knowledge of readers about noun
especially noun clauses.
2.  To help readers in learning noun clauses.
  3.  To improve the readers’ interest in studying
grammar especially noun  clauses.
4.  To be a reference for the next researcher in
analyzing the grammar.
1.5  The Method of Research  In writing this paper, the writer applies the
library research method. The  writer
collects and reads English grammar books as her references. The writer  finds out some articles from The Jakarta Post
Magazine and internet as sources of  data.
Then the writer identifies and categorizes the data, noun clauses, which  found in the articles. Finally, the
writercombines the noun clause based on their  type in order to find out the type dominantly
used in those articles.

English Literature: The Description Of Noun Clauses Found In The Jakarta Post Magazine

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