Senin, 03 November 2014

English Literature: The Analysis of Main Characters in Andrea Hirata’s Novel “Sang Pemimpi

1.1  Background of the Study  
Literature is a term used to describewritten
or spoken material. Literature  describes
anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works,  but the term is most commonly used to refer to
works of the creative imagination.
Literature represents a language
or a people : culture and tradition. But, literature  is more important than just a historical or
cultural artifact. According to Roberts  and
Hendry E. Jacobs and Robert Edgar V (1995:1)
An Introduction to Reading  and Writing stated, that literature refers
tocompositions that tell stories, dramatize  situations, express emotions, analyze and
advocate ideas. Literature enables us to  recognize human morality, dream, and struggle
in difference ways, time and  situations
that we would never otherwise know.Three important branches of
literature: novel, poetry and drama. One of  the important will be discussed is Novel.The
term of novel can be defined as a  literary
composition. Some novels are fiction and some are based on true stories.
In Rees’ (1973:106) English
Literature, The Shorter Oxford Dictionary stated that  novel is a fictitious prose narrative of
considerate length in which characters and  action representative of real life are
portrayed in a plot of more or less  complexity..
Nowadays, there are a lot of
novel are published to the public. Novel is  literary work that very popular in the world.
As reading material, novel can be  divided
into two groups, namely, work seriously and entertainment work. The    novel can give the meaning and readers can
find the message from the novel  “Sang
Pemimpi” by Andrea Hirata is a novel continuation of Laskar Pelangi  Novel because on the front of the cover
iswritten that “Sang Pemimpi” is the  “Second
Book of Laskar Pelangi Tetralogy”. So, it is not impossible, Laskar  Pelangi readers will think that Andrea’s
Second book still tells the life of Ikal and  his friends. Unfortunately, in this second
book, Andrea no tells about Ikal and his  all of his friends when they in primary school
and lower secondary school. But, in  upper
secondary school, mentioned he friends with Arai and Jimbron. “Sang  Pemimpi” tells about the live of children in
Kampung Melayu who are really  innocent,
simple, but has the power of love, friendship, sacrifice, and hard  determination getting their dreams. Sang
Pemimpi comes with modest story. From  this
modestly story, readers will be realize that poverty and all of obstacle which  obscure the dreams or hope are not a reason to
stopped get a dream.
1.2  Scope of Study  Basically, a lot of aspects in building a
novel. But,important to limit the  topic
in order to make the paper easily and clearly understood. Based on title of  this paper is concentrated on describing the
characters especially main characters.
They are Ikal, Arai and Jimbron.
1.3  Purpose of Study  The writer explain about all elements of the
novel, especially about main  characters
in Novel Sang Pemimpi. They are Ikal, Arai and Jimbron. So that the  readers will get understanding about literary
insight the novel.
  1.4  Significance of Study  The significances of this study are toinform
the readers to know more  about novel,
characterization in Sang Pemimpi and the story who tell about The  poor children even in poverty life, they never
stopped to dream and will do all the  ways
to make their dream be real. The other significance are increase and add new  vocabulary, and encrich English Comprehension
through English Literary text.
1.5  Method of Study  In writing this paper, I apply libraryresearch
and browsing internet. I  collect some
data by reading several booksand from the internet. The writer  processes the data are reading the novel and I
I also asked people who had read
the novel to have more opinion. I also  watched
the movie Sang Pemimpi to ease explaining the content of the novel that  I choose as object of my paper.

English Literature: The Analysis of Main Characters in Andrea Hirata’s Novel “Sang Pemimpi

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