Kamis, 13 November 2014

English Literature:The Teaching of English at Pondok Pesantren Attarbiyyah Al- Islamiyyah at Paiton

This chapter discusses about the background of
the study, statement of the problems,
purpose of the study, scope of the study, significance of the study, and definition of the key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study English
as an international language has b ecome the most important language in modern era. As a developing country,
Indonesia uses English not only as means of communication with foreigners but it is also
used to study technology, science, and economics
from other established countries. Since mostof journals, bulletin, articles, and other multiple resources which are
relevant for any field are written in English.
As Baradja (1993:2) said that most
books in the libraries of universities and institutes are written in English. Therefore, English is
one of the subjects taught in Indonesian public schools.
In addition, English is not only
learned by the students in public schools but also learned by the students in Pondok
Pesantren in Indonesia. Pondok Pesantren as an agent of change in society should d evelop
its society not only in religion but also in economic and cultural aspects (Sulaiman,
1985:245). Therefore, Pondok Pesantren should
give information which is useful for its society and due to its functions, English is also taught in Pondok Pesantren
besides Arabic.
However, the teaching of English
in Indonesia has not given satisfying result yet. Murdibjono (1990) identified the factors
of the failure of the teaching of English as a foreign language in Indonesia. They are:
(1) the size of the class; (2) the environment; (3) the quality of the teachers;
(4) the time allotment for English; and (5)
the student’s motivation.
Kasbolah (1993:49) said that the
school and community also influence the teaching
and learning of English. In this regard, a languag e environment will significantly arouse the interest of the
students to learn English more enthusiastically.
In other words, the teaching of
English needs to be linked to the language community in which the language users can communicate it
one another. Ba sed on the research findings
conducted by Efendi (1987) about the students’ English proficiency at Pondok Pesantren Gontor, it shown that the
teaching and learning of English in that pesantren becomes successful because of some
factors. Firstly, English isused regularly
as a means of communication besides Arabic. Secondly, there are many people who can speak English. Thirdly, English
becomes the most important language besides
Arabic, so that it gets big attention from the students.
Informal environment, p
articularly friends have very strong effect to learn language (Dulay 1982). When the students at
Pondok Pesantren Gontor keep speaking English
and Arabic, they directly or indirectly will create a good language learning environment.
English is also taughtin Pondok
Pesantren Attarbiyah Al -Islamiyah in Sukodadi
Paiton , East Java for the level of Elementary School, Junior High School, and Senior High School. Pondok
Pesantren Attarbiyah Al -Islamiyah is a place
where people usually study religion, but
Pondok Pesantren Attarbiyah Al Islamiyah as an education institution is not
only a place for people who want to study knowledge about Islamic religion but it is
also a place for people who want to study English.
Pondok Pesantren Attarbiyah Al
-Islamiya h has some distinctive features. First, it tries to develop the students in science,
technology, and cultural art by learning the subject from other countries through studying
their books which have not been translated
into Indonesian.
Besides that, PPAA tries to
create a good learning environment that is especially dealing with language mastery. The
students learn English more intensively since
they must stay in the dormitories and use English as their compulsory language in their daily communication. At night, they study knowledge about Islamic
religion, such as some Islamic classic
books which had been translated into English and Arabic whose materials were developed by the
headmaster in that pondok pesantren. Another distinctive feature of PPAA is that the students are expected to have the spirit
of self help, experience, and knowledge to be able to create independent
employment by establishing English
The success of the teaching of
English at this pondok pesantren can be proved by the fact that most graduates of PPAA
establish some English courses around their district after they graduate from this pondok
Those unique characteristic of
Pondok Pesantren Attarbiyah Al -Islamiyah inspire the researcher to investigate the
teaching and le arning of English at Pondok Pesantren Attarbiyah Al -Islamiyah.
1.2 Statement of the Problems In general, the
problem of this research is how the teaching
of English at Pondok Pesantren Attarbiyah Al -Islamiyah (PPAA) is. In particular, it attempts to answer the
following research questions: 1. What is the objective of the teaching of
English at PPAA? 2. What kind of
syllabus is used at PPAA? 3.
What are the materials used at PPAA? 4.
What are the teaching techniques usedto teach English at PPAA? 5.
What kinds of media are used to teach English at PPAA? 6. What is the evaluation system accomplished
at PPAA? 7. What is the English teachers’ qualification
at PPAA? 8. What problems do PPAA
teachers have in teaching English? 1.3 Objectives of the Study The purpose of
the study is to describe: (1) the objective of teaching English; (2) the kind of syllabus; (3) the materials
used; (4) the teaching techniques used; (5) the kinds of media; (6) the evaluation system
accomplished at PPAA. The study also aims
at describing the English teachers’ qualifications, and the teacher’s problem
in teaching English.
1.4 Scope and Limitation of the
Study There are many factors that influence the success of teaching of English.
Those can be classified int o two
categories, namely linguistic and non- linguistic factors. Both categories determine the success
and the failure of teaching of English.
In this regard, the study is
limited to the study of non-linguistic factors of the teaching of English at Pondok P esantren Attarbiyyah Al
-Islamiyyah in Paiton .
Thus, the study is focused on
studying the teaching of English at PPAA, particularly deals with the objective of
English teaching, materials, kinds of syllabus, teaching techniques, kinds of media,
evaluation system, teacher’s qualification, and teacher’s problem in teaching English at
Pondok Pesantren Attarbiyyah Al Islamiyyah in Paiton .
1.5 Significance of the Study This research is expected to have both
theoretical and practical contribution.
Theoretically, the findings will
contribute ideas, concept of information to applied linguistics, especially dealing with the
teaching of English as a Second Language (TESL).

English Literature:The Teaching of English at Pondok Pesantren Attarbiyyah Al- Islamiyyah at Paiton

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