Selasa, 04 November 2014

English Literature:The Process of Javanese Marriage Ceremony in Kualu Hulu

1.1 The Background of Study Marriage is a sacred thing that should be done
by human in this world.
Because by marrying, one’s life
will be perfect and it signifieshe/she obeys or does the command of God. Marriage is also a
life long agreement between adult man
and woman to form a family (household), facing all the happiness and troubles together in the future along with
regenerating the generation.
Subekti (2001:53) said that
marriage is a bundle of spiritual just between a man and woman as a married couple withpurpose
to form a family (household) which is
happy and everlasting based on God.
The sacred marriage should be
guarded and protected until the end of life,
because a marriage is done by full of buffeting and great sacrifice. It starts from the meeting of two different genders of
human being, falling in love, making commitment
to form a new family, engaged, preparing of marriage until the marriage.
Marriage is done by all people in
this world, either from religion, color of
skin, country or ethnic. Javanese people who live in the district of Kualu
Hulu, Labuhan Batu Utara for instance,
it is done according to the custom and regulations
of Javanese. All done keenness to unite two different genders of people legally according to custom, religion
and government.
Basically, the aim of Javanese
marriage is the same like the other ethnics, religions, and countries in this world.
However, the rule, custom, culture and the Universitas Sumatera Utara marriage
ceremony are different. The Javanese custom and marriage ceremony is very complex ceremony. There are many things
that have to be passed through from the
ceremony before marriage until the ceremony after marriage.
Marriage ceremony for Javanese
marriage is a must and it can be held in a small or big ceremony. It is ally made into
two ways. They are traditional and
modern ways. These ways are done in different moments, such as: in Akad nikahand Wedding reception.
Javanese custom has been influenced
by Islam hundreds years ago.
Therefore, the processes of the
marriage follow the ways of Islam. However, the ways of marriage before Islam came are also
used until now such as the ways of Buddha
and Hindu marriage. Those make Javanese’s marriage ceremony is very long and complex. Many tools and rules must be
prepared and done, such as: Kembar
Mayang, traditional cloth, vegetables, fruits, Banana tree, Tebu wulung (reddish
sugar cane),Cengkir Gading(young yellow coconut), Ngelamar (propose marriage to someone), Peningsetan(delivery of
goods as a sign to tie of the relation),
Srah-Srahan( delivery of goods), Ijab Kabul(akad nikah– marriage contract), Ngunduh Manten(recelebrate the
wedding ceremony), and many others.
All of the tools and rules should
beprepared and done by Javanese, but there
is different Javanese custom that isfound in some territories. Javanese in the sub district of Kualu Hulu for instance, some
rules are not done by them because of
the difference of the territory. Universitas Sumatera Utara 1.2 The
Scope of Writing There are many things that can be discussed about the Javanese
marriage, but it takes a lot of times.
Therefore, writer limits the writing just to the process of Javanese marriage ceremony in the district of
Kualu Hulu.
1.3 Problem of study Based on the background above, the problemof
study is how the processes of Javanese
marriage ceremony in Kualu Hulu are? 1.4
The Objective of Study The object of writing this paper is to describe the
process of Javanese marriage ceremony in
Kualu Hulu.
1.5 Significance of Study  To become D-III English Study Program’s
Collection  To fulfill the regulation to
finish the study in Diploma III English Study program  To enrich the students/people knowledge about
the process of Javanese marriage
1.6 The Method of Writing Method that is used in this research is
library research and field research.
Library research is used to get
some written information about data needed and as the orientation to do this research. Field
research is used to observe for more of information
in the process of ceremony.

English Literature:The Process of Javanese Marriage Ceremony in Kualu Hulu

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