Selasa, 04 November 2014

English Literature:The Intrinsic Analysis In Nicholas Sparks’ Novel Message In A Bottle

INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of study Literature
is a kind of imaginative writing. It reflects a problem of life done by human being. This reflection gives reality
of life as what happens to man; whether,
it is sad or happy problem of life. This writing is truly a part of man’s life or the summary of man’s life. Imagination is inspired from thinking of something which relates for life, nature, and
fantasy. It can be restrained as one please.
Taylor (1981: 1) says that “Literature, like other arts, is essentially an imagination in selecting, ordering and
interpreting life-experience”, beside that, not so far different from Taylor, Roberts
(1993: 1) defines “Literature refers to compositions
that tell stories, dramatize situations, express emotion, and analyze and advocate ideas.” This means literature as
a reflection of life imaginatively.
Literature contents of emotion expression,
such as felling of sad, happy, and jealous
and so on. In the story finds the expressions emotion like happy because falling in love, sad because losing money,
jealous because leaved a honey.
Literature has many works, one of them is
novel. Novel is a length story that
narrates the life experience. Novel has
extrinsic and intrinsic elements.
Extrinsic elements in a novel relates to
psychology, history and sociologyon the other
way, Intrinsic elements in a novel doesn’t relate to other reference only study of novel itself. In this paper, the
writer interested in to analyze the novel especially the intrinsic elements of a novel.
Because the intrinsic elements are found
in a novel so without it novel is nothing. Such as theme is central idea in a novel. Character is human being that plays
actions in a novel. Setting is the place and time in a novel. Plot is sequence of
events that content conflict in a novel. All of them
are essentially in a novel; it
makes the writer interested to analyze because without the intrinsic
elements, novel can not be writing.
In this paper, the writer chooses the novel
entitledMessage in a bottle by Nicholas
Sparks because the intrinsic elements of the novel are solid and support each others. In addition, this novel tells the
power of love through message in a bottle
for example, in this Novel has a main character Theresa. She is fall in love through a message which sent a man. Theresa
doesn’t know the man but she is interested
through his message. This means, we can fall in love to some one who matches to our characteristic.
Finally, the writer decides to write this
1.2 Scope of Study The writer will be difficult to write all of aspect in a
novel without limitation. The scope is useful avoid confusion of
readers in understanding the analysis
and acquire good result. Therefore, in this paper is focused on intrinsic elements especially about theme, plot, characters,
and setting. The writer restricts, because
it is main elements in a novel in addition to limit the analysis of intrinsic elements in the novel Message in a bottle by
Objective of study The objectives of study in this paper are: 1. To describe the theme of the novel. Finding
the idea and analyze it in novel Message
in a bottle by sparks 2. To describe the plot of the novel. The writer shows
the sequence of events that contents
conflict, then presents it in the right order.
3. To describe the setting of the novel. The
writer shows the places of events in the
novel, and then it is described such as atmosphere of the event, where the event is happen, when the event is happen.
4. To describe the characters of the novel.
The writer describes the character who play
in a novel for example, the back ground of the character, and the role of character, the characteristic of character and
activities of character.
1.4 Significance of study The significances in this paper are: 1.
Theoretically, the significance of this study is the reader will understand
about intrinsic elements in a novel as
literary work in addition to add study of literature of a novel particularly about
intrinsic elements.
2. Practically, the study can be used as
reference for learning and understanding about intrinsic elements in a novel besides to
give contribution to some study of literature
to readers through this paper.
Method of study Writing this paper needed some data which relevant to the
paper. Without data in writing paper is
going to be difficult to finish moreover it is going to be error. To complte this paper the author
applies two methods to collect the data, they are library research and internet
research. Method of library research for finding data is collection some book
which relevant with the analysis of this paper and copy part of material in the book to be
reference. Method of Internet research is
inviting the website that relevant to this paper to find the material then the
data is copied to be reference.
The method of study, the writer uses intrinsic
method of analysis technique to write this paper. The writer
collects the quotations of the novel and selects the quotations which contents events.
The quotation is interpreted and analyzed,
from the analysis takes the conclusion.

English Literature:The Intrinsic Analysis In Nicholas Sparks’ Novel Message In A Bottle

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