Minggu, 09 November 2014

English Literature:The Events in Setting Influencing Nancy’s Personality in Mary Higgins Clark’s Where Are The Children


Chapter one discusses about
background of the study, statements of the problems, objectives of the studies,
significance of the study, scope and limitation, definition of key terms, and
research method which covers research design, data sources, data collection,
and data analysis. Each of the items is discussed in detail as follows: 1.1 Background of the study Literature is the
product of human thought. Since several years ago, it had been put as the
symbol of intellect. Barnet (1993: 1) says that literature can be used to refer
to anything written. Through literary works people may acquire amusements that
will lead them to a keen perception of beauty and increase their sensitivity
upon artistic works in general.

Literary works can communicate
thought, feeling, and attitude towards life. “A literary work can be used like
anything else from ink blots to feelings, simply as a device for imaginative
stimulation, a way to find out what we are thinking or feeling or who we are”
(Clummings and Simmons, 1986: 1).

Literature is closely related to
life because it is the work created and enjoyed by human being. According to
Wellek and Warren (1965: 15), literary work is a result of literature, a
creature activity, and a work of art.

The term literature according to
Wellek and Warren, seems best if we limit to art of literature that is to
imaginative literature as a work of art that uses a language in its medial expressive. It has
stood in such important position in life whether it is the western of eastern
culture. Studying literature is one of exciting activities because it gives us
many experiences that related to human feeling, love, and human life.

However, literary work is a human
reflection in art. Hudson (1985: 10) states that literature is the expression
of what people view, face, think, and feel about life. By reading literary
works, we are getting not only pleasure but also certain massage presented by
the author to the readers through the character or some other elements of
fiction. The result is that we are able to use them for improving our life with
the environment which the writer faces. As a human being, we have different
attitude and behavior. We can say that literature makes our life colorful.
Literature has a function that is to entertain the reader in which the story
told about reality or imagination. Besides, it is written to give the reader
insight of life that function to broaden, deepen, and share opinion.

Furthermore, W.J Long (1945: 8)
states that literature is the experience of life in the world of truth and
beauty. It is the written record of man’s spirit of emotion, thought, and
inspiration, it is the history of human soul. Literature can help us to
understand human sentiment, feeling, human interest, and problem. Also,
literature can be defined as the way of reacting and expressing life experience
by mean of language as its media. Jones (1968: 1) states that literature is a
work of art that uses language as its media as simply another way, we can
experience the world around them
through imagination. Literary works are created by author in order the reader
can get deeply enjoyable comprehension, and some picture of society or human
life. It is supported by Darmono (1979: 7) that literature reflects life and
the life itself is social reality, it means that literature is an expression of
the author that uses language as its media to express her idea that can be a
tragedy and event happened in or outside the author.

As a media to express the
author’s idea, literary work can be divided into three kinds in form; those are
drama, prose, and poetry. Each kind of them has different characteristics, such
a novel. Novel is one of literary genres that present complicated problems in
detail. Peck and Coyle (1984: 103) have argued that novels are long work with
great amount of detail on very page. It needs to be taken into account before
people can reach any sort of judgment. The effect of this detail is that people
come to recognize the complex reality of a character of an event in the story.

Novel can also contribute to a
deeper understanding of the central themes, complicated characters, and its
readers’ view of the world. So, a novelist’s can create a certain character
trait and personality as a part of human psychology. It aims at making a
certain image that will be related to the whole works. The highlight or
characters in a novel is really important to be understood to reach a
comprehensive understanding, because, “Learning literature is the same way as
to overcome our problems” (Wellek and Warren, 1989: 23). As a fictional work,
literature is considered having its
internal characters apart from the author, audience, and the real world.
Literature is drawn from the imagination rather than history or fact. Related
to the consideration that literature is an imaginative world, Abrams (1981: 61)
says that literature is as a work of fiction that is absence from historical
truth. Literature has its own imaginary world rather than the ‘true historic’

In this study, the writer would
like to present the novel Where Are the Children written by Mary Higgins Clark
that was published in and it’s becoming
a bestseller and becoming a popular novel. Mary Higgins Clark is also the
bestselling author with nine other novels that becoming bestseller too. In this
novel, the writer wants to analyze about the events living in setting that
influence on the main character that is Nancy. This novel also much talks about
personality a change that is influenced by setting faced by Nancy as the main

The writer choose this topic because
this topic give many challenges and it makes the writer know more not only
about the intrinsic element; that is setting, but also the writer know more
about the change of personality that influence by the condition in the setting
especially from Carl Roger’s theory. The whole content of Carl Rogers’s theory
focuses upon the ways in which evaluations of an individual by others,
particularly during childhood, tend to favor distancing between experiences of
the organism and experiences of the self.
According to Albert Bandura in
Alwisol’s book Psikologi Kepribadian (2004: 356), personality is the result of
human interaction with other people. Thus, when we interact with other people
or when we face some event in our life, whether it is good event or bad event,
surely there are a lot of experiences we got and we will remind all of
experiences as a memory. Experience, whether it is good experience or bad
experience will always repeat in our mind so that it can make some effects on
human itself like anxiety, deny everything in their life, depression, phobia,
and aggression.

As a biological creature, every
human has ability to determine his own fate. According to Alwisol (2004: 356)
human is a rational creature so that human needs for free. Also human is usually
easy to change and human is sometimes hard to be understood by others.
Otherwise, every human has various behaviors. We can understand human’s
behavior from how they view subjective experience of reality in their life.
From behavior, we can see human’s personality. Behavior is one of factors that
can influence human’s personality development or human’s personality changes,
the other factors such as environment, social, culture, family, can be the
important factors too in human’s personality development or human’s personality
changes (Alwisol, 2004: 357). From the explanation above, it can be stated
that experience can influence human’s personality development or even human’s
personality changes. That is why the writer chooses the topic as The Events in Setting
Influencing Nancy’s Personality in Mary Higgins Clark’s
Where Are The Children. The writer uses setting as the intrinsic element
because setting is not only the time and place, but also it is including
environment and event (experience) that happen to every human.

Based on the background of the
study above, the writer takes the title The Influence of Setting on Nancy’s
personality as the major character in Mary Higgins Clark’s Where Are The
Children. The writer has found the similar topic with the other writer’s study
but they have different theory and analysis. The first thesis belongs to Ainul
Hayatin, (1999) entitled The Influence of Setting on The Development of Pip Philips’s
Characters in Great Expectation. The second thesis belongs to Sri Mulyani, a
student of Gajayana University of Malang, (2000) entitled A Study on The
Influence of Setting on Character Development in Dickinsons’ Oliver Twist.

1.2 Statement of the Problems Based on the background of the studies, the
writer formulates the statements of the problems as follows: 1. What is Nancy’s personality before losing her
children? 2. What is Nancy’s personality
after losing her children? 3. How does
the event in setting influence Nancy’s personality? 1.3
Objectives of the Study Based on the statements of the problems above,
the objectives of the study are: 1. to
find out Nancy’s personality before losing her children.

2. to find out Nancy’s personality after losing
her children.

3. to explain the events that living in setting
influence Nancy’s personality.

1.4 Significance of the Study This study has
two significances, those are theoretical and practical. Theoretically, it is
hoped that it can be a contribution for literary studies which is specially has
the similar topic with this study by using psychological approach. Practically,
the results of the study are expected to provide useful information for English
lecturer, learners, and future researchers. For lecturer, the study can become
a material. For learners, the study helps the students to know and understand a
literary work. For future researcher, this study will enrich the knowledge in
doing the study.

1.5 Scope and Limitation There are many aspects
of the novel that are interesting to be analyzed. Therefore, this study will
concentrate on the novel of Mary Higgins Clark’s Where Are The Children. It is
focused and limited to the main character that is Nancy. The writer limits
intrinsic aspect that is setting based on experience or events that faced by
Nancy that it can influence Nancy’s
personality. This study uses psychological approach to Carl Rogers’s theory.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms Personality : a dynamic and organized set of characteristics
possessed by a person that uniquely influences his or her cognitions, motivations,
and behaviors in various situations (Boeree,
1997: 5).

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descriptions of the background above, the proposed research question is “how do the violation of maxims
occur between main character and supporting
characters in the conversation of “Step Up 2” ?” 1.3 Objective of the Study The
study has a purpose to reveal the way conversational maxims are violated in the conversation between the main
character and the supporting characters
in the movie of “Step Up 2”.

1.4 Significance of the Study This research is expected to give some
significant contributions. First, the readers
can understand that different culture backgrounds might cause different interpretations on the same utterance. When
someoneviolates the maxims intentionally,
s/he might have some reasons. Then, the readers can take the advantages how to converse with other people
in or across different cultures and languages.

Second, for teaching and learning
specifically discourse analysis, this research
concerns with cooperative principle of Grice’s theory, by focusing on using maxim violations in four ways. I may
provide much richer empirical data 7 for complementing the existing theories. Then,
thisresearch will enrich discourse analysis

Third, for the future researcher,
they could take this research as the state of the art. They would understand the violation
of maxims in the conversations which
occurr in different cultures. Furthermore, the next researchers get the different findings which may complement other
findings which applied Grice’s theory of
cooperative principle on different objects, cultures or languages.

1.5 Scope and Limitation The present research focuses on the
conversation and its context. It uses Grice’s
theory of conversational maxims in analyzing the conversations to determine the
violation of maxims in four ways, namely violation of maxims, opt out of maxims, maxims of clash and flout a maxim.

To avoid broadening the
discussion and to make thisresearch manageable, I use only the utterances in the conversations
which occur between the main character
and the supporting characters in “Step Up2” as the source of data either purposefully or unintentionally in different

1.6 Definition of the Key Terms This
part consists of some key terms used in this study. I define some key terms as followings: 1)
Cooperative Principle: a way of accounting for how people interpret discourse, in order to uphold the
effectiveness andefficiency of 8 communication. The principle is expressed in
terms of four maxims. This was
formulated by the linguistic philosopher Paul Grice.

2) Maxims of Quantity: the speaker should give
enough informative as requires not too
much or less information.

English Literature:The Events in Setting Influencing Nancy’s Personality in Mary Higgins Clark’s Where Are The Children

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