Selasa, 11 November 2014

English Literature:Syntactical Structure Analysis on Emily Dickinson’s Poems

This chapter deals with background of the
study, problems of the study, objectives
of the study, scope and limitation the ,of the study, and definition of the key terms.
1.1 Background of the Study Based on Matthews (1979:154) syntax is
concerned with their external functions
and their relationship to other words within the sentence. Then Chomsky (1965:1) states that Syntax is the
study ofprinciple and processes by which
sentences are constructed in particular languages. From all of the statements, it can be concluded that syntax is
a sub field of linguistics which studies
about arranging words to become a sentence.
Not only can we say that
sentences are indeed structured. That is we can find at least three important aspect of sentence
structure. (1) Linier order of word, (2)
morphological categorization of words into partof speech, (3) grouping of words into structural constituents of the
sentence (Akmajian, 147) Three types of
structural information can be encoded into Chinese Boxes.
Structure of modification is a
kind of the four basic types of syntactic structure. It has two component parts; they are a head and a
modifier. Both the head and the modifier
which are the immediate constituents of a structure of modification maybe themselves be structure of more or less
complexity (Francis, 1958:297).
Francis (1958:297-342) states
that there are four parts of speech are possible as a head in structures of modification are; (1)
adjective, (2) noun, (3) verb, and (4) adverb
and certain function words. Likewise each ofthem sometime may function as modifier. Others modifier is prepositional
phrase. But preposition may function as
heads of structures of modification; when they do, the modifiers are qualifier,
adverbs, or certain noun (Francis, 1958:
324). Example; Francis states that noun
appears very frequently asa head of structure of modification, and the most noun modifier is
adjective, which out numbers all the others
excepts determiners in the proportion of twoor three to one. Structure of modification is often used in the oral form or
in the text form. Analyzing the words in
the oral form is near impossible than in text form.
Poem is known as a kind of
literature work that rather difficult to be understand than others because the poem is a
possessed creative, not using language
in the way that normal human being do. A poem is one of literature branches that using words as a massage media
to produce illusion and imagination.
According to Shanker (1966: 11) poem is the direct of man’s need to communicate both inner and outer experience.
That is to express what is within him or
her and to express what his or her relatedness to nature and to other human being. So far we can account for the poem for
only semantic and not care how the Ianguage
structure used, like how to use the phrasein the poem. That matter of vital importance in order to be known because
of influence the readers in interpreting
the poem. Since, studying other languages in order to get good exactly
on the mark understanding
on written works which was recommended by our prophet Muhammad S.A.W. He said
( “From Zaid bin Stabit, He said: Rosuluallah
S.A.W. recommended me to study the holly
book of jews (in Suryani language) for
him. He said. In the name of Allah, the Jews have not believed in my book (Al-Qur’an)”. Then I
studied and mastered it (Suryani language) well in half of month. I wrote for him if he
wantedto send a massage and I read for the massage came for him (from the Jews and others
in Suryani language)” (Al-Albani, 2005-655) The hadeeth tells that studying others
language is very important to know and understand
well the content of book, letter or written works which is written in other language such as English language. So
that the readers have to know the formulation
of the words. Chomsky (1965:93) states that there is no aspect of linguistic
study more object to confusion and more indeed of clear and careful formulation than that which deals with the
points of connection between syntax and
semantic. It is very important to know the meaning of the words that the poems constructed to determine the position of
eachword in part of speech and to know
the function of the words in the phrase or sentence, are they become head, determiner, complement, predicate or others
than this research will be done as well
as possible. But this research won’t discuss about meaning deeply.
This research analyze structure
of modification used in some of Emily Dickinson’s
poems. Emily Dickinson is the big artist in America and has beauty works especially her poems. But her works
given little attention. Nonetheless; we have
to know that her poems often bring a lot of massage and also containing moral lessons about life.
The research needs to know the
linier order of the words. The grouping of the words, and the grammatical relations that
the various expressions in the phrase or
sentence bear to each other (Akmajian, 1981:256). But the research focuses on analyzing the structure of modification used
on thepoems using Chinese boxes proposed
by Nelson Francis on his book ‘The Structure of American English’.
The system
analyze here will
be intended to
be graphic representation of structure based
on two main
principles; 1. English
syntax is a
many-layered organization of
relatively few types
of basic unit; 2.
Every structure maybe divided
into its immediate constituents, almost always two, each of which may in
turn be divided
and subdivided until
the ultimate constituents
are reached.
This is
graphically indicated by
enclosing each ultimate
constituent in a box.
Francis (1958:293).
There are some researchers who
conducted the study in the same field. The first research conducted by Novarianti (2005)
entitled “A Study on Structure of Modification
Used in Headlines of Jakarta Post” using Chinese Boxes by Nelson Francis. She concluded that the English
phrases which are used in headlines of Jakarta
Post are: noun phrase, verb phrase and adjective phrase. The same research was done by Farida (2005). She wrote
“A Study on the Structure of Modification
Used in English Children Song”. She has the same conclusion as Novarianti that the English phrases which used
are:noun phrase, verb phrase and adjective
phrase. Both of the researchers found three classifications according of the head of structure of modification, they
are; noun phrase, verb phrase and adjective
phrase. The next is Harnawati (2002) entitle “A Syntactic Study on English Sadness Expression found in some Poems
of Edgar Allan Poe”. She analyzed two
kinds of syntactic structure, they arestructure of modification and structure of coordination in Edgar’s poems.
She concluded that the commonly used in
Edgar’s poems is noun phrase.
Though; those previous study give
information to this research, but this study
is not the repetition of the previous studiessince this study has different object. Two of the previous researches above
conducted structure of modification in
written text. Those are headline and song’s text, and one of them conducted on Edgar Allan Poe. but this research
investigates thestructure of modification used on the Emily Dickinson’s poems.

English Literature:Syntactical Structure Analysis on Emily Dickinson’s Poems

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