Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:Reference Used in the English Translation Of Surah An Nisa by Marmaduke Pitckhall and Abdullah Yusuf Ali

This chapter presents the
background of the study, the statement of the problem, objective of the study,
scope and limitation of the study, significance of the study, and the
definition of the key term.
1.1 Background of the Study Human is social creature, they cannot live
alone and cannot be separated with society. In the social life they need to
communicate with others person to transform any information and massages.
In the process of communication
there will be many possibilities of misunderstanding or misinterpreting of the
meaning of language we used. The theory of reference can be used to reduce
misunderstanding and misinterpreting between the speaker and the hearer or the
writer and the reader.
Reference is the relation between
an element of the text and something else by reference to which it is
interpreted in the given instance.
According to wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,
reference is a relation between object in which one object designates, or acts
as a means by which to connect or link to another subject. An object that is
named by a reference, or to which the reference point is called referent.
Yule said that in traditional
semantic view of reference in one in which the relationship of reference is
taken to hold between expressions in a text and
Haliday and Hasan, Cohesion in English, Longman, New York, 1976 p:
308 entities in the world and that of co-reference
between expressions in different part of a text.
As general rule, reference items may be
exoporic (situational); and if endhoporic (textual), they may be anaphoric and
cataphoric. Reference is also divided into three types, such as; personal
reference, demonstrative reference also comparatives reference.
There are some researchers conduct a study
related to the theory of reference. Rohman (2004) in his thesis entitles
Cohesion Devise Used in Time Advertisement mention that reference is the
grammatical cohesion that is frequently used and it almost occurs in each
advertisement. Then, Muslimah (2007) in her thesis entitle An Analysis on
Cohesion in Short Poetries of Robert Frost found that personal reference is the
most dominant that the other to make brief the language of poems. In addition,
the second of cohesive devise mostly used is demonstrative reference while the
others are rare. More specify, in her book Approach to Discourse Deborah
Schiffrin gives a sample analysis of reference sequence in narrative. She
mentions that some personal reference such as: theyand heare ambiguous.
Different from the previous
studies, in this research the researcher wants to focus on the theory of
reference, and she analyzes the type of
reference, which is used in the English translation of Surah An Nisa. As we
know that Al-quran is a glorious work, which is used as a fundamental view for
every Moslem in doing Gillian Brown and
George Yule, Discourse Analysis,Cambride university press, Sydney, 1989 p: 204 Opcit;
1976 p: 37 their activities. Beside that Al-quran has a
perfect arrangement word and word choice, more over; it is more attractive than
a literary work. As Allah said in the al Quran: This is the Book; in it is
guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah (Al Baqarah : 2) To
understand the meaning and massage, the Quran has been translated in many
languages. Although there are some words that cannot be translated as Pickhall
said that: The quran cannot be translated. the book is here rendered almost literally
and every effort has been made to choose befitting language. But the result is
not the Glorious al quran that inimitable symphony, the very sounds of which
move men to tears and ecstasy. It is only an attempt to present the meaning of
Quran and peradventure something of the charm in English. It can never take the
place of the Quran in Arabic, nor is it meant to do so Surah An Nisa is one surah in Al Quran that
contains of some Islamic laws, histories, and believes. The Surah is called An
Nisa because in this Surah the position of woman whether before and after Islam
coming is explained. If we compare with another surah in Alquran, An Nisa is
the second largest after Surah Al Baqarah.
In this research Surah a Nisa is chosen because many examples of reference
can be found there.
The types of reference that is
used in the English translation of surah An Nisa, such as: personal reference
like: your own wealth, find them etc., demonstrative reference like; those,
that etc., also comparative reference for example: Allah is knower, the most
merciful etc. Beside that, the use of anaphora and cathapora in that
translation is also attractive to be studied.
www user survey retrieved on January th 2008from http://www.renaissance.com.pk/
jambore 96. html. In
this research the researcher used the English translation of Surah An Nisa by
Marmaduke Pickhall and Abdullah Yusuf Ali since both translators are very
famous translators and their translation of some surah in Alquran is the most widely
known and used in the world.
Although the English translation
of surah An nisa by both Pickthall and Yusuf Ali is similar, the researchers
finds some differences there. One of the differences found in both translations
is about the use of reference.
The differences of the
translations appear caused by the different background of both translators.
Marmaduke Pickhall is a British translator and before being a Moslem, he was a
Christian. On the other hand, Yusuf Ali has got a religious education since he
was a child, and he can recite the entire Quran from memory. Different from
Pickhall Yusuf Ali was born in Bombay, India.
Due to the fact that the function
of reference is to make the meaning of language clear, it is very important to
study about reference. Therefore, the researcher intended to conduct a study
entitle Reference Used in the English Translation of Surah An Nisa by M.
Marmaduke Pickthall and Abdullah Yusuf Ali.
1.2 Statement of the Problems Based on the background of the study in the
preceding discussion, the research problems are formulated as follows: 1) What are the similarities between reference
used in the English translation of surah
An-Nisa by M. Marmaduke Pickhall and Abdullah Yusuf Ali? 2) What are the differences between reference
used in the English translation of surah
An-Nisa by M. Marmaduke Pickhall and Abdullah Yusuf Ali? 1.3
Objective ofthe Study In relation
to the previous statement of the problems, the objectives of this study are formulated as follows: 1) To identify the similarities between the
references used in English translation of surah An-Nisa by M. Marmaduke
Pickhall and Abdullah Yusuf Ali.
2) To identify the differences between the
references used in English translation of surah An-Nisa by M. Marmaduke
Pickhall and Abdullah Yusuf Ali.
1.4 Scope and Limitation To have a deeper explanation, the researcher
limits her study only about a kind of cohesive devise that is reference, which
is used by M.Marmaduke Pickthall and Abdullah Yusuf Ali in translating surah
An-nisa. The researcher uses the theory of cohesive devise, which is purposed
by Hasan and Haliday.

English Literature:Reference Used in the English Translation Of Surah An Nisa by Marmaduke Pitckhall and Abdullah Yusuf Ali

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