Rabu, 12 November 2014

English Literature:Punctuations in Maintaining the Coherence of Discourse The Case of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter” Fictions

This chapter includes background
of the study, statement of the problems, objectives of the study, originality and
significance, scope and limitation, and operational
definition of the key term.
1.1. Background of The Study “And of His signs is the creation of the
heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. Lo!he rein
indeed are portents for men of knowledge.”(Ar-ruum,
30:22) This verse taken from the Holy Qur’an is an
evidence of God creations.
Let us underlined the phrase the
difference of your languageand indeed are portents for men of knowledge which is the
fundamental base of conducting this study.
Human communicate using language
in two forms; oral and written.
However, there is a significant
difference in usingthose forms. Oral communication
involves the active interactions between speakers and listeners.
This verbal interaction is a part
of a shared situation which includes both speakers and listeners
. Here, the information is also passed along through means other than language, such as face expression,
intonation,hand gesture, etc. Thus, the The Nobel of Qur’an(digital). Ar-ruum surah
30 verse 22.
Wallace, Chafe.1982. in Jan Renkema. 1993.
Discourse Studies:An introductory Textbook.
Amsterdam: John Benjamin
Publishing Company.
listeners will be able to follow
the flow of communication and interpret what the speakers say easily. On the other hand,
written communication cannot fulfill this situation. Such a situation will only be accomplished
through the writing itself.
The author is demanded to give an
understandable writing. An understandable writing means the readers interpret what the
authors write easily. Thus, the writing
will have several requirements to perform this need. In this state, the readers are encouraged to do effort to make
sense to the writing.
According to Renkema the term
‘discourse’ is used for both two forms .
Carter et al put the definition
of ‘discourse’ as: A term used in
linguistics to describe the rules and conventions underlying the
use of language
in extended stretches
of text, spoken
and written.
(Such an academic study is
referred to as discourseanalysis ).
The definition above lead us to the notion of
discourse analysis as an academic study
which this thesis belongs to. Yule explaineddiscourse analysis is the result of investigation we carry on to know ‘how is
that language users interpret what other
language-users intend to convey’, how language users ‘make sense of what they read in text’, thus distinguish
connections indiscourse.
Here we use ‘text’ use it as a technical term representing
written andspoken discourse.
The connection in discourse
consists of two elements, what we called by cohesion and coherence. Cohesion deals with
the connection between words and sentences,
the using of correct grammar, or simply referring to that surface structure.
On the contrary, coherence lies in the people
notin the language. It is Jan Renkema.
1993. Discourse Studies:An introductory Textbook. Amsterdam: John Benjamin Publishing Company.
Ronald Carter, et al. 1997. In Sakban
Rosidi.2007.Critical Discourse Anlysis. Work Paper.
Malang: The State Islamic
University of Malang.
George, Yule. 1985. The Study of Language.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
George, Yule. 1985. The Study of Language.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press., see also David, Crystal. 1997. A Dictionary of
Linguistics and Phonetics(4ed). Massachusetts: Blackwell.
influenced by the perceiving of
the world that people have when interpreting the discourse.
Discourse relation established because of
those elements has its own units
building the discourse structure, what we called by linguistics devices. One of those devices is discourse markers that
this thesis will focus on due to its rarely being touched by analysts.
This study uses written discourse
due to its advantage. Goody in Brown and
Yule proposes that this mode of discourse has two main functions: the first is the ‘storage function’ which allow the
exchange of ideas without time limit, and the second is that which ‘shifts language from
the oral to the visual domain’ and gives
chance to the text to be examined beyond its original context, ’where they appear in very different and highly ‘abstract
Therefore it is easier to examine and gives a timeless result of
The center of attention in this
study is the analysis of discourse markers particularly punctuation. It concentrates on
punctuations in direct speech within novel.
This study seeks to examine the functions ofpunctuation in dialogues in novel and and its relation with the coherence
of discourse in it. This study chooses this
according to theoretical reason that there is a strong argument from Tanskanen that cohesion is contributes to
Punctuation as a part of discourse marker or cohesive devices is of
course has a functions here, but linguists
have not defines the functions. This supports by Taboada that: Coherence
in discourse can be achieved
by different means…More specifically the recognition of coherence
relationsby the hearer or reader George,
Yule. 1985. The Study of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gillian, Brown and George, Yule. 1983.
Discourse Analysis. Cambridge University Press.
Sanna-Kaisa Taskanen. 2006. Collaborating
Towards Coherence. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. p.7 enables them to assigned coherence to a text.
Discourse markers guide the text
receiver in the recognition of those relations.
study chooses J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potterbecause firstly, these novels are easy to understand particularly
because the language is very natural and colloquial. While reading, the readers can
feel the dialogues between the characters
are alive. Quoting also from Mariano Harry Potter novel is high in discourse and due to its category as a
children’s literature, the dialogues is very natural because it is similar to everyday
speaking,and because of its contemporary
and its popularity indicate that the conversational style in the book is very realistic and engaging.

English Literature:Punctuations in Maintaining the Coherence of Discourse The Case of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter” Fictions

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