Senin, 17 November 2014

English Literature:Magic in British Society reflected in J.K.Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

This part presents the introduction of this
study. It includes background of the
study, statement of the problems, objectives of the study, scope and
limitation, significance of the study,
definition of key terms and research method. The research method includes research design, data
sources, data collection and data analysis.
1.1 Background of the Study As
one of human creative product, literature is of course closely related to the culture of human being in the society
because it reflects their behaviours, art custom and attitudes.Literature is the
expression of human live which expressing culture of custom, art, knowledge, behavior
and aesthetic (Jabrohim 2003:21).
Literature is related with
literary work. Literary work is the tool to seeing culture indication which we
can find an all of people which social, economy and religious. Literary work is universal
indication also literary work is a tool of communication which full of information.
Literary work is part of humanity knowledge,
such as language, art, custom, behavior, philosophy and aesthetic, all of humanity knowledge are the essential of
culture (Jabrohim 2003:23).
Literary work is built from
several aspects and elements. To interpret the literary work appropriately, it absolutely needs
appropriate Theory and Methodology associating
to those elements (Khuta, Ratna, 2004: 7). Approach in literary criticism function as make easier the study.
In this research, the researcher
uses anthropology approach, because this research focus on the magic as a culture in
social life of British society during th
century which portrayed in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stonenovel’s by J.K Rowling. In this research, the researcher also
uses social cultural Anthropology theory
literary criticism to support the study about magic in British society.
According to the Anthropologist,
such as E.B Tylor said that: "Anthropology
culture complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other
capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society" (1981:44).
Social culture Anthropology is
the theory of literary criticism which suitable
to analyze and make easier to this study. Social Culture Anthropology aim to understand the underlying meaning
involved in human thought as expressed
in cultural acts. From the statement above, there were a relation between culture and the social life in the
society. From the research of the Anthropologist,
E.B Tylor said that: “Culture is related with social belief in the society” (1981:70).
Fromthe statement above, the
researcher try to analyze the magic as a culture and belief in social life of British society
during th century have relation with
magic in Harry Potter novel’s by J.K
1.2 Statements of the Problems This
study is an attempt to find the answer to the following questions: 1. What are
the roles of Magic in British Society in th century portrayed in J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer's Stone? 2. What are the forms of Magic which are represented in
British Society in th century and in J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter and
the Sorcerer's Stone? 3. What is the relationship between Magic in British
Society th and in the Novel Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone? 1.3
Objectives the Study Related to the statements of the problems, this research
study is proposed to find the answers of
all questions stated in the statements of the problems. Are follows: 1. To
describe the roles of magic in British society in th century reflected in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by
J.K Rowling 2. To find the forms of magic as a culture represented in British
society in th century and in Harry
Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K Rowling 3. To find the relation between
Magic in British Society th and in the
Novel Harry Potterand the Sorcerer’s
Stone 1.4 Scope and Limitation In order that the study enables to answer the formulated
problem appropriately, the researcher
needs to emphasize its scope and limitation. This study is focused on the exploration of the magic in British
Society in th as a culture reflected in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stonewrite by
J.K Rowling. This research study use
anthropology approach and social culture Anthropology literary criticism to understand the study of magic as culture in
British societies in th century which have relation with magic in Harry potternovel
by J.K Rowling.
The limitation in this research
study, the researcher just focus to research about the magic in British society in th which have relation and portrayed in J. K Rowling Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s
Stoneby using Anthropology approach.
1.5 Significance of the Study The
study is invented to offer both theoretical and practical contribution in the field of literature. Theoretically, this study
is expected to donate worth data in extending
and generating the theory itself. Practically, this study is expected to be worth reference for those who conduct research
in the field of literature, especially novel
1.6 Research Method 1.6.1 Research Design Literature is related to the culture of human
being because it reflects their behaviours,
art custom and attitudes.Literature is the expression of human live which expressing culture of custom, art,
knowledge, behavior and aesthetic (Jabrohim
2003:21). Literature is related with literary work. Literary work is part of humanity knowledge, such as language, art,
custom, behavior, philosophy and aesthetic,
all of humanity knowledge are the essential of culture (Jabrohim 2003:23).
In this research, the researcher
uses anthropology approach, because this research focus on the magic as a culture in
social life of British society during th
century which portrayed in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stonenovel’s by J.K Rowling. In this research, the researcher also
usessocial cultural Anthropology theory
literary criticism to support the study about magic in British society.
According to the Anthropologist,
such as E.B Tylor said that: "Anthropology
culture complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other
capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society" (1981:44). Social
Culture Anthropology aim to understand the underlying meaning involved in human thought
as expressed in cultural acts.
From the statement above, there
were a relation between culture and the social life in the society. From the research of the
Anthropologist, E.B Tylor said that: “Culture
is related with social belief in the society” (1981:70).
1.6.2 Data Sources This research
takes the data source from the J.K Rowling’s novel Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. The researcher also
takes the data source from the other references
such as book, magazines, journals, encyclopedias and the other references which arerelevant to this research.

English Literature:Magic in British Society reflected in J.K.Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

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