Kamis, 13 November 2014

English Literature:Illocutionary Acts Used by Indonesia This Morning Presenters on METRO TV

1.1. Background of Study Illocutionary acts are the real actions which
are performed by the utterance, where
saying equals doing, as in betting, plightingone's truth, welcoming and warning. According to Renkema (1993: 21)
illocutionary acts are the acts which are
committed by producing an utterance; by uttering a promise, a promise is made; by uttering a threat, a threat is made.
The illocution is the focus attention of speech act (Renkema, 1993: 23).
Alston (1994: 31) states that a
pre-theoretical demarcation of the illocutionary
acts concepts relies on our familiar indirect discourse form. We have large kinds of devices linguistically and
nonlinguistically for making a message explicit:
what someone said (where this is distinguished from what sentence he uttered), the content of the utterance, and
what message it conveyed.
One type of illocutionary speech
act performed in the utterance is performatives,
for example: "I nominate John to be President", "I sentence you
to ten years imprisonment", or
"I promise to pay you back". The action that the sentence describes (nominating, sentencing,
promising) is performed by the utterance
of the sentence itself.
Searle (1969:178) makes a
distinction between primary and secondary illocutionary acts. A primary illocutionary
act is not literal rather it is what the speaker means to communicate. The secondary
illocutionary act is the literal meaning
of the utterance. By dividing the illocutionary act into two sub-parts, Searle is able to explain how we can
understand twomeanings from the same utterance
while at the same time knowing which is the correct meaning to respond. Coulthard (1977:17) argues that we
might have had an illocutionary verb ‘rubrify’
meaning to call something red. Thus, ‘I hereby rubrify it’ would simply mean ‘It’s red’. Analogously we happen to have
an obsolete verb (an old verb) ‘macarice’,
meaning to call someone happy.
Hornsby (1994: 187) states that
illocution occupiesthe same sort of theoretical
role as it does in Austin’s and Searle’s. The true significance of illocution is shown when speech act theory is
located in a broader social context.
Hornsby thinks that a correct
account of illocutionhas repercussions for certain political questions. A firmer sense of the
nature of the problem of demarcating the illocutionary will be gained when act and
action are both used unambiguously.
Illocutionary act is being
successful if certain minimum requirements are met. Illocutionary acts are essentially
intentionalactions because they involve, for example the intention of letting someone know
that someone tries to perform a certain
illocutionary act. It seems to be possible to issue a warning with the sole intention to do what one’s superior expects
from another one. One can argue that he
or she is merely the executive body of his or her superior. It is the superior
who warns, not the person who is
instructed to erect the sign. And the superior, presumably, has the intention to warn.
The illocutionary force
particularly because of itsindeterminacy and scalar variability and more subtle than can be easily
accommodated by our everyday vocabulary
of speech acts verbs (Leech, 1983: 175).It means that the illocutionary forces with the plan (revealed
in means-ends analyses) which S attempts
to fulfill by communicating the message ofU to H, then the type of analyses indicates that force must be studied
in part in non categorical, scalar terms.
For example, the difference between ‘ordering’ and ‘requesting’ is partly a matter of the cost benefit scale.
Illocutionary acts are divided
into representatives, directives, commisives, expressives and declaratives acts as stated by
Searle (1983: 240). While Austin’s (1955:
152) classes the illocutionary acts into four, such verdictives, exercitives, commisives, and behabites.
There are several researchers who
have studied on illocutionary acts, for example
Winarsih (2002) focused on the illocutionary acts used by medicine vendors in the Malang Town Square. She found
that the illocutionary acts are viewed
as the utterances by means of which speakerscommunicate their feelings, attitudes, beliefs, or intention with respect
to some events or stubs of affairs, including
the utterances which were produced by themedicine vendor in the line with his goals to attract the customers and to
sellhis goods. The conclusion of her research
is that generally the four functions of illocutionary acts were used by both medicine vendors to attract their
customers and to sell their goods.
Secondly, Handayani (2004),
focused on illocutionary acts used by transsexual
people in Malang. She found four kinds of speech acts: assertive act, directive act, commisive acts, and expressive
act. The most assertive act performed in
this finding is complaining act. For example when Merlyn said: “Opo’o bar?” It is complaining act because she
tries to complain why volley ball playing
Chamimah (2006) examines illocutionary
acts used bymentally retarded students
in Yayasan Darul Ulum Jombang everyday. She found in the form of directive act, commisive act and
representative act. Commisive act is also used by mentally retarded students when communicating
to each other. It is found from utterances
of mentally retarded students. The representative mostly performed is asserting. This illocutionary acts analysis is
fulfilled by the felicity condition namely
preparatory condition, sincerity condition, prepositional condition and essential condition.
This research focuses on
illocutionary acts used by Indonesia This MorningPresenters on Metro TV, it deals with
how the presenters express when they
interview someone. In this research, the researcher investigates only two presenter’s dialogues that are presents the
news in Indonesia This Morningnews program
in the purpose of achieving a depth analysis and understanding about illocutionary acts.
The different things between this
research from theprevious researches are because there is not any researchers yet who
have investigated the presenter of a news
program on TV by using Searle’s theory of speech acts specifically in illocutionary acts. Because of the researcher
only research the conversation between
the presenters and other reporters or informant, so there is no detail script to make conversation between presenter and the
informant. It is just in a global concept
of script given to the presenter. So, it shows the pure style of the presenter in making conversation or interview the
informant. Not only the style of conversation
but also the gesture, and mimes can beshown purely on television. It is different from the movie. In the movie,
there isa script to make conversation among
characters. Also, there is style of speaking and acting that is ruled by director of film. Besides that, the researcher
observes the presenters of Metro TV because
all of the presenters speak English language, Indonesian language and other languages fluently. The presenters also
have a lot of experiences especially on
TV news programs.

gF � e p ��d �od the field of their choice. However, this progress has
still to be reflected in the job market.
Since a more educated society are good for industry and society as a whole, it is even more urgent
for women to gainan acceptable status in
their profession.

English Literature:Illocutionary Acts Used by Indonesia This Morning Presenters on METRO TV

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