Kamis, 13 November 2014

English Literature:Illocutionary Acts Used by Characters In The Man With The Heart In The Highlands William Saroyan’s

1.1 Background of the Study Illocutionary act
is very important
thing for human
being when they communicate with
other people (Wardhaugh,
1986:279). Searle claims
the illocutionary act is
“the minimal complete
unit of human
linguistic communication.
Whenever we talk
or write to
each other, we
are performing illocutionary acts”.
Illocutionary acts are
performed intentionally. Searle
stated that the concept
of an illocutionary
act is central
to Searle’s understanding
of speech act. An illocutionary act is the expression of a proposition
with the purpose of doing something.
Searle and Kiefer
(1980:3) say that
speech act theory
is a branch of
the theory of
Communication, as we
have described above, covers all
kinds of human and non-human interactions with each other.
Illocutionary act
is the act
which is performed
as a result
of the speaker’s utterances. Renkema
(1993:22) defines illocutionary
act as the
act which is committed
by producing utterance,
by uttering a
promise, a promise
is made by uttering a
threat, and a threat is made.
Meanwhile, Edmondson (1980: 30)
defines “illocutionary acts which
are viewed as
an utterance by
means of which
speaker communicate his feelings,
attitudes, beliefs, or
intentions with respect
to some events or
states of affair”.
It means that
illocutionary acts are
performances of which speaker
communicates something to the hearers
to do something
like what the speaker’s
utterances and it
gives some effects
to the hearers.
An illocutionary act
communicates a speaker
to negotiate conversational outcomes.
The sense in which we use the term illocution is not
identical to the way this term is commonly used in speech act theory.
Illocutionary act
is a part
of speech act,
which is speech
act is a
branch of the theory of
communication. Renkema (1993:21) states that speech acts are kinds of acts
performed by a speaker in uttering a sentence. Austin (1983) developed his more general
theory of speech
acts, utterances can
perform three kinds
of act.
First, the
locutionary act is the act
of saying something:
producing a series
of sounds that mean something.
Second, the illocutionary acts is performed in saying something, and
includes acts such
as betting, promising,
denying, and ordering.
The interpretation of
illocutionary act is
concerned with force.
The last is perlocutionary act.
This act produces
some effects upon
thoughts, feeling, or actions of the audiences.
People usually
perform the three
acts simultaneously when
they communicate with others.
Austin focused on
illocutionary acts, maintaining
that here we might
find the “force”
of a statement
and demonstrate. From
all of these three
acts, the” illocutionary
act”, are nowadays
commonly classified as
speech acts. Let us
see example “Go
home” the utterance
may be intended
as a warning.
The contexts
are the speaker
knows something bad
will happen to
hearer if the hearer
does not go home. Besides
the utterance can
mean a request
because the speaker know that the
hearer does not go home.
There are
three kinds to
perform an illocutionary
acts: 1) directly
or indirectly, 2) literally
or non-literally, depending
on how we
are using our
words, and 3) explicitly or inexplicitly,
depending on whether we
spell out fully what we mean. All
of these ways
to perform illocutionary
act directly and
indirectly includes both of
literally or non-literally, explicitly
or inexplicitly. Therefore,
the researcher focuses on
analyzing how the
speaker performs the
illocutionary act directly or
Besides speech acts always occurs
in human daily life, it can also be found in
many texts such
as drama. A
drama is work
of literature or a composition which delineates
life and human
activity by means
of presenting various
actions of- and dialogues
between - a
group of characters.
Drama is more
than the presentation of
life of human
being or the
mirror of life
of human beings.
The theory of illocutionary
act is chosen
because it is
used to describe
how speaker should communicate
something to hearer
to do something
like what the
speaker’s utterances. A
drama which will
be researched by
writer is drama
with entitle “The Man With The Heart in The Highlands by
william Saroyan” that was published in 1939
by William Saroyan
his first play,
was a comedy
about young boy
and his Armenian family.
It was produced
at the Guild
Theater in NewYork.
Written during the years
of the Great
Depression, Saroyan’s tales
of middle- and
lowerclass American life appealed
to his readers, who identified with his characters and their problems. The
researcher chooses The Man with The Heart in The Highlands to be
analyzed because after
reading the text
she found in
The Man with
The Heart in The Highlands there are kinds of illocutionary acts.
Study on
illocutionary acts have
been done several
researcher for example Hidayati (2007)
who investigated the
illocutionary acts used
by George W.
Bush and Prime Minister
in Economic discussion.
The findings show that most
of the utterances used
by George W.
bush and Prime
Minister Sharon contain constantive act,
directive act, commisive
act, and expressive
act. In her
analysis she did not find illocutionary acts of declarative acts. (1)
Kinds of constantive acts used are (a)
informing for example;
“We' re committed to
preserving and strengthening Israel' s
capability to deter
its enemies and
to defend it.”,
(b) affirming “The Prime
Minister and I
reaffirmed our commitment
to that vision
and to the
road map as the
only way forward
to realize it”,
(c) conjecturing “Of
course, I would
be very glad, Mr. President, to
have you as a guest on our farm, not only because we are short of
labor” (Laughter.), (d)
asserting “We should
make all a
commitment not to accept
any temporary solutions
regarding terror, but
to act decisively
to dismantle terrorist infrastructure and
to eliminate terrorism once and
for all”, (e) denying
“ No, I – “,
(f) answering “Mr.
President, I will
answer the second
part. (Laughter.)”, and (g) disagreeing” 39. No, I
think it was a very good meeting, beside the fact it was, as usual, a
very friendly meeting.
I think that we
discussed many issues
that we agreed upon
and, no doubt
that we will
continue to work
together, as we
are doing in
recent years”. Meanwhile, (2)
directive act in this analysis contains (a) the act of begging “I want
you to see
my place”, (b)
asking” Do you
want to call
on somebody from the
Israeli press?” (c)
proposing “Want me
to go first,
or do you
want to go
first?”, (d) suggesting “Israel should remove unauthorized outposts and
meet its road map obligations
regarding settlements in
the West Bank.“,
and (e) expecting
” On behalf of
the state of
Israel, I wish
to thank you,
your administration and
the American people
for your warm and
steadfast friendship”. Besides,
(3) the commisive act also constitutes (a)
the act of
guaranteeing “I' m looking
forward to serving
you some good food
for lunch”, (b)
agreeing “We seek
to rebuild trust
and respect, the
dignity and human rights
of all people”,
and (c) promising
“I said in my statement,
the Palestinians accept his proposal to coordinate the withdrawal so that
we can begin the stages
necessary for a viable democracy to
emerge, one that will be peaceful, one that will listen
to the aspirations of the people”.
In addition, (4)
the expressive acts used by
George W.Bush and
Prime Minister Sharon
are greeting, thanking,
and apologizing. George W.
Bush and Prime
Minister Sharon use
4 function of illocutionary acts: competitive,
convivial, collaborative, and conflictive.

English Literature:Illocutionary Acts Used by Characters In The Man With The Heart In The Highlands William Saroyan’s

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