Jumat, 14 November 2014

English Literature:Claim of Fact Used in the Opinion Section of Tempo Magazines

This chapter discusses six items namely
background of study, problem of study,
objective of study, scope and limitation, significant of the study and definition of key term.
1.1 Background of the Study A claim (proposition) can be defined as an
expressed opinion or an idea or conclusion
that an arguer wants to prove or accept (Wernick and Inch, 1997: 70).
The expressed opinion or idea is
something that is debatable or it is not yet fixed as a truth condition. There should be two
parties involved in the expression of the claim that is either in favor with or against
Rottenberg (1997:29) asserts that
claim of fact is a condition has existed, exists and will exist and their support
consists of factual information such as statistics,
example, and testimony that most responsible observers assume can be verified. It is stated thatfactual claim makes
inference about the past, present or future
condition or relationship. For example, smoking shortens the smoker's life expectancy.This claim attempts to establish a
causal relation between one condition or
even one and another. Our economy will be recovered within 5 years.
It is based on the assumption
that the part of condition will be repeated in the future also all these claims must be supported
by data.
This study focuses on the claim
of factin the opinion of tempo magazines using theory of claim offact by Rottenberg.
Thisstudy has relation to the previous
researches on the same field. Susilo (1999) focused his research on rhetorical pattern as reflected in the
argumentative discourse in the Jakarta Post articles. It was found that in general, the
finding showed that a great deal number of
the writers used linier-rhetorical pattern with variation of circular and digression pattern. This researchused
qualitative research.
Zahro (2002) focused her research
onargumentative Dalam Jati Diri Jawa Post.
She used quantitative research. The result showed that argumentation reasoning in Jati Diri Jawa Pos consisted of1)
claim, most of them were mainly policy,
2) ground, that were used as basis of claim, most of them were micro argument, 3) warrant elements found only in
three arguments, 4) backing element used
twice, 5) modal qualifier elements asclaim and, 6) possible rebuttal wrote in the Jawa post high light, utilized all of the
six characteristics of argumentation.
Habibah (2006) conducted her
research on the holistic evaluation of argumentative
essays in East Java writing competition held by English Letters Students Association (ELSA) the State Islamic
University of Malang. She examined
argument by using holistic evaluated method. It is based on five compositions such as, 1) content, 2)
organization, 3) vocabulary, 4) language and 5) mechanics. From each composition was
categorized in four mastery level's those
were excellent to very good, good to average, fair to poor and very poor.
She found that the content
composition got the criteria fair to poor. For organization composition, it is good because
most of competitors had fluent expression
and well organized. Meanwhile, in the vocabulary composition, the words or idioms choice and usage
wereeffectively, they were very good.
Claim of fact is important
examine for several reasons. First, claim of fact cannot fault the truth; it is supported by the
fact and objective data. Second, the result
of this research can provide a stimulus for both students and lecturer to start
writing. In general, writers face
problem tobegin presenting their argument in an essay. Generating idea is difficult task in
which writers have to organize information
into coherent and elaborates their idea as clearly as possible. At the same time they have to consider the impact on
their readers.
In this study the researcher uses
tempo magazines as the data sources.
Opinion section is a part of
tempo magazines column. It contains of interpretation that may give information of current topic or
situation and it has argumentative characteristics.
Opinion section is made through of critical thinking and it has to be planned specifically both in writing and
writer. In addition the tempo magazine is
a magazine with sharp and more criticalanalysis. On the other hand, the article
of tempo magazines is the one and the
only weekly magazine using English in Indonesia.
(http://wwwtempomagazine.html) Based on
the reasons described previously, it is interesting to analyze the phenomenon of opinion sections published by
tempo magazine using writing perspective.
This study focuses on the claim of fact on tempo magazines by using writing theory of claim by Rottenberg. The
researcher is interested in analyzing the
opinions of tempo magazines especially on claim of fact in term of politics fact. Some of previous researchers such as
Susilo focused his research on rhetorical
pattern and Habibah focused her research on holistic evaluation but this study discusses argumentative essays that are
analyzed using Rottenberg theory. It provides
the basic theory of how people use language to convince other in written.
It is based on three elements of
argumentsuch as claim, support and warrant. In this case researcher analyses the way claim of
fact presented and she describes the way
claim of fact defended.
1.2 Problems of the Study This research is carried out toanswer the
following problems: 1. How are claims of fact presented in opinion
section of tempo magazines? 2. How are claims of fact defended? 1.3 Objectives of Study Concerning the problem mentioned above, the
objectives of this study is to give
detailed explanation about the way ofclaim of fact presented in the opinion section of tempo magazines and to describe the
way of claim of fact defended.
1.4 Scope and Limitation of Study
The writer focuses on analyzing claims
offact of the opinion sections used in
tempo magazines. This research is limited to analyze the utterance in the opinion section of tempo magazine published
from June th to July nd 2007. The four editions of the most up to date issues on
that month cover some articles containing
claim of fact, particularly politics fact that are sufficient enough to be taken as data. The problem discussed is only
the appearance of claims of fact used in
the opinion sections of tempo magazines.
1.5 Significance of the Study The findings of this study are expected to
make contributions on the area of
writing especially on argumentative essay. This study is expected to be able to
give new information to the writing
study about argumentative essay, especially about claim of fact on the opinion section of
tempo magazines that are analyzed using
Rottenberg theory.

English Literature:Claim of Fact Used in the Opinion Section of Tempo Magazines

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