Minggu, 09 November 2014

English Literature:Analysis on the Use of Slang on Eminem's Lyrics


chapter discusses the
background of the
study, statement of the
problem, purpose of the study,
significant of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of the key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study Sociolinguistics is
the study of
language in relation
to society.

Sociolinguistics is
also the study
of effects of
various all aspects
to society, including
cultural, norms and
contexts on the
language is used

People are belonging to
the same social
group-of the same
trade, profession, hobby,
age, or social
position-tend to behave
in the same
way. This behavior influences
not only the
clothes they wear,
but also the
language they use.
The language of a social
group, particularly its slang, is
one of the several forms of behavior
that keeps the ground distinct from other groups. Language is a system of
sound used by a
group to communicate
and carry on
their normal activities.

There are some of the language
variations which are created by people in specific community.
The purposes are
to express something
using language. Yawkey (1984:268)
in Supriyanto (1991:1)
states that language
is arbitrary system
of articulated sound made of by a
group of human as a means of carrying on their society. Iswahyuni (1998:1) states language is
medium to express idea, opinion, and
feeling in the science and education world. English language can be divided into
two categories, non-standard
and Standard English
(Crimmson, 1967:170).

Non Standard English is a dialect spoken by
large section of non middle class and often
heard to be ugly, corrupted or lazy. Most college-education people who fill position of social, financial, and
professional that influence in the community use Standard English. According to Crimmon
(1967:175), Standard English has two variants,
formal and informal English. Formal English is usually used for formal condition, such as
research, business, application
letter, papers, thesis,
seminar and so on. On the other
hand, informal English is called colloquialism because it is often used in daily communication.

The study of
effects of various aspects to
society, including cultural, norms and contexts. Sociolinguistics
is the study of language in relation to society.
(Hudson, 1980). When colloquial
becomes extremely informal,
it shades over slang. Slang is
the particular language for particular group. Webster (1980)
states that slang
is language of particular group,
trade or pursuit
or an informal,
non-standard vocabulary changed
words and extravagant,
forced or facetious figures of speech. Slang usually has
a short life, because it is invented to fit a
particular situation at a given
moment (lerner, 1960:5). Such
words as “wetback” and “flop”, since they are
descriptive of events or actions for which the standard
language or precise words
seem inadequate, tend
to remain in the
colloquial language and to be admitted
into dictionaries lerner (from Brown and yule, 1938:35).

Slang language
is not an
official language or it is informal
language, although it
is widely used
for oral communication in
many purposes, as many words quickly
become outdated and
obsolete because of
trends. There is not
formal classification in slang
language, except perhaps that it is a subclass of the language.

The following are some examples: Nonstandard
Standard We found ourns this evening We found ours this evening Growed Grew We knowed he could do it We knew he
could do it We is, you is, they is We are, you are, they are Can’t get on Can’t
get any Being that l am ill Because l am ill Slang language is mainly spoken
form, which is used in social milieus and in popular media, and to certain extent it is
used in song lyrics and publications, such as teen magazines or pop culture magazines.
One can deduce that Indonesian slang language
is the primary
language for oral
communication spoken by everybody
in daily life, except for formal speeches. It would be very unusual to communicate orally to people using the formal
Indonesian.Slang words cannot be distinguished
from other words by sound or meaning indeed, all slang words, as mentioned above, were
once cant, jargon,
argot, or taboo.
For example, the American
slang “neck” (to kiss and caress) was originally student cant; flattop (an aircraft
carrier), was originally
navy jargon; and
pineapple (a bomb
or hand grenade) was originally criminal argot
(www.epinions.com). Such words, such as “blizzards, mob,
movie, phone, gas”,
and others did
not change in
sound or meaning when they become informal or standard.

“Slang might be called a novelty language, and
like most novelties, slang expression is
rather likely to be in doubtful taste at the beginning, and extremely likely
grow tiresome by
too many repetitions.
It is impossible
to estimate how many
them flicker and die out before the general public even becomes aware of them”.Even
those that sweep
the country usually
last only a
short time. A few years
after their vogue
they may be
completely unknown to the younger generation, and pathetic over to those who
remember them. Yet many of them are so effective that much of
the sparkle would die out of the language
if all slang should come to an end” (Encyclopedia
Americana, 1989:16-17).There are many ways
to express something and one of this ways is singing. By singing the song the singer can express their idea, feelings,
and make it more attractive to listener (Frederik, 1988:144). Someone can
express their ideas through songs to tell what he
or she feels
to listener. However,
everyone has different
ability for to say
something or speaking language and
understanding others.The use of slang varies from region to region and from generation to
generation. According to Abraham (1985:66) not
only criminal group
but also the
younger that is
various social background
and educational use
it. They may
use it for
communication to one others in
making friendship that
heard from their
friends and song

Winusubroto (1989:58) states that
slang is non-standard words which are known and
used by certain
group, instances, youngster
group, student group,
amateur radio organization group,
player and jazz music lover and so forth. Slang language in the lyrics of song is also used in

There are some various kinds of music, one of
them is “Rap”. “Rap” is a kind of music
that comes from black
people, especially American,
who have particular
ways of speech.
The Rap is
developing and very
popular for black people and
white teenagers. Setyowati
(2001:3) states that
Rap is the music of necessity
of finding poetry in the colloquial, beauty in anger, and lyricism oven in violence. The language that used in Rap song
is slang language. The rapper tends to
use slang language to create the lyrics in Rap song. Therefore, it is
assumed that Eminem’s
song lyrics use
slang language or
not, so the
writer needs to be done
in the later discuss.

Nurjanah (2000) wrote
a research entitled
“An Analysis of
Slang Language Related to Race,
Drugs, and Violence in D12 Rap Songs Lyrics”. She used the theory of Language
Varieties by Holmes , theory of race and violence by Kernerman, and theory of
slang by Menchen. This research were to describe the slang words and slang
meanings used in D12 song’s lyrics related to race, drugs, and violence. She found out that that based on
the result of the research, the terms, such
as “white, fags” have
slang meanings as the
terms related to

Meanwhile, the terms, such
as “crack, weed,
pop and squeeze” have a slang meaning
related to drugs and violence.

Practically, it
can be used
as a reference
by the readers
especially the students at English Letters and Language
Department, Faculty of Humanities and Culture
The State Islamic University of Maliki Malang who want to analyze slang language as object in thesis writing, and
interested in study slangs in song lyrics.

1.2 Statement of the Problems English and
Indonesia have similiarities
and differences in
the sound grammar and vocabularies, The problems of the
study are as follows : What are the characteristics of slang used in Eminem’s
lyrics? 1.3 Purpose of the Study The
purpose of this
study is to
answer the question
above satisfactory, therefore, the writer would like: To find out
the characteristic of slang used in Eminem’s song lyrics.

1.4 Significance of the Study The writer
expects that the
study meaningfully contribute to sociolinguistics theoretically and practically
to increase the understanding of slang and its
meaning. Theoretically, the
study can learn
more about language,, especially concerning slang not only in lyrics
but also in other forms. Practically, it can
be used as
a reference for the
readers, especially the students
at English Letters and Language Department, Faculty of
Humanities and Culture, the State Islamic
University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang who want to analyze slang as
object in their thesis
writing, and are interested in studying
slangs in song lyrics.

1.5 Scope and Limitation The data analyzed in
this study are the slang language in Eminem’s song lyrics, so the main source of the data is
Eminem’s song lyrics in their album "Slim Shady
LP" released in 1999 consisting of
two songs (Cum on Everybody, and Bad
Meet Evil), released
in 2002 consisting of
four songs (Cleaning
Out, My Closet, Sing for the Moment, Say what You Say,
My Dad’s Gone Crazy) and from "Eminem Presents The Re-Up" album
released 2006 taking of four songs (Love Me,
Nail in the Coffin, Run Rabbit
Run, Patiently Waiting, ), so the total is ten songs.

This study
analyzes the use of
slang language, and describes
the slang used in Eminem’s song lyrics in their album
"Slim Shady LP" released in 1999, "The
Eminem Show" released in
2002 and "Eminem Presents
The Re-Up" released 2006, so
the total is ten songs. The slang language found analyzed based on the theory of finding the meaning and the
characteristic based on slang of the dukes
http:/www.SlangSite.org/ accessed, December 27, 2009.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms To
make the readers understand the terms used in this study easily, the writer would like to presents several definitions of
the key terms as follows: a. Sociolinguistics
is the branch
of linguistic which
studies the relationship between language and society,
and it is also the study of the ways people use language in social interaction.

b. Language variation
is a set of linguistic
terms with the similar social distibution.

c. Slang is words, phrases, meaning of words,
etc commonly used in talk among friend or
colleagues, but not
suitable for good
writing or formal
occasions, especially the kind
used by any typical of only one class of persons.

d. Eminem is a rapper, who has
real name Marshal Bruce Mathers lll, born in 17 October 1973, in Kansas City, USA. He took up
rapping in high school before dropping
out in ninth grade, joining Ad Hoc groups,
Basement Productions, the new grade jacks, and D12.

e. Standard English is a speeches
of those enjoy of favored economic and social status in our society, and this class may be
roughly described as the educated class.

f. Nonstandard English is the
language of thus occupations which do not require “higher education” that naturally used by people
whose schooling is limited and who perform unskilled labor in the country
and city.

conducting the research, the writer has to collect and review the related review the literature related to the research.
Literature is needed to give theoretical explanation.
There are some related
literatures that will
be explained in
this chapter.

2.1 Sociolinguistics Language
emerged because of the human’s need of each other. Besides, as means of communication, language also takes an
important role to establish and maintain the
relationship between people
and the society.
Language is the foundation
of society, allowing people to live, work, and play together. By using language, people can also show their
characteristics, their background, even their personal identity.

Because language
and society are
related each other
and it cannot
be understood without each other,
was considered to be important to study about the two phenomena (language and society). Then,
another branch of linguistics that study
about the relation
of language and
society, called sociolinguistics was created.

Sociolinguistics is the study of
the effect of any and all aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectation, and
context, on the way language is used.

According to Chaika, (1982:2)
“sociolinguistics is the study of ways people use language
in social interaction” while Trudgill (1983:32) defines sociolinguistics as
the part of
linguistics which is
concerned with language
as social cultural phenomena.

According to
Wardaugh, sociolinguistics investigates
the relationships between
language and society with
the goal of
a better understanding
of the structure of language
function. It means that in sociolinguistics people will learn about the way of social structures influences
how people talk and how language varieties
and pattern of use correlate with social attributes such as class, sex, and age.

From the definitions above, it
can be concluded that sociolinguistics is the branch of linguistic which studies the
relation between language and society, and it is also
the study of
the ways people use
language in social

Moreover, sociolinguistics is a
study of languge in relation to society.

2.2 Language Variation Some facts
about languages are that they are always changing over time, different between one another, and have a lot
of varieties. The language variation exist because
of the use of single
language which is
different within a
single community, such as men do
not speak like women, and older people do not speak like younger people. Trudgill (1983:100)
stated “Language, in other words, varies not only according to social characteristics
of the speaker (such as his social class, ethnic
group, age, and
sex). The same
speaker uses the
different linguistics varieties in different situation and different

According to Hudson (1980:24), variety of
language is a set of linguistics item
with similar social distribution. Ferguson defined language variation as any speech
pattern that is sufficiently homogeneous
to be analyzed
by available techniques of synchronic description and which
has a sufficiently large repertory of
elements and their arrangement or process with broad enough semantic scope to function in all normal context of communication.

English Literature:Analysis on the Use of Slang on Eminem's Lyrics

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